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Marvin, C. F. Kite Experiments at the Weather Bureau. Weather Bulletin No. 110.

Merriam, Florence A. A Birding on a Broncho. New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 226. $1.25.

Moore, K. C. The Mental Development of a Child. (Monograph Supplement to the Psychological Review.) New York: The Macmillan Co. Pp. 150.

Morse, Edward S. On the So-called Bow-pullers of Antiquity. Pp. 25. Author: Salem, Mass.

Present Problems. Vol. I. Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10. A Free Coinage Catechism; Silas Balsam's Letter on Law; Repudiation and Honor; Petroleum V. Nasby on Silver; and Free Coinage and the Farmer. New York: Present Problems Publishing Co.

Railroad, The, in Education. By A. Hogg. Louisville: J. P. Morton & Co. Pp. 128.

Ramsay, William. The Gases of the Atmosphere. New York: The Macmillan Co. Pp. 240. $2.00.

Reprints. Becker, George F.: Schistosity and Slaty Cleavage (from United States Geological Survey Report); The Witwatersrand and the Revolt of the Uitlanders (from National Geographic Magazine, November, 1896).—Boas, Franz: The Decorative Art of the Indians of the North Pacific Coast (Science, July 24, 1896).—Hodge, F. W.: Pueblo Indian Clans (American Anthropologist, October, 1896).—Keen, W. W.: Three Cases of Plastic Nasal Surgery (Therapeutic Gazette, July, 1896); The Surgical Treatment of Intracranial Tumors (University Medical Magazine, March, 1896).—Keyes, C. R.: Orotaxis: a Method of Geologic Correlation (American Geologist, November, 1896).—Rotzell: Use and Disuse (Hahnemannian Monthly, November, 1896).—Shufeldt, R. W.: The Cormorant Rookeries of the Lofoten Islands (The Auk, October, 1896).—Stuver, E.: The Relation of the Physician to Social, Educational, and Moral Questions (Colorado State Medical Society, June, 1896).—Teit, James.: A Rock Painting of the Thompson River Indians, British Columbia (Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, vol. viii),—Thomas, H. M., and Keen, W. W.: A Successful Case of Removal of a Large Brain Tumor from the Left Frontal Region (American Journal of the Medical Sciences, November, 1896).

Sarg, J. F. A New Dairy Industry. Kempsville, Va.: Black Forest Farm. Pp. 162.

Shinn, Charles Howard. The Story of the Mine. Illustrated. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 272. $1.50.

Taylor, Henry Osborn. Ancient Ideals. Two vols. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. Pp. 461 and 430.

Thompson, Edward P. Röntgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. Pp. 190. $1.50.

Fragments of Science.

Education and Industrial Prosperity.—For several years past there has been a growing appreciation of the close relation between the general educational system of a country and its industrial prosperity. The striking advance in the latter respect which has occurred in Germany, and the perfection of her universities and mechanical schools, have formed a valuable object lesson, which, although surprisingly slow in doing its work, seems at last to have awakened English scientists and economists to the pressing need for action. For a number of years large sums have been spent annually in providing technical schools in England, but they have apparently had little effect in helping her to retain the commercial supremacy of which she had for so many years been the possessor. Mr. William's book, "Made in Germany," seems to have started the discussion anew, and Prof. William Ramsay has recently published an article, apparently suggested by Dr. Ostwald's letter in the Times (describing the methods of instruction in physics and chemistry in German universities), in which he attempts to locate the cause of the failure of the English school system. In Prof. Ramsay's opinion, it is the English university which is at fault, and more especially its examination system. He says: "In Germany, as shown by Prof. Ostwald, little importance is attached to examinations. The student, after spending a year and a half or two years in mastering the general aspects of his subject, proceeds to carry out some research. . . . During all this time he is not pestered with having to prepare for periodical examinations, requiring the rapid assimilation of a sufficient number of facts to enable him to pass. Even at the end of his career the examination is considered of secondary importance. . . . The result of this freedom from mental worry is that the student is able to imbibe that spirit of love of knowledge for its own sake, and that enthusiasm for its advancement, which lie at the base of all true progress in science. From among such students the German manufacturers are drawn. . . . In England we have no such incentive to a university career. . . . The aim of most of our students is a degree, and the degree is awarded on the results of frequent examinations." This latter state of mind can obvious-

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