and mysticism in the light of their shortcomings when compared with the demands both of reason and the spiritual sense. It points out many important distinctions essential to a just view of life, and indicates the dangers of pantheism and of all one-sided conceptions of the universe. In its practical aspect it urges the same need of breadth and discrimination which it finds essential to a sound doctrine of reality. It is an urgent appeal to life, a plea for the realization of ethics and the application of spiritual law in every moment of existence." Mr. Dresser is also author of a book entitled The Power of Silence.
The fourth volume, completing the edition of The Writings of Thomas Paine, which Moncure Daniel Conway has collected and edited, is almost wholly devoted to Paine's religious writings. About half of it is occupied by The Age of Reason, to which we called attention when it was issued separately. This is followed by several essays arguing against the reality of divine inspiration in the Bible, and in support of a simple Deism and a pure morality. To appendixes are relegated a number of shorter writings—autobiographical, political, and technological—including a few pieces of verse and his will. In closing his labors on the history and the writings of Thomas Paine, whom he calls "the Great Commoner of mankind," Mr. Conway says: "Personally I place a very high value on Paine's writings in themselves, and not simply for their prophetic genius, their humane spirit, and their vigorous style. While his type of Deism is not to me satisfactory, his religious spirit at times attains sublime heights; and while his republican formulas are at times impaired by his eagerness to adapt them to existing conditions, I do not find any writer at all, not even the most modern, who has equally worked out a scheme for harmonizing the inevitable rule of the majority with individual freedom and rights." As to the historical value of Paine's political writings Mr. Conway adds, "He was literally the only man who came out with the whole truth, regardless of persons." (Putnams, $2.50 a volume.)
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins, Reports, etc. Cornell University: Suggestions for the Planting of Shrubbery, and Second Report upon Extension Work in Horticulture. By L. H. Bailey. Pp. 32, each; Green Fruit Worms. By M. V. Slingerland Pp. 20.—Hatch Station, Massachusetts Agricultural College: Analyses and New Laws on Fertilizers. Pp. 32.—New York, Nos. 109-111: Strawberries, Milk-fat, and Cheese Yield; and Variety Tests with Blackberries, Dewberries, and Raspberries. Pp. 64.—Ohio: The Sugar Beet; Purdue University, Dietary Studies. By W. K. Stone and others. Pp. 82; The Udder of the Cow. Pp. 24.—United States Department of Agriculture: Insects affecting the Cotton Crop. By L. O. Howard. Pp. 36; Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Pp. 100.—United States National Museum: Index to Proceedings. Vol. XVII. 1895. Pp. 50.
Anderson, Robert E. The Story of Extinct Civilizations of the East. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 213. 40 cents.
Bailey, Prof. L. H. Instructions for taking Phrenological Observations. Pp. 4.
Barnes, Charles Reid. Analytic Keys to the Genera and Species of North American Mosses. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin.) Pp. 100. $1.
Brand, H. C. G., and Day, W. C. German Scientific Reading, with Notes and Vocabulary. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 209.
Brown, Frederick J. The Northward Movement of the Colored Population. Baltimore: Cashing & Co. Pp. 50. 25 cents.
Bulletins, Catalogues, Proceedings, etc. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, November, 1890. Pp. 1(10, with plates. Department of Labor, January, 1&97, Washington. Pp. 107. Fort Wayne College of Medicine, Indiana, 1886-'97. Pp. 31. Jewish Training School of Chicago, 1895-'96. Pp. 53.—Michigan Mining School, Houghton, 1894'96. Pp. 284.—New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham, pp. 82, and Announcement of the Third Annual Dairy School. Pp. 4—University of the State of New York, Thirty-fourth Convocation. Pp. 270.—University of Pennsylvania, Towne Scientific School. Pp. 94.—University of Rochester, 1896-'97. Pp 112.—Boston Society of Natural History: Memorial of Thomas Tracy Bouvé. Pp, 24.
Campbell, Helen. Household Economics. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 286.
Dabney, Charles W., Jr. A National Department of Science. Pp. 13.
Goode, G. Brown. Bibliography of the Published Writings of Philip Sutley Sclater. United States National Museum. Pp. 134.
Gould, George M., and Pyle, Walter L. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. (Subscription.) Pp. 968. $6.
Imperial University, Japan. Journal of the College of Science. Pp. 118, with plates.
Iowa, The, Ornithologist. Quarterly. October. 1890. Salem, la.: Iowa Ornithological Association. Pp. 12. 40 cents a year.
Macleod, Henry Dunning. The History of Economics. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. London: Bliss, Sands & Co. Pp. 600.
Matthews, Charles P., and Shearer, John. Problems and Questions in Physics. New York and London: Macmillan. Pp. 217. $1.60.
Morrison, W. Douglas. Juvenile Offenders. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 317. $1.50.