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lies of Synentognathons and their Nomenclature; No. 1052. On the Application of the Name Tenthis to a Genus of Fishes; No. 1053. Notes on the Nomenclature of Scymnus or Scymnorhinus, a Genus of Sharks; No. 1054. Notes on the Genus Cephalentherus or Rafinesque, and other Rays with Aberrant Pectoral Fins (Propterygia and Hicroptera); No. 1055. Notes on the Characinoid Fishes with Ctenoid Scales, with a Description of a New Psectrogaster; No. 1056. The Differential Characters of Characinoid and Erythrinoid Fishes; No 1057. Notes on Orectolobus or Crossorhinus, a Genus of Sharks; No. 1058. Note on the Fishes of the Genus Characinus; No. 1050. The Nomenclature of Rachicentron or Elacate, a Genus of Acanthopterygian Fishes; No. 1060. Note on the Nomenclature of the Poecilioid Fishes; No. 1061. The Nomenclature of the Fishes of the Characinoid Genus Tetragonopterus; No. 1066; Notes on Asbestos and Asbestiform Minerals: No. 1067. Preliminary Description of Some New Birds from the Galapagos Archipelago; No. 1068. The Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Pearly Freshwater Mussels; No. 1072. Description of Four New Triassic Unios from the Staked Plains of Texas: No. 1074. Description of a New Subspecies of the Genus Peucedramus Cones.—Union College: Announcement of Courses in the Summer School to be held at Saratoga Springs, July 6 to August 14, 1896.—United States Bureau of Education: Chapters from the Report of the Commissioner of Education; Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges; Forestry Education; Geology in the Colleges and Universities of the United States; Rules for the Spelling and Pronunciation of Chemical Terms.—Van Sargen, Gilbert, and White, T. G.: An Account of the Summer's Work in Geology on Lake Champlain (from Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. October 28, 1895).—Walker. S. T.: The Modicum of Hearing of Deaf-Mutes (from the Medical Fortnightly, St. Louis).—Ward, Lester F.: The Data of Sociology (from American Journal of Sociology, vol. i, No. 6).—White, T. G.: The Faunas of the Upper Osdovician Strata at Trenton Falls, Oneida County, N. Y. (from Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. xv, pp. 71 to 96).

Byars, William Vincent. The Glory of the Garden and Other Odes, Sonnets, and Ballads. Author. Pp. 190.

Chapple, J. M. The Minor Chord. Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely. Pp. 223.

Conant, C. A. A History of Modern Banks of Issue. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 595. $3.

Family Culture. Monthly. Devoted to the Study of the Science of Human Life, Boston, Mass. $1 per annum.

Flower, Sydney. A Study in Hypnotism. Chicago: The Psychic Publishing Company. Pp. 326.

Forbes, S. A. Nineteenth Report of the Illinois State Entomologist. Noxious and Beneficial Insects. Pp., test, 270; cuts, xiv.

Freeman-Mitford, A. B. The Bamboo Garden. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 224. £3.

Giddings, Franklin Henry. The Principles of Sociology. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 476. $3.

Hadley, Arthur Twining. Economics. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 496. $2.50.

Instruccion Pública Mexicana, Revista de la (Mexican Review of Public Instruction). Mexico: Talleres (Academy) de la Escuela Nacional de Artes y Oficios ex Convento de San Lorenzo.

Keyes, C. R. The Origin and Relations of Central Maryland Granites, with an Introduction by G. H. Williams. Extract from Sixteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. Pp. 654 to 740.

McMaster. J. B. With the Fathers. Studies in the History of the United States. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 334. $1.50.

Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 203.

Psychologique, L'Année (Deuxième Année, 1895). Par MM. H. Beaunis et A. Binet. Paris, France. Pp. 1010.

Psychological Revival, The, and Educational Values of the Several Branches of Studies. (Chapters from the Report of the United States Commissioner of Education for 1893-'94.)

Public Libraries. Monthly. Chicago: Library Bureau. $1 per annum.

Putnam, George Haven. The Question of Copyright. New York and London; G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 486. $1.75.

Rubens, H. S. Cuban Belligerency. Petition of Tomas Estrada Palma, Delegate of the Republic of Cuba.

Smith, Hugh M. M. D. A Review of the History and Results of the Attempts to Acclimatize Fish and Other Water Animals in the Pacific States. Extract from Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission for 1895. Pp. 379 to 472.

Smith, Oberlin. Press-working of Metals. New York: John Wiley & Sons. London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd. Pp. 276.

Taussig. F. W. Wages and Capital. An Examination of the Wages-fund Doctrine. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 329. $1.50.

Weismann, August. On Germinal Selection. The Religion of Science Library. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 61. V> cents.

Fragments of Science.

Mysterious Fractures in Steel.—The so-called mysterious fractures in steel, with which every engineer is familiar, bid fair to become things of the past. The following facts, taken from a recently reported analysis of specimens from a fractured steamship "tail shaft," are especially interesting, as showing the great value of investigations which at first sight may seem entirely barren of anything but theoretical interest. This accident, which a few years ago would have been put down as one of those "mysterious breaks," probably due to "fatigue," the shaft having been in practically continuous use for twelve or fourteen years, was fully explained by the subsequent examination. A

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