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Wadsworth, M. E. A Paper on the Michigan Mining School, Houghton. Pp. 14.

Walsh, John H. Mathematics for Common Schools. Part I. An Elementary Arithmetic. Pp. 212.—Part II. Intermediate Arithmetic. Pp. 250. 40 cents each.—Part III. Higher Arithmetic. Pp. 348. 75 cents. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.

Ward, Lester F. Washington. Status of the Mind Problem. Pp. 18.

Wheeler. O. D. Indianland and Wonderland. St. Paul, Minn.: C. S. Fee (Northern Pacific Railroad). Pp. 105. 6 cents.

White, Charles A. The Relation of Biology to Geological Investigation. Pp. 124. United States National Museum.

Wilson, Thomas. Minute Stone Implements from India. Pp. 6, with Plates. United States National Museum.

Winchell, Alexander. Walks and Talks in the Geological Field. Revised and edited by Frederick Starr. Meadville, Pa.: Flood & Vincent. Pp. 353.


Meeting of the American Association.—The forty-third meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will be held in Brooklyn, N. Y., August 15th to 24th. The names of the officers were given in The Popular Science Monthly for October, 1893. The rooms of the Polytechnic Institute, the Packer Institute, the Art Association, the Long Island Historical Society, and the Academy of Music have been offered for the use of the association. The meetings will be held mainly in the buildings of the Polytechnic and Packer Institutes. The headquarters of the association will be at the St. George Hotel, Clark Street. The Ladies' Reception will be given August 16th. An unusually varied and attractive list of excursions is offered, including free excursions to Long Branch; Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, where are the Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn Institute and the station of the New York Fish Commission; up the Hudson to West Point and return; and around the harbor; geological excursions to sis points of interest; mineralogical excursions to six points; botanical excursions to five points; zoölogical excursions to four points; excursions for engineers to the Navy Yard and the Brooklyn Bridge; and an excursion to the White Mountains to attend the Congress of the American Forestry Association. The pay excursions will be at reduced fares. The meetings of the associations and societies affiliated with the General Association will be held before and during its meetings, beginning with those of the Geological Society of America and the American Microscopical Society, August 13th.

Classes in Economics.—Instruction in the Department of Economics in the School of Applied Ethics, Plymouth, Mass., during the session July 12 to August 15, 1894, will be devoted to a discussion of the relation between economics and social progress. The idea which underlies it is, that all phases of social activity and living are necessarily bound together, and consequently that no problem in which human relations are a prominent factor, whether theoretical or practical, can be properly understood, except it be studied in the light of some comprehensive theory of social development. The same general purpose will be recognized in the adjustment of courses in the other departments of the school, which include those of History of Religious and Applied Ethics. The scheme of lectures includes courses by Prof. H. C. Adams, director, on the Historical Basis of Modern Industries, Relation of Economic Theory to Social Progress, and The Transportation Problem; by Prof. J. B. Clark, on The Ethics and the Economics of Distribution; by Prof. R. Mayo-Smith, on Ethnical Basis for Social Progress in the United States; by President E. B. Andrews, on Civilization and Money; their Relation illustrated by the History of Money; by Prof. F. H. Giddings, on The Social Functions of Wealth; by Prof. J. W. Jenks, on the Relation of Political and Industrial Reform; and by Dr. E. R. L. Gould on Practical Problems in Municipal Economy.

The Benefits of Sanitation.—A paper on The Achievements of Sanitation measured by Vital Statistics, by George E. Willetts, of Lansing, Mich., contains some suggestive data bearing on the usefulness of modern sanitation. Having sought for some compilation of death-rates from a number of the principal diseases reaching back for so long a period as to tell a connected story concerning such diseases, without being able to find it, Mr. Willetts carefully worked out the subject himself from selected data relating to mortality from fevers, cholera, consumption, smallpox, and all causes as recorded

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