Studies, by Charlin, Maudsley, Morselli, and Wernicke; Necrological Notices; and a bibliography embracing 1,394 titles, with an index of authors—these credited to the Psychological Review. (Published in Paris by Félix Alcan. Price, 15 francs.)
Home Study is a new illustrated monthly intended for elementary students of the various engineering and architectural branches. Vol. I, No. 3, contains several interesting and instructive articles, among which may be mentioned Stability of Vessels, Electric Currents, Chokage of Drains, Foul Air of Rooms, The Modern Theory of Heat, and Circulating Decimals. (Scranton, Pa. $1.50; 15 cents.)
The Bamboo Garden, by A. B. Freeman-Mitford (Macmillan, $3), is an attempt to give a descriptive list of the hardy bamboos in cultivation in England, and to focus such information in regard to them as could be obtained from Japanese as well as from European sources. The methods of propagation, and choice of position and soil, are considered in the early chapters. Chapter IV deals with the manifold uses to which the bamboo is put, and the curious customs and superstitions connected with the plant in Eastern countries. The remainder of the book consists of a classification and description of species. A few illustrations accompany the text.
Press Working of Metals, by Oberlin Smith (New York: Wiley; London: Chapman & Hall), is a treatise upon the principles of shaping metals in dies, and a description of these dies, both those in present use and of past stages in the art of metal-working. The body of the work is prefaced by a short historical sketch on the probable origin of the art, and the crude methods which were at first employed. The book is essentially technical and of interest to only a special class. Good illustrations are quite numerous.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Connecticut: Cost of Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid, and Potash in Connecticut; Examination of Food Products sold in Connecticut.—Michigan State College: Tuberculosis and A Preliminary Bulletin on Pasteurization of Milk.—New Hampshire College: 35. The Codling Moth and the Apple Maggot; 36. Analysis of Three Common Insecticides; 37. Crimson Clover.—New York: Notes on the Recent Invasion of the Army Worm.—Ohio: Peach Yellows; Black Knot and San Jose Stale, and Fertilizers on Wheat.—Purdue University (Indiana): Field Experiments with Wheat.—United States Department: Climate and Crop Service for July; Fodder and Forage Plants exclusive of the Grasses.
Alabama Geological Survey. Iron-making in Alabama. Pp. 164. Bulletin No. 5: A Preliminary Report of the Resources of the Upper Gold Belt. Pp. 202.
Baker, Marcus. The Alaskan Boundary. Pp. 16.
Bell, Alexander M. English Visible Speech in Twelve Lessons. Washington: (The Author.) Pp. 80. 50 cents.
Davis, Gualterie C, Director. Anales de la Oficina metereológica Argentina. Vol. X. Climatology of Salta, Tucuman, Carcaraña, and Villa Maria. Buenos Aires: Pablo E. Coni & Sons. Pp. 556.
Fischer, P. D. Belrachtungen eines in Deutschland reisenden Deutschen (Reflections of a German traveling in Germany). Berlin: Julius Springer. Pp. 247. 8 marks.
Francke, Kuno. Social Forces in German Literature. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 577.
Hay, O. P. On Some Collections of Fishes and on The Skeleton of Soxochelys Latiremis. Field Columbian Museum Publications. Zoölogical Series. Vol. I. Nos. 4 and 5.
Harvard University Publications. Memoirs of the Peabody Museum. Vol. I. No. 1. Prehistoric Ruins of Copan, Honduras.
Hill, D. J. An Honest Dollar the Basis of Prosperity. New York: The National Republican Executive Committee.
Hypnotic Magazine, The (monthly). Chicago: The Psychic Publishing Co. 25 cents, $3.50 per annum.
Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions of the Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Annual Meetings. Pp. 870.
Labor, Bulletin of Department of. No. 5. July, 1896. Convict Labor. Pp. 120.
Magpie, The (monthly). 10 cents, $1 per annum.
Munroe, John. The Story of Electricity (The Library of Useful Stories). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 187. 40 cents.
New York State Reformatory (Elmira) Yearbook for 1895.
Reprints. Call, R. E.: A Revision and Synonymy of the Parvus Group of Unionidæ, etc. (Proceedings of Indiana Academy of Science for 1895).—Peterson, F., M. D.; The Stigmata of Degeneration (State Hospital Bulletin, July, 1896)—Schnabel, E. D., M. D.: Hereditary Syphilis of the Nervous System (Lehigh Valley Medical Magazine, Vol. VII, No. 7).—Sparre, Henric: Treatment by Remedial Gymnastics (Medical Current, July and August, 1893).—Ward, Lester F. The Principles of Sociology (Proceedings of American Academy of Political and Social Science).—Walker, S. T.: Clinical Examination of Deaf-Mutes (Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, July 4, 1896).
Revista da Sociedade de Geographla do Rio de Janeiro (Review of the Geographical Society of Rio de Janeiro). Vol. XI, 1895. Rio de Janeiro: Leuzinger. Pp. 110.
Smithsonian Publications: 1083. Catalogue of a Collection of Birds of Eastern Turkestan, Central Asia, etc.—1084. Description of Three Species of Sand Fleas at Newport, R. I.—1085. Remarks on the Synonymy of some North American Scolytid Beetles.—1086. Fossil Jelly Fishes from the Middle Cambrian Terrane.—1087. Pre-