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with Special Reference to the Value of Heat. Pp. 16; Serum Therapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, etc. Pp. 7; Cocaine Poisoning, with Report of a case. Pp. 6. Kunz, George F.: The Production of Precious Stones in 1895. Pp. 32.—Mearns, Edgar A.: Preliminary Diagnosis of Certain Mammals from the Mexican Border. Pp. 4. Onterbridge, A. E., Jr.: The Future of American Industries. Pp. 12.—Peck, John Hudson: The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Pp. 36.—Russell, Israel C.: The Influence of Débris on the Flow of Glaciers. Pp. 10.—Townsend, C. H.: Description of a Closing Tow-net for Submarine Use at all Depths. Pp 8. with plates.—Wilbur, Cressy L., M. D.: How the Establishment of a Permanent Census Bureau will improve the Vital Statistics of the United Slates. Pp. 8.

Rogers, William Barton. Life and Letters. Edited by his Wife. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. In two volumes. Pp. 427 and 451.

Romanes, George John. Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 253.

Russell, Israel C. Glaciers of North America. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 210. $1.90.

Sands, Manie. The Opposites of the Universe. Third part. Theological and Nomological Opposites. New York: Peter Eckler. Pp. 87.

Smithsonian (Miscellaneous Collections). Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth: A Recalculation of the Atomic Weights (Constants of nature, Part V). New edition, revised and enlarged. Pp. 370.—Cohen, Dr. J. B.: The Air of Towns. Pp. 41, with 21 plates.—De Varigny, Henry: Air and Life. Pp. 69.—Phillips, P. Lee: Virginia Cartography. Pp. 85.—Russell, F. A. R.: The Atmosphere in Relation to Human Life and Death. Pp. 148.—Du Claux, E. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.) Atmospheric Actinometry and the Actinic Constitution of the Atmosphere. Pp. 48.

Tarr, Ralph S. Elementary Geology. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 499. $1.40.

Townsend, C. N. Condition of Seal Life on the Rookeries of the Pribylof Islands, 1893-1895. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Pp. 154, with map and plates.

Weisbach, Dr. Julius, and Hermann, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Pumping Machinery. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 300. $3.75.

Fragments of Science.

The Library of Prof. Da Bois-Reymond.—The library of the late Prof. Emil Du Bois-Reymond, a collection of extraordinarily high value, is for sale by Gustav Fock, Neumarkt 40 and Magazingasse 4, Leipzig, Saxony. It comprises more than fourteen thousand volumes and pamphlets, nearly all the books being bound, while the smaller writings are mostly arranged in collecting boxes, partly alphabetically and partly systematically. It contains sets, more or less complete, of about forty-five scientific journals and transactions of societies of all scientific countries and nearly every scientific work that has been written on physiology, physics, and philosophy. Almost every volume bears Prof. Du Bois-Reymond's own signature; and a very large number of the books, especially of his own works, are enriched by additions, memoranda, notices, appendices, and remarks in his own handwriting—of unique value. Prof. Du Bois Raymond's heirs desire that the library be kept unseparated; and, to promote this object, will give preference to bidders who will guarantee preservation as a whole. In the case of duplicates reasonable arrangements will be made for the repurchase by Herr Fock of such volumes in that category as may not be wanted. The library, valued at 30,000 marks, or $7,500, is offered for 22,000 marks, or $5,500. Cable messages regarding the purchase may be sent to the cable address, "Buchfock," Leipzig; "Du Bois," if the proposition is to purchase the complete set on the terms offered; "Reymond," if a catalogue is wanted before giving a decision.

Tides of the Bay of Fundy. The real character and height of the famous tides of the Bay of Fundy, as given by Prof. W. M. Davis in Science, from the Canadian Geological reports, are as follows: "From the mouth of the bay, forty eight miles wide and from seventy to one hundred and ten fathoms deep, the bottom rises at the rate of four feet a mile over a distance of about one hundred and forty-five miles to the head. On the coasts adjacent to the mouth the spring tides vary from twelve to eighteen feet. Within the bay the spring and neap tides are as follows: Digby Neck, 22·18; St. John, 27·23; Petitcodac River, 46·36; Cumberland Basin, 44·35; Noel River in Cobequid Bay, 53·31; the last named being the greatest tidal oscillation in any part of the bay. The flood tide rises about twenty feet above mean sea level; the ebb falls the same amount below, leaving the branch bays empty or nearly so. The tidal bore is seen in Maccan River, entering Cumberland Basin, but is stronger in Petitcodac River, entering Shepody Bay, At the

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