and H. W. Kirchner. The system includes an elevated track, with aëroplane sails as one of the sources of motor power. (St. Louis, Mo.)
Parts VIII and IX of H. H. Bancroft's Book of the Fair are devoted to the Woman's Exhibits, the Children's Department, and the Machinery and Agricultural Halls. (The Bancroft Company, Chicago. Price, $1 each.)
Entolai may be characterized as a "philosophical romance," or as a life history, with a religious element, described otherwise by the author, A. M. Bourland, as a letter to those he loves about science and the ideal. Its purport may be conceived from the dedication: "To those whose love of Nature has so thoroughly possessed them that they have been able to escape from every vestige of superstition, and as a consequence of which have embraced an unfaltering faith in the loving confidence in righteousness, that sustains all things, and rejoices in all truth." (Van Buren, Ark.: Lloyd Garrison.)
From Earth's Center: A Polar Gateway Message, is the title of a story embodying a thinly disguised teaching of some of the doctrines of the Edward Bellamy school, by S. Byron Welcome. A country within the earth, reached by means of a polar current, is supposed, where the ideal prevails of the conditions imagined by the dreamers of the class we have referred to.
Among recent bulletins of the United States Geological Survey is a Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, for 1890-'91, by Frank W. Clarke, which is occupied mainly with analyses of minerals and meteorites. Another bulletin is a Record of North American Geology for 1890, by Nelson H. Darton, being an alphabetical author and subject bibliography of books and essays in periodicals, dealing with North American geology, and received by the Survey in 1890. Works on general geological subjects, if printed in North America, are also included. Samuel H. Scudder describes in another bulletin, with three plates, Some Insects of Special Interest from Florissant, Colorado. Still another is a record of Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891, by Edward S. Holden. It consists of an observation of each shock made at the Lick Observatory, together with brief descriptions from many city and country newspapers in various parts of the State.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Alabama: Experiments in Crossing Cottons. Pp. 48, with Plates.—Delaware: Strawberries. Pp. 10.—Massachusetts: Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8.—New York: On Legal Standard for Cheese. Pp. 20—. Preventing Leaf Blight. Pp. 6.—North Dakota: Weather and Crop Service for June, 1894. Pp 15.
Bendire, Charles. Nests and Eggs of New Birds from Island near Madagascar. Pp. 3.
Binet, Alfred. Psychologie des Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'Echecs (Psychology of Great Calculators and Chess Players). Paris: Hachette & Cie. Pp. 361.
Bird, Charles. Geology. A Manual for Students in Advanced Classes, and for General Headers. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 429. $2.20
Brinton, D. G. The "Nation" as an Element in Anthropology. Pp. 16. On Various Supposed Relations between the American and Asian Races. Pp. 16. The Alphabets of the Berbers. Pp. 11.
Call, R. E. On the Geographic and Hypsometric Distribution of North American Viviparidæ. Pp. 12, with Map.
Carus, Dr. Paul. The Nature of the State. Chicago; The Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. .56. 25 cents.
Cooke, Ebenezer, Editor. Pestalozzi's How Nature Teaches her Children. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 206. $1.50.
Dall, William H. Monograph of the Genus Gnathodon, Gray. Washington: United States National Museum. Pp. 18, with Plate.
Dean, Lee Parker. The Evolution of Worlds from Nebulæ. Bridgeport, Conn.: The Marigold Printing Company. Pp. 84.
Earl, Alfred. Practical Lessons in Physical Measurement. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 350. $1.35.
Farrington, Oliver C. An Analysis of Jadeite from Mogoung, Burma. Pp. 3.
Fewkes, J. Walter. A Study of Certain Figures in a Maya Codex. Reprint from the American Anthropologist. Pp. 16, with Plates.
Frankland, Dr. and Mrs. Percy. Micro-organisms in Water. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 533. $5.
Frost, Edwin Brant, Translator and Editor. Dr. J. Scheiner's Treatise on Astronomical Spectroscopy. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 482, with Plates. $5.
Gebhard, William Paul. On Testing House Drains and Plumbing Work. Pp. 8.—The Relations between Gas Companies and Gas Consumers. Pp. 7.—Artificial Illumination. Pp. 8.
Gill, Theodore The Nomenclature of the Family Poecilidæ or Cyprinodontidæ Pp. 2.—The Differential Characters of the Salmonidæ and Thymallidæ. Pp. 6.—The Relations and Nomenclature of Stizostidion or Lucioperea. Pp. 6.—The Nomenclature and Characteristics of the Lampreys. Pp. 4. All United States National Museum, Washington.
Houston, Edwin J. A Dictionary of Electrical Words New York: The W. J. Johnston Company, Limited. Pp. 669. $5.
Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. New York: D. Appleton A Co. Pp. 234. $1.25.
Huxley, Thomas H. Discourses, Biological and Geological. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 388. $1.25.