Japan, Imperial University of. Journal of the College of Science. Vol. VI, Part IV. Pp. 156, with Plates Vol. VII, Part I. Pp. 110, with Plates. Tokyo.
Johnson, General Bradley T. General Washington. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 338.
Jordan, David Starr. Factors in Organic Evolution. Leland Stanford Junior University, Palo Alto, Cal. Pp. 149.
Knowlton, F H. A Review of the Fossil Flora of Alaska. Washington; United States National Museum. Pp. 36, with Plate.
Le Conte, Joseph. Memoir of John Le Conte. Berkeley, Cal. Pp. 24.
Mearns, Edgar A., M. D. Description of a New Species of Cotton Rat from New Mexico. United States National Museum. Pp. 2.
Merrill, George P. On the Formation of Stalactites and Gypsum Incrustations in Caves. Pp. 5, with Plates.—The Formation of Sandstone Concretions. Pp. 2, with Plate.
Michigan Mining School. Reports of the Director, 1890-'92. Pp. 102.
The New Science Review. Quarterly. Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1894. Philadelphia: The Transatlantic Publishing Company. Pp. 128. 50 cents. $2 a year.
New York Society of Pedagogy. Magazine and Book Reference. Quarterly. March and June, 1894. Pp. 8 and 10.
New York State Board of Charities. Twenty-seventh Annual Report. Pp. 651.
Otken, Charles H. The Ills of the South. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 277.
Pammel, Prof. L. H. A Lecture on the Pollination of Flowers. Des Moines, Iowa. Pp. 57.
Paret, T. Dankin. Emery and other Abrasives. Philadelphia. Pp 36.
Pennsylvania, University of. Contributions from the Zoölogical Laboratory. Philadelphia. Pp. 68.
Rathbun, Mary J. Notes on Crabs of the Family Inachidæ. Pp. 33. Crabs (New Species) from the Antillean Region. Pp. 4. United States National Museum.
Riley, C. V. Social Insects from the Psychical and Evolutional Points of View. Biological Society of Washington. Pp. 74.
Salazar. A. E. Qarta al Senor Presidente de la Société Scientific du Chile sobre Ortografia Razional (Letter on Rational Orthography). Santiago. Pp. 18.
Senate, United States, Committee of Finance. Replies to Tariff Inquiries: Cotton Manufactures. Washington. Pp. 127.
Seen, N., M.D. Abdominal Surgery on the Battlefield. Pp. 15.
Sexton, Pliny T. A Plan for Independent Voting within Political Party Lines. Pp. 16.
Shufeldt, R. W. On Cases of Complete Fibniæ in Existing Birds. Pp. 6.—On the Affinities of the Steganopodes. Pp. 3.
Simonds, Frederic W. A Reply to some Statements in Prof. Tarr's "Lake Cayuga a Rock Basin." Pp. 5.
Sloane, Florence N. Practical Lessons in Fractions by the Inductive Method. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 92, with Charts. 40 cents.
Small. Albion W., and Vincent, George E. An Introduction to the Study of Society. American Book Company. Pp. 184. $1.80.
Spurr, J. Edward. The Iron-bearing Rocks of tile Mesabi Range in Minnesota. Minneapolis: Harrison & Smith. Pp. 259.
Stearns, Robert E. C. Shells of Certain California Localities. United States National Museum. Pp 64.
Stejneger, Leonhard. Notes on a Japanese Species of Reed Warbler. United States National Museum. Pp. 2.
Stewart, D. D., M. D. Reactions of Nucleo-Albumin with Urinary Tests. Pp. 29.
Thomas, Allen C. A History of the United States. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 482. $1.25.
Thornton, John. Human Physiology. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 436 $1.50.
True Frederick W. Notes on Skeletons and Skulls of Porpoises. Washington: United States National Museum. Pp. 5.
United States: Summary Statement of the Imports and Exports for June, 1894. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 108.
Veeder, M. A., M. D. Solar Electrical Energy not Transmitted by Radiation. Rochester, N. Y. Academy of Sciences. Pp. 10.
Welch, William H., M.D. Higher Medical Education and the Need of its Endowment. Pp. 24.
White, Charles A. Notes on the Invertebrate Fauna of the Dakota Formation. United States National Museum. Pp. 6, with Plate.
Williamson, Benjamin. Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Stress and Strain of Elastic Solids. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 135. $1.50.
Wright, Claude Galls. An Outline of the Principles of Modern Theosophy. New York: The Path, 144 Madison Avenue. Boston: New England Theosophical Corporation. Pp. 192. $1.
Yale University. Report of the Observatory. Pp. 20.
Ybarra, A. M. Fernandez de, M. D. The Medical History of Christopher Columbus. Pp. 16.
Zahm, the Rev. J. A. Bible, Science, and Faith. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co. Pp. 116. $1.25.
Spermophiles.—The destructive animals that form the subject of Vernon Bailey's Bulletin (Department of Agriculture) on the prairie ground squirrels of the Mississippi Valley, belong to the genus Spermophilus, and are commonly known as spermophiles. The name is derived from the Greek words σπέρμα, seed, and φιλεἳν, to love, in allusion to the fact that seeds form a large proportion of the food of the species. In the Old World the spermophiles are known as sousliks, while in America they are popularly called gophers or ground squirrels. The term gopher, however, belongs properly to a very different group of animals, to which it should be restricted, namely, the pocket gophers, which have external cheek pouches, and resemble the moles in living under ground and throwing up little mounds along the courses of their subterranean tunnels. Ground squirrel is a less objectionable name, because these animals really are ground squirrels; the term is, however, commonly applied to the chipmunks belonging to the related genus Tamius. Spermophilus is a