foreign-born denizens; sickness does not prevail in them to any greater extent, and most of the bacteria found in the air of the tenements are harmless; the occupations of the slum population are as varied as those followed in other districts, and their earnings are "quite up to the average earnings of the people generally and at large." But few tenements could be reported as in excellent sanitary condition; in Philadelphia and Baltimore those classed as good formed the largest division, while in New York and Chicago those reported as fair were the largest class. Cases of overcrowding were numerous.
Part XXVII of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research opens with an account of some experiments in thought transference, by Henry G. Rawson, in which drawings were reproduced and cards were named correctly in a large proportion of cases. The chief contribution in the number is a second installment of the experiences of the late W. Stainton Moses, communicated by F. W. H. Myers. These experiences are what are commonly known as spiritual communications. There is also a paper on the Apparent Sources of Subliminal Messages, and reviews of books on hypnotism, the exposure of Mme. Blavatsky, and other psychical subjects.
In The Coming Revolution (Boston, Arena Publishing Company) the position is assumed by Henry L. Call that the prevailing discontent among the "toiling masses" is a sign that the present conditions of society and the relations of the rich and the wage workers are all wrong and a revulsion is imminent. The author accordingly begins his diagnosis with an examination into the condition of society, and follows it up with inquiries into the causes that have produced that condition; the nature of these causes, and whether they rightfully admit of a remedy and its justification; the application of the remedy to each of the causes in turn; the effects of the remedy; and the manner in which it is to be achieved. The causes of the trouble are abuses of privilege of a political nature and origin. The remedy is to enforce the law of freedom—of social and industrial as well as political freedom; and it is to be secured by political means.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins. North Dakota Weather and Crop Service. August, 1895. Pp. 16.—Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Field Experiments with Wheat; Potato Scab and its Prevention. Pp. 80.
American Forestry Association. Proceedings. Part of Vol. X. Pp. 42.
Baldwin. James. A Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopædia Britannica. New York and Chicago: The Werner Company. Pp. 316.
Bessey, Charles E., University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Summer School of Botany in the Mountains. Pp. 3.
Buck, Gertrude. Figures of Rhetoric: A Psychological Study. University of Michigan: F. Newton Scott. Pp. 27.
Cincinnati Souvenir. Cotton States and International Exhibition, Atlanta, Ga. Pp. 24.
Clarke, Agnes M. The Herschels and Modern Astronomy. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 224. $1.25.
Cohen, Isabel E., Compiler. Readings and Recitations for Jewish Homes and Schools. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America. Pp. 294.
Day, William C. The Stone Industry in 1894. Washington: United States Geological Survey. Pp. 83.
Hoffman, Walter James. The Beginnings of Writing. New York: D. Appleton & Co. (The Anthropological Series.) Pp. 209. $1.75.
Houston, Edwin J., and Kennelly, A. E. Alternating Electric Currents. New York: The W. J. Johnstone Company. Pp. 325.
Lassar-Cohn, Dr. A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry. Translated by Alexander Smith. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 403. $2.35.
Locomotive, The. August, 1895. Hartford, Conn.: Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Pp. 16.
McLellan, James A., and Dewey, John. The Psychology of Number, and its Application to Methods of Teaching Arithmetic. New York: D. Appleton & Co.
Macmillan, Conway, State Botanist. Minnesota Botanical Studies, No. 23. A Contribution to the Bibliography of American Algæ. By Josephine E. Tilden. Minneapolis. Pp. 124.
Niagara, State Reservation at. Eleventh Annual Report of the Commissioners, 1893-'94. Albany, N. Y. Pp. 126.
Old South Leaflets, Nos. 58 to 64. English Puritanism and Commonwealth Series. Hooper's Letters to Bullinger; Sir John Eliot's Apology for Socrates; Ships Money Papers; Pym's Speech against Strafford; Cromwell's Second Speech; Milton's Free Commonwealth; Sir Henry Vane's Defence. Pp. 8 to 24 each.
Reeve, C. H., Plymouth, Ind. Penal Legislation with a View to the Prevention of Crime and Reformation of Offenders. Pp. 10.
Rolker. Charles M. The Production of Tin in Various Parts of the World. Washington, D. C.: Geological Survey. Pp. 88.
Shenstone, W. A. Justus von Liebig. his Life and Work. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 219. $1.25.
Spanhoodf, A. W., Editor Germania Texts (No. 1. Buyer's Leon re. Pp. 32; No. 2. Gervinus's Goethe und Schiller, Leasing und Herder. Pp. 22; No. 3. Cholevius's Klopstock's Bedeutung für sein Zeitalter. Pp. 28.) American Book Company. 10 cents each.
Spencer, J. W. The Duration of Niagara Falls and the History of the Great Lakes. Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Lyon. Pp. 126.