(United States National Museum), Dr. Charles A. White had in view, among several objects, a further presentation of elementary matter pertaining to biological geology than has heretofore been published, the defense of biology as an indispensable aid in geological investigation, the repudiation of certain untenable claims that have been made in its favor, an application of the principles discussed to the practical work of the geologist, and the demonstration of the necessity of the preservation of fossil remains in public museums as storehouses of evidence upon geological questions.
How to Build Dynamo-Electric Machinery, by Edward Trevert, is intended to be a practical treatise, and in no way to be considered technical. Some theory, however, is given to help the reader in a general way. Its purpose is to give directions for building small dynamos and motors, accompanied by working drawings which will enable the reader to understand the text more clearly. The machines described have been carefully selected for efficiency and beauty of form and as being easy to build. Chapters on commercial dynamos and motors are added to show the general construction of large machines; and chapters on management, armature winding, and field-magnet winding, and a chapter of useful tables are inserted. The machines described are all American. (Published by the Bubier Publishing Company, Lynn, Mass. Price, $2.50.)
In Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery (J. B. Lippincott Co., American publishers) Henry Robinson has drawn from his own practice and utilized the experience of others, as reported in the proceedings of various professional societies, to record, in a form convenient for reference, existing experience in the engineering of water-pressure machinery. Special attention is given to the subject of the flow of water under pressure and to the employment of water-pressure mains to transmit power through the streets of a town on the principle which the author terms "power co-operation." Since the first edition was published, in 1886, the author has had constantly in view the desirability of enlarging and improving it. The present, second, edition is the outcome of this desire and contains much new matter, with better treatment of the old. Some compression, both of subjects and of descriptions, has been necessary to accomplish this, but the author thinks the illustrations selected of the innumerable applications of hydraulic power will be considered fairly to meet the circumstances.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Iowa Agricultural College, Nos. 24 and 25. Thirteen articles on various subjects Pp. 60 and 48.—Massachusetts: Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8.—Michigan State Agricultural College: Fertilizer Analyses, by R. C. Kedzie. Pp. 17.—New York: Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 36—North Dakota: Weather and Crop Service, July. Pp. 15.—Purdue University: Wheat. Pp. 24. Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 11, with Table.
American Association. Twelfth Annual Report of the Committee on Indexing Chemical Literature. Pp. 4.
American Chemical Society. Journal. September, 1894. Monthly Edward Hart, Editor. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Company. Pp. 72. $5 a year.
American Historical Register, September, 1894. C. H. Browning, Editor in Chief.
Barrett, John P. Electricity at the Columbian Exposition. Chicago: R. R. Donnelly & Sons Company. Pp. 501.
Bech-Meyer, Nico A Story from Pulmantown. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co. Pp. 110. 25 cents.
Boaz, Franz. Address, Section of Anthropology, American Association. Pp. 29.
Brunache, P. Le Centre de l'Afrique, autour du Tchad (The Center of Africa, around the Tchad). Paris: Felix Alcan. Pp. 349, with Map. 6 francs.
Butler, George P. School English. American Book Company. Pp. 272. 75 cents.
Carus, Dr. Paul. Fundamental Problems. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 373. 50 cents.
Cope, E. D. Third Addition to the Knowledge of the Batrachia and Reptilia of Costa Rica. Pp. 12.
Dunham, W. R., M. D. The Science of Vital Force. Boston: Damrell & Upham. Pp. 198.
Dwight, Thomas, M. D.. Harvard University. The Range and Significance of Variation in the Human Skeleton. Pp. 29.
Fiske, John. A History of the United States for Schools. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 474. $1.
Geologic Atlas of the United States. Ringgold Folio, Georgia-Tennessee, six sheets.—Placerville Folio, California, five sheets.—Livingston Folio, Montana, six sheets. Library edition. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey.
Grimsley, G. P., Columbus, Ohio. The Granites of Cecil County, Maryland. Pp. 50.
Grotenfelt, Gösta; Woll, P. W., American Editor. The Principles of Modern Dairy Practice from a Bacteriological Point of View. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 285. $2.
Hancock, Joseph L. Omithophilous Pollination. Pp. 5. with Plate.
Hunt, E. Geometry for Grammar Schools. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 100.
Interstate Commerce Commission. Sixth Annual Report of the condition of the Railways of the United States for the Year ending June 30, 1893. Washington.
Kurz, George F. Natal Stones. Sentiments and Superstitions connected with Precious Stones. New York: Tiffany & Co. Pp. 17.