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of Charles Barnard's American Association paper on The Battles of Science; and a number of selected articles. A summary of current scientific discussion is contributed to each number by Prof. Angelo Heilprin.

The second part of the text-book on Plane Trigonometry, by S. L. Loney, deals with analytical trigonometry (Macmillan, $1). Among the topics treated in this part are exponential and logarithmic series, various operations with complex quantities, Gregory's series, and the principle of proportional parts. A list of the principal formulae in trigonometry is prefixed to the volume, and the answers to problems are given at the end.

A treatise on Amphioxus and the Ancestry of the Vertebrates, by Arthur Willey, B. Sc, has been issued as the second volume of the Columbia University Biological Series (Macmillan, $2.50 net). The editor of the series, Prof. Henry F. Osborn, says in the preface that he suggested the course of lectures in which this volume originated, and deems it important that the author should bring within the reach of students and of specialists among other groups his extensive observations upon Amphioxus and other remote ancestors of the vertebrates, as well as the general literature upon this group.

The year ending with September, 1893, is covered by the Eighteenth Year-Book of the New York State Reformatory. The book contains the reports of the board of managers, the superintendent, Z. R. Brockway, the technological and military instructors, the superintendent of schools, and the physician. Instruction in thirty-four trades was imparted during the year to a total of eighteen hundred and four inmates. The trades range in character from such laborious occupations as bricklaying, iron-forging, and stone-cutting to such light and intellectual work as frescoing, music, photography, stenography, and typewriting. The year-book itself is a very creditable exhibit of the work of inmates in type-setting, illustrating, and binding. In the schools the instruction ranges from the elements of reading and arithmetic given to illiterates up to lectures in history, science, ethics, political economy, etc. For military drill the inmates constitute a regiment of sixteen companies, with a band. Appended to the reports are a chapter on dietary, one of anthropological observations with illustrations, and an account of innovations made during the year. The board of managers state that much misrepresentation of the system of the institution was made "by a sensational newspaper," and the superintendent reports that his plans for progress were much retarded by a diversion of time and attention to the investigation which followed this attack.

David T. Day's Tenth Annual Report of the Mineral Resources of the United States presents a statement of the mineral products during the calendar year 1893, the industrial conditions affecting those products, and the recent additions to the knowledge of the mineral deposits in this country. Its scope is thus similar to that of the preceding volumes, with the addition of more than the usual references to the condition of mineral industries in foreign countries. It appears from it that the total value of our mineral products in 1893 was the smallest since 1889. It represented $609,821,670, compared with $688,616,954 in 1892—a decline of 11·44 per cent. The decline in value was most conspicuous in pig iron and structural materials, but many other minerals also declined in the amount and the value of the product, the exceptions being gold, anthracite coal, aluminum, phosphate rock, and gypsum. A few other products increased in quantity but declined in value.

The thirty-fifth volume of Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College contains the first part of the Journal of Observations made by Prof. William A. Rogers, at the observatory, to determine the places of stars in the zone between the limits of north declination 49º 50' and 55º 10'. The catalogue resulting from these observations has already been published in the fifteenth volume of the Annals, and the discussion of proper motions derived from the work forms the twenty-fifth volume of the same series.

The report of the Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Massachusetts, in 1893, mentions as among the investigations that were carried on during the year the comparisons by Mr. S. P. Fergusson of anemometers of different types, and Mr. H. Helm Clayton's studies of the upper air around cyclones and anticyclones, as shown by cloud observations. Curious wavelike oscillations of the barograph records

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