and Drs. F. Von Luscher, W. Seler, F. W. K. Müller, and Wenle. In Heft 2 for 1895 we find papers on two old canoe-carvings from New Zealand, various anthropological objects from India, a Japanese picture of the world-mountain, Meru, a number of recent Siamese books and manuscripts, a collection of Chinese idols from Amoy, the latest crossing of Africa, the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the German Anthropological Society, the Siamese art work Trai-Phum, or Three Worlds, color studies, the report of our Ethnological Bureau, and a large number of notices of books, societies, etc., relating to anthropology.
A very elaborate examination of the development of Kant's philosophical system is presented in the Kant-Studien of Dr. Erich Addickes (Kiel and Leipsic: Lipsius and Fischer). In the first part of the essay, which is devoted to this subject specially, the course of the German theory of knowledge from Leibnitz to Kant is reviewed, with analyses of the systems of Leibnitz, Wolff and his followers, and Crusius, after which follow sections on Kant's original point of view, his so-called empiristic period, his conversion in the year 1769, and the inaugural dissertation and Kant's further development. The second part is on the period of the composition of the Kritik of Pure Reason.
A volume of Chemical Experiments, containing something over two hundred experiments, has been prepared by Ira Remsen and Wyatt W. Randall to accompany Prof. Remsen's Introduction to the Study of Chemistry (Holt, 50 cents). This laboratory manual includes the experiments in the last edition of the Introduction, minor changes having been made in many of them, and essential changes in a few. There have been also some additions.
Adams, Martha D. Report of First Annual Meeting of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration. Pp. 83.
Anthimus, Patriarch of Constantinople, and others. Reply of the Holy and Apostolic Orthodox Church of the East to the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on Reunion. Literally translated. New York: Office of The Atlantis. London: John and E. Bumpus, Ltd. Pp. 16. 25 cents.
Baldwin, James. (Eclectic School Readings.) Old Stories of the East. New York: American Book Co. Pp. 215. 45 cents.
Bottone, S. R. The Dynamo. New York: Macmillan & Co. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. Pp. 113. 90 cents.
Brorup, R. P. Christianity and Our Times. Chicago: International Book Co. Pp. 228. 25 cents.
Bulletins, Catalogues, Reports, Reprints, etc. Agricultural Experiment Stations. New York Station: Corn Silage for Milch Cows.—Ohio Station: The Smut of Oats and its Prevention; Potatoes—Purdue University Station: Hog Cholera and Swine Plague in Indiana.—United States Department, Division of Forestry: Facts and Figures regarding our Forest Resources briefly stated.—Weather Bureau: North Dakota Weather and Crop Service for January and February, 1896.—Bangs, Outram. Notes on the Synonymy of the North American Mink, etc. (From Proceedings of Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xxvii.)—Coburn, F. W. Ioci Iocosi. Acta Saturnalibus New York: Ethical Culture Schools, 669 Madison Avenue.—Dickson, F. S. Blackwood's History of the United States. Philadelphia: George H. Buchanan & Co. Pp. 27.—Dubois, Hon. F. T. Need of a Forest Policy for the Western States. Washington: National Geographic Society. Pp. 8.—Evermann, B. W. Fishes of the Neuse River Basin and a Preliminary Report upon Salmon Investigations in Idaho in 1894 (From Bulletin of United States Fish Commission for 1895.)—Fontana, Constantin. Fusairs et Uranes. Machines Aeriennes d'Aluminium. Paris: Bernard Tignol. Pp. 37.—Goler, G. W. The Sanitation of Rochester. Rochester: The Post-Express Print. Pp. 14.—Grafton, W. McC. Railway Signaling. (From Bulletin University of Wisconsin.) Pp. 40.—Groszmann, M. P. E. The Common School and the New Education. New York: Simpson & Lyall. Pp. 46; and The Problem of the Co-ordination of Studies.—Johns Hopkins University Circulars, vol. xv, No. 123.—Keen, W. W., M. D. Amputation of Entire Upper Extremity, etc., and Remarks on Operations on the Gassenian Ganglion. (From American Journal of the Medical Sciences, January, 1896.)—Lorée, L. F. Emergencies in Railroad Work. Bulletin University of Wisconsin. English Series, Vol. I, No. 7. Pp. 45. 85 cents.—Magie, William F., Keen, W. W., and Davis, E. P. The Clinical Application of the Röntgen Rays. (From American Journal of the Medical Sciences, March, 1896)—Mescal Buttons. Reprinted from Therapeutic Gazette, January, 1896.—Old South Leaflets. Washington's Address to the Churches.—Penfield. S. L. Fayalite from Rockport, Mass., etc. (From American Journal of Science, vol. i, 1896.)—Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science. Proceedings, 1896. Pp. 25 to 107.—Richards, J. W. Modern Theories of Electrolysis. (From Journal of Franklin Institute, March, 1896.)—State Board of Health Bulletins. Iowa. Vol. IX, No. 9 and No. 10; Tennessee. Vol. XI, No. 7.—University of Oregon, Bulletin of. February, 1896.—Volk, Douglas. Art Instruction in the Public School. Pp. 15. 10 cents.
Curtis, H. H. Voice Building and Tone Placing. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 215. $2.
Fletcher, W. I., and Bowker, R. R. The Annual Literary Index, 1895. New York: Office of Publishers' Weekly. Pp. 259.
Glazebrook, R. F. James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 224. $1 25.
Hall, Lyman. The Elements of Algebra. New York: American Book Co. Pp. 368. $1.
Halsted, Byron D. Report of Botanical Department of New Jersey. Agricultural College Experiment Station. Pp. 130.
Harley, Lewis R. A History of the Public Education Association of Philadelphia. Phila-