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navigable waters of the United States, public works in the District of Columbia and the Yellowstone National Park, etc.

An essay on the History of the Philosophy of Pedagogics, by Charles W. Bennett, LL. D., has been published in book form (Bardeen, 50 cents). It sketches the attempts that have been made during the past four or five centuries to base education upon some one principle. The educational work of the religious reformers, abstract theological education, Jesuitism, Jansenism, pietism, realism, humanism, and deism are passed in review, and freedom of activity is described as the final stage. Portraits of leaders of educational thought, from Erasmus to Froebel, are inserted in the text.

In The Educational Labors of Henry Barnard, by Will S. Monroe (Bardeen, 50 cents), have been chronicled a series of efforts for the uplifting and advancement of education that have seldom been equaled in value. State Superintendent of Education in Connecticut from 1838 to 1842 and 1851 to 1855, holding the same office in Rhode Island from 1842 to 1849, President of the University of Wisconsin, and later of St. John's College at Annapolis, and United States Commissioner of Education from 1867 to 1870, Mr. Barnard has had many and important fields of usefulness. In 1855 he founded the American Journal of Education, of which thirty-one volumes have been issued. Four portraits of Mr. Barnard and a bibliography of his writings are included in the volume.


Adler, Hermann, M. D. Alternating Generations. A Biological Study of Oak Galls and Gall Flies. Translated and edited by Charles R. Stratton. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 198, with Plates. $3.25.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Connecticut: Seventeenth Annual Report. Pp. 331.—Babcock Test for Cream. Pp. 240.—Michigan: Fruit, Bulletins. Pp. 135.—Bulletins 107 to 110. Lambs, Potatoes, Vegetables, and the Horse. Pp. 100.—Storrs, Conn.: Sixth Annual Report. Pp. 200.

Carnegie, Douglas. Law and Theory in Chemistry. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 222. $1.50.

Cline, I. M. Climate and Health of Galveston, Texas. Pp. 7. Summer Hot Winds on the Great Plains. Pp. 40.

Correspondence School of Technology. Cleveland, Ohio. Catalogue. Pp. 23.

Cragin, Prof. F. W., Colorado Springs, Col. Vertebrata from the Neocomian of Kansas. Pp. 4. New and Little-known Invertebrata from the Neocomian of Kansas. Pp. 12.

Ewing. J. A. The Steam Engine and other Heat Engines. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 400. $3.75.

Fewkes, J. Walter, Boston. Dolls of the Tusayan Indians. Leiden. Pp. 30, with Plates.

Foley, William C. Armor Protection for Heavy Guns in Battle Ships. Pp. 12.

Hague, Arnold. The Yellowstone Park. Pp. 24.—The Great Plains of the North. Pp. 6.

Harris, W. T. Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1890-'91. Two Volumes. Pp. 1549.

Holt, L. Emmett. The Care and Feeding of Children. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 63. 50 cents.

Huxley, T. H. Man's Place in Nature. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 328. $1.25.

Keen, W. W., M. D. Ligation of the Common and External Carotid Arteries and the Jugular Vein. Pp. 3.—Operation Wounds of the Thoracic Duct in the Neck. Pp. 10.—Removal of the Gasserian Ganglion for Tic Douloureux. Pp. 14.—Oval Hæmorrhoid: Operation and Cure. Pp. 4.

Lewis, the late Henry Carvill. Papers and Notes on the Glacial Geology of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited from his unpublished manuscripts, with an Introduction by Henry W. Crosskey. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 469.

Lockwood, Jean Boag, General Manager. The Epitome. Monthly. May, 1894. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 64. 20 cents, $2 a year.

Lonsdale, E. H. Southern Extension of the Cretaceous in Iowa. Pp. 10.

Marine Biological Laboratory. Sixth Annual Report for the Year 1893. Boston. Pp. 46.

Marshall, the late Arthur Milnes. Biological Lectures and Addresses. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 366.

Mason, Otis T. The Birth of Invention. Pp. 12.—The Progress of Anthropology in 1892. Pp. 48. Technogeography, or the Relation of the Earth to the Industries of Mankind. Pp. 21.

Missouri. Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department. Pp. 28.

"Ormond." Suggestive Essays on Various Subjects. Creation vs. Evolution. Chicago: The Blakely Printing Company. Pp. 67.

Palmer, Julius A. About Mushrooms. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Pp. 100. $2.

Powell, J. W., Director. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. Two Volumes. Pp. 675 and 576, with Maps and Plates.

Shufeldt, R W., M. D. Comparative Oölogy of North American Birds. Pp. 32.—Scientific Taxidermy for Museums. Pp. 72.

Silberstein, Solomon. Six General Laws of Nature. New York. Pp. 40.

Slater, John F. Fund for the Education of Freedmen. Proceedings of the Trustees Pp. 42. Smithsonian Institution. List of Publications for Sale or Exchange. Pp. 26.

Spratt, Leonidas, Jacksonville, Fla. Man in Continuation at this Earth of a Nature of Reality throughout the Universe. Pp. 109.

Stewart, D. D., M. D. Tests for Serum Albumen in the Urine. Pp. 19.—Non-albuminous Nephritis. Pp. 27.

Stokes, Anson Phelps. Joint-Metallism. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 124.

Thompson, A. H. The Origin and Evolution of the Human Face and the Descent of Facial Expression. Pp. 20.

Trelease, William, St. Louis. Leitneria Floridana. Pp. 26, with 14 Plates.

University of the State of New York. Secretary's Report. Albany. Pp. 324. 35 cents.

Ward, H. Marshall. Action of Light on Bacteria and Fungi. Pp. 21.

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