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sults of chemical examinations. The conclusions as summarized are favorable to the aboriginal origin of the copper, and point to the Lake Superior region as the main source of supply.

The Progress and Trend of Scientific Investigation in Canada is the subject of the presidential address of 1894 of George M. Dawson as President of the Royal Society of Canada. The address presents the work of the Geological Survey, the Meteorological Service and Magnetic Observatory, the Dominion Lands Survey, experimental farms, the hydrographic surveys, the study of the fisheries, the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, the Natural History Society of Montreal, the Canadian Institute at Toronto, the Entomological Society of Ontario, the Literary and Scientific Society of Ottawa, the Botanical Club of Canada, and the Royal Society of Canada.

A paper by Edward A. Burt, on a new species of fungus—A North American Anthurus, its Structure and Development—constitutes No. 14 of the third volume of the memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. This Anthurus was found growing in a sandy cornfield on a hillside near East Galway, N. Y., where it was represented by thirteen discovered mature individuals and several "eggs" in various stages of growth, and is the only species at present known in the northern continents. Two other species are known in South America and one in Australia, the differences from which of this species are pointed out. It is named Anthurus borealis. The paper is accompanied by two plates of illustrations of structure.

Around the World, an illustrated magazine of tours, travels, and natural history, devoted to a knowledge of the earth and of its inhabitants, of which Prof. Angelo Heilprin is editor, began its second year with the number for December, 1894. It has been received with a favor, the publishers represent, both by the general public and by specialists in scientific work, which emphasizes the need of a magazme covering its special field. Its general appearance and make-up go far to justify the claims its friends set up, that in its own field it stands alone in thi.s country, and "in its pictorial features it surpasses all similar publications of the Old World." The December number contains articles on Wintering on the Riviera, The Pygmies of the Congo, Among the Thibetans, American Cave Dwellers, The Sargasso Sea, Notes on Mountains and Mountaineering, Hints to the Traveler and Notes on Appliances of Travel, and full-page illustrations of Popocatepetl, Bellagio, on Lake Como, Cliff Castle, and the Zebra. (Monthly: The Contemporary Publishing Company, New York and Philadelphia; 15 cents, $1.50 a year.)

The Mechanism of Weaving is designed by the author, T. W. Fox, to supply what seems to be a deficiency of books in which the mechanical side of the art is made prominent. Several admirable books have been written on weaving during recent years, but in them attention has been predominantly directed to designing, fabric and structure, and calculations relating thereto. The present work aims to put within the reach of the student, in as comprehensive a manner as possible, exact and practical information bearing upon the principles of weaving as exemplified in the various processes of the trade. Numerous topics of practice are treated, beginning with the description of the power loom, and continuing with chapters on healds, shedding or dividing the warp, over-and-under motions, the figuring harness, card cutting, picking, and other movements or elements of the art, described in detail. (Published by Macmillan & Co. Price, $2.50.)

A collection of Lectures on Biology, reprinted from the American Field, contains four lectures on that subject delivered by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, on invitation, at the Catholic University of America, in January, 1892. The first lecture relates the history of biology and defines its present domain, and calls attention to the light it casts upon the unity of organization among plants and among animals, and upon the interdependence of the various natural' divisions of science. The second lecture considers its relations to geology. The third treats of its value as a study to the medical man and to every student of Nature, as well as to the professional biologist. The fourth lecture forecasts its future growth and influence, showing how it has affected the trend of human thought, and now demands a prominent place in any scheme of education worthy of the name.

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