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cover the laws enacted in 1893 by thirty-nine States and one Territory. In most cases the laws arc briefly summarized as well as cited, in order to present clearly and concisely material for comparative study of the most recent phases of State legislation on all subjects of general interest. (Published by the University of the State of New York, Albany. Price, 20 cents.)

In a paper on the Prevention of Tuberculosis in Ontario, read before the Ontario Medical Association, Dr. E. Herbert Adams advocates such measures of administration and education as will make sure the total destruction of the products of expectoration, and of the germs of the disease in every other form.

The Journal of Social Science, No. XXXI, January, 1894, includes more than half of the Saratoga papers of 1893. The one occupying the first place, and probably of widest general interest, is the tribute of Mr. Edward B. Merrill to the life and public service of George William Curtis. Other papers are the report of F. B. Sanborn on Socialism and Social Science; a review of recent progress in Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. Frederick Peterson; Compulsory Arbitration, by H. L. Way land, D. D.; three papers in the Finance Department, relating to the silver question, bimetallism, and The Three Factors of Wealth; three papers in the Social Economy Department—two of them relating to Mutual Benefit Societies and the Sweating System; three papers in the Jurisprudence Department; and The Education of Epileptics, by Dr. L. F. Bryson. (Pubhshed by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, and Damrell & Upham, Boston.)

In planning his First Course in Science, the author, John F. Woodhull, believing that the study of text-books alone can not be classed as work in science, and that illustrative or object teaching can be so classed only in part, has attempted to devise means by which apparatus could be put into the hands of each pupil as early as possible. A text-book, however, is essential, and it is given here in two separate but mutually dependent volumes. One volume contains directions to pupils for performing their experiments, sufficient to prevent aimless work, and yet not so full as to interfere with the inductive method. The other volume, the Text-book, is similar to the ordinary textbook, telling how the experiments should result, giving the pupil a correct form of statement for the conclusions and laws which he has learned in a practical way, and furnishing other information. The experiments are on light. On every right hand page in the Book of Experiments is left a space for the insertion of the pupil's own notes. (Published by Henry Holt & Co., New York. Price of the parts, 50 cents and 65 cents.)

Prof. Max Müller, replying to an accusation that his book on the Science of Thought was thoroughly revolutionary and opposed to all recognized authorities in philosophy, describes it as rather evolutionary, the outcome of that philosophical and historical study of language which began with Leibnitz and has now spread and ramified so as to overshadow nearly all sciences. The fundamental principle of the book is that language and thought are identical, and one can not be without the other. The three lectures on the subject published by the Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago, are regarded by the author as a kind of preface or introduction to the larger work. To these lectures are added in an appendix the correspondence between Prof. Müller and Francis Galton, the Duke of Argyll, George J. Romanes, and others, on Thought without Words. The lectures are sold, bound in paper, for 25 cents.

The papers in the fourth number of Volume II of the Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa are technical. Mr. B. Shimek's account of A Botanical Expedition to Nicaragua has a few features of general interest, but the author's mind was too singly fixed upon his collections to permit him to enlarge upon them. Of the other papers, four are upon the slime-molds and other fungi of Nicaragua, Central America, eastern Iowa, and Colorado; two relate to the physiology of the Coleoptera; two, by F. S. Aby, relate to the physiology of the Domestic Cat, and to observations on a case of Leucæmia; and A New Cycad is described by Thomas H. McBride. (Iowa City, Iowa. Price, 50 cents.)

The work described in the Report of the Botanical Department of the New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station for 1892

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