anecdote and history in such a skillful way that a hero and heroine seem all that is lacking to make of it a good bit of fiction.
The so-called science of phrenology is set forth at considerable length in a book by Nelson Sizer, entitled How to Study Strangers (Fowler & Wells, New York). It is a curious hodgepodge of very doubtful inferences clothed in scientific language. The body of the work is made up of portraits and short biographical and descriptive sketches of notable persons, written from the phrenologist's standpoint.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Delaware College: The San José Scale Insect.—Illinois University: Bulletin No. 41. Experiments with Wheat and Oats. Bulletin No. 42. Com Experiments.—Massachusetts College: Bulletin No. 35. The Agricultural Value of Bone Meal. Bulletin No. 36. Imported Elm-leaf Beetles; Maple Pseudococcus; Abbot Sphinx; San José Scale.—Michigan State College: Fruits at South Haven and at the Agricultural College.—Ohio Station (Wooster): Oats.—Purdue University: Bacteriosis of Carnations; The American Persimmon.—United States Department: The Army Worm; The Carpet Beetle or "Buffalo Moth"; Canker Worms; The Imported Elm-leaf Beetle; Facts and Figures regarding Our Forest Resources Briefly Stated; Forest Fire Legislation in the United States; Work against Insects which Defoliate Shade Trees in Cities and Towns; The Harlequin Cabbage Bug or Calico-back; The Hessian Fly; The Hop-plant Louse; Condensed Information concerning some of the more Important Insecticides; The American Cotton-boll Weevil; Mosquitoes and Fleas; The Pear-tree Psylla; The Rose Chafer; The San José Scale.
American Humane Association. Abstract of Report on Vivisection. Pp. 16.
American Republics, Annual Report of Director of Bureau of, 1895. Pp. 28.
American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Thirteenth Annual Report. Pp. 118.
Bulletins, Catalogues, Reports, Reprints, etc. Arthur, J. C. Delayed Germination of Cocklebur. Pp. 9.—Bell, A. G. Growth of the Oral Method of Instructing the Deaf. Pp. 23.—College Catalogues and Announcements. Colorado College: Studies, Vol. VI. Cornell: Announcement of Course of Instruction in the Summer School for Teachers and Advanced Students, July 6 to August 15, 1896. Lafayette: Catalogue, 1895-'96. Lehigh: Courses in Civil Engineering and General Literature. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Catalogue, 1895-'96, and Annual Report of the President and Treasurer, December 11, 1895. Michigan Mining School: Annual Report of the Director, August 16, 1895. University of Pennsylvania: Circular of Information and Announcements for 1896-'97.—Fowler, Hon. Charles N. Speech on the Free Coinage of Silver.—Gilbert, G. K. Presidential Address before Geological Society of Washington, 1895.—Hodge, P. W. Pueblo Snake Ceremonials.—Home Study. A Monthly Elementary Journal of Engineering. 15 cents; $1.50.—Howard, L. O. The Grass and Grain Joint Worm Flies and their Allies. (Technical Series No 2, United States Department of Agriculture.) Pp. 24—Johns Hopkins University: Circular, Vol. XV, No. 123. Pp. 10.—Labor, Bulletin of Department of. No. 3. March, 1896. Pp. 111.—MacDougal, D. T. A Contribution to the Physiology of the Root Tubers of Isopyrum Biternatum (Raf.), Torr. and Gray. From Minnesota Botanical Studies.—Nashville, Tenn., Board of Health. Twenty-first Annual Report of Health Officer to, for Year ending December 31, 1805.—New Jersey Geological Survey. Report on Forestry. Pp. 88.—Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Proceedings of. Pp. 103 to 200—St. Laurent, C. F. Germanization and Americanization compared. Pp. 20.—University of the State of New York. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, September, 1895.—Ward, Lester F. Sociology and Physiology. (From American Journal of Sociology, March, 1896.)—White, C. A. Memoir of George Engelmann, M. D. (From vol. iv, Biographical Memoirs National Academy of Sciences.)-Woolman, A. J. Report upon Ichthyological Investigations in Western Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota. From Report of United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries for 1893.
Cams, Dr. Paul. The Religion of Science. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 125. 50 cents.
Chester, Albert Huntington. A Dictionary of the Names of Minerals, including their History and Etymology. New York: John Wiley & Sons. London: Chapman & Hall, Limited. Pp. 320.
Comey, Arthur Messinger. A Dictionary of Chemical Solubilities (Inorganic). New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 515. $5.
Cope, E. D., Ph. D. The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 547. $2.
Fisher, J. H. Hypnotism and its Relation to Witchcraft, Ghostology, and Mind Cure. Grand Rapids: Seymour & Muir Printing Co. Pp. 83.
Halleck, R. P. Psychology and Psychic Culture. New York: American Book Co. Pp. 368. $1.25.
Hart, Ernest. Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the New Witchcraft. New and Enlarged Edition. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 212. $1.50.
James, William. Is Life worth Living? Philadelphia: S. Burns Weston. Pp. 63.
Knauff, Theodore C. A Dissatisfied Farmer. Philadelphia: The Sound Money League. Pp. 45.
Le Plongeon, Augustus, M. D. Queen Moó and the Egyptian Sphinx. New York: Author. Pp. 277.
Mosso, Angelo. Fear. Translated by B. Lough and F. Kiesow. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 278.
Nye, Bill. Bill Nye's Sparks. Pp. 181.—Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor. Pp. 203. Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely.
Ribot, Th. The Psychology of Attention. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 120. 75 cents.
Romanes, George John. An Examination of Weismannism. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 209. 35 cents.
Schoenhof, J. A History of Money and Prices. New York and London: G P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 352. $1.50.
Tyndall, John. The Glaciers of the Alps. New Edition. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 445 $2.50.
White, Andrew D. A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. Two vols. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 889. $5.