Newman, K. El Kambio del Kompozition de experimenta el agua de "El Salto" durante el Imbierno (The Change of Composition which is Undergone by the Water of "El Salto" during the Winter). Santiago de Chile. Pp. 14. La Unifikazion de las Medidas (Unification of Measures). Valparaiso: Karlos Badezon. Pp. 61.
Penn, William. Plan for the Peace of Europe. (Old South Leaflets.) Boston. Pp. 20.
Reports. Harvard College Astronomical Observatory: Fifty-first Annual Report of the Director, E. C. Pickering, for 1896. Pp. 13; Miscellaneous Papers (List of Titles), 1888-'95. Pp. 15; Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory in 189.5. By A. Lawrence Rotch. Pp. 80; Discussion of Cloud Observations at Blue Hill. By H. Helm Clayton. Pp. 230, with seventeen plates—Observations of the New England Weather Service in 1895. By J. Warren Smith. Pp. 36.—Coast and Geodetic Survey, United States, 2 vols. Pp. 166 and 615, with charts.—Commissioner of Education, United States. Pp. 1164—Commissioner of Fish and fisheries. United States, 1893. Pp. 484; 1894. Pp. 718.—National Museum, United States. 1894. Pp. 1080.—(Geological Survey of Alabama (Report on the Valley Regions, Palæozoic Strata). By Henry McCalley, Assistant Geologist.—Board of Education, City of Duluth. Pp. 98, with plates.—Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology, 1895-'96. Pp. 111.—S. P. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896. Pp. 77.—Interstate Commerce Commission (Income of Railways, 1896), preliminary.
Reprints. Dolbear, Prof. A. E.: Mechanical Conceptions of Electrical Phenomena (Journal Franklin Institute). Pp. 28.—Evermann, Barton W.: Description of a New Species of Shad. Pp. 8; Do. and Smith, H. M.: The Whitefishes of North America. Pp. 40, with plates; Do. and Kendall, W. C.: Annotated List of Fishes known from the State of Vermont. Pp. 21; Do. and Cox, A. O.: Fishes of the Missouri River Basin. Pp. 104; all from Report of Fish Commission.—Fitz, G. W.: A Study of Respiratory Movements. Pp. 16, with plates.—Jordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W.: A Check List of Fishes and Fishlike Vertebrates of North and Middle America. United States Fish Commission. Pp. 364. Luquer, L. McL., and Reiss, Heinrich: The "Augen" Gneiss Area, Pegmatite Veins, and Diorite Dikes at Bedford, N. Y. Pp. 22, with plates—MacMillan, Conway: On the Formation of Circular Muskeag in Tamarack Swamps. Pp. 8, with plates.—Mearns, Edgar A.: Ornithological Vocabulary of the Moki Indians. Pp. 12, with plate.—New Mammals from the Mexican Boundary Line. Pp. 4.—Ries, Heinrich: The Pottery Industry of the United States.—Robertson, Charles: Flowers and Insects. Two papers. Pp. 12 and 30. Russell, Israel C. Two Essays on Igneous Intrusions. Pp. 50.—Scudder, Samuel H.: List of Exotic Orthoptera. Pp. 16.—Ward, Lester F: Social Genesis. Pp. 15.—Wood, Casey A.: The Wearing of Veils, and its Effects on the Eyesight. Pp. 4.
Sandemann, George. Problems of Biology. New York: The Macmillan Company. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., limited. Pp. 213. $2.
Silberstein, Solomon J. The Disclosures of the Universal Mysteries. New York: Philip Cowen, 213, 215 East Forty-fourth Street. Pp. 298. $2.
Stisted, Georgiana M. The True Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton. New York: D. Appleton & Co. London: H. S. Nichols. Pp. 419. $2.
United States National Museum Reprints. Ashmead, William N.: Descriptions of New Cynopidous Galls and Gall Nuts. Pp. 24.—Bean, Tarleton H., and Barton, A.: Fishes collected at Bering and Copper Islands. Pp. 14; Do. in Kamchatka and Japan, etc. Pp. 12, with plate.—Dall, W. H.: Mollusks collected by the Mexican Boundary Commission, 1892-'94. Pp. 42, with plate.—Guppy, R. J. L., and Dall, W. H.: Descriptions of Tertiary Fossils from the Antillean Region. Pp. 24, with plate.—Stanton, Timothy W.: On the Genus Remondia, Gabb (Cretaceous Bivalve Mollusks). Pp. 4, with plate.—Stiles, Ch. W.: A Revision of the Adult Tapeworms of Hares and Rabbits. Pp. 84.—Uhler, Philip R.: Summary of the Hemiptera of Japan. Pp. 42.—Wilson, Thomas: The Swastica, the Earliest Known Symbol, and its Migrations, with Observations on the Migrations of Certain Industries in Historic Times. Pp. 256.
The Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory.—The Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory, established and equipped by Dr. Ludwig Mond, and presented by him to the British nation, was opened by the Prince of Wales, December 22d. From a review of the history of the idea of founding the institution, given by Dr. Mond in his presentation address, we learn that a movement was set on foot fifty years ago, under the auspices of Prince Albert, to establish an institute for the pursuit of pure chemistry, where practical and systematic instruction could be given to students, and a place provided where original research could be conducted by fully qualified investigators. At first it was proposed to attach this institute to the Royal Institution; but this plan had to be abandoned, on account of the inadequacy of the Royal Institution to provide accommodations for the scheme. The teaching part of the plan was, however, provided for a few years afterward by the foundation of the Royal College of Chemistry, which under the direction of Hofmann soon became one of the most successful institutions of that science in the world, while the provision of a place for original research still had to wait. Even before he knew of these facts. Dr. Mond had determined to found in London a laboratory of research in purely scientific chemistry and in physical chemistry—whence the greatest results in the knowledge of the real nature of things might be expected—and had be-