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New York State Reformatory, Elmira. The Monthly Summary, December, 1893. Pp. 16.

Paine, Thomas. The Writings of, collected and edited by M. D. Conway. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 445. $2.50.

Preston, E. D. The Constant of Aberration (latitude, Hawaiian Islands). Washington: Coast and Geodetic Survey. Pp. 12.

Prosser, Charles S. The Devonian Section of Central New York along the Unadilla River. New York State Geological Survey. Pp. 35.

Putnam, F. W., Cambridge, Mass. The Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Report. Pp. 10.

Rafter, George W., and Baker, M. N. Sewage Disposal in the United States. New York: D. Van Nostrand & Co. Pp. 598.

Reemelin, Charles. The Earth and Mankind as International Totality. Pp. 14.

Remsen, D. S. Primary Elections. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 121. 75 cents.

Ribot. The Diseases of Personality. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 157. 25 cents.

Robertson, Charles. Flowers and Insects, etc. Sixteen Papers. Pp. 7 to 32 each.

Robins, The, Life Guard or Safety Fender for Electric and Cable Cars. Philadelphia. Pp. 14.

Robinson, D. W., M. D. Dakota for Health Seekers. Pierre, 8. D. Pp. 21.

Shufeldt, R. W. On the Taxonomy of the Swifts and Humming Birds. Pp. 7.

Skidmore, S. T., Philadelphia. An Evolution of Play.

Skinner, W. E. The Wizard's Manual. New York: W. S. Trigg. Pp. 122. 25 cents.

Social Science, Journal of, January, 1894. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 124.

Southard, W. F. The Modern Eye. San Francisco. Pp. 32.

Spalding, V. M. Guide to the Study of Common Plants. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 246. 85 cents.

State Library Bulletin (New York). Summary of State Legislation, 1803. Pp. 158. 20 cents.

United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Methods and Results as illustrated at the Columbian Exposition. Pp. 56.—Units of Electrical Measure. Pp. 4. Washington: Government Printing Office.

United States National Museum. Myriapods from Loanda, Africa. By O. F. Cook. Pp. 6.—New Species of Blind Snakes from Congo (pp. 2); Japanese Quails (pp. .5); Reptiles and Batrachians from East Afric (pp. 32). By Leonhard Stejneger.—North American Land, Fresh-water, and Marine Shells. By R. E. C. Stearns. Pp. 12.—Natural History of Aldabra, Assumption, and Glorioso Islands, Indian Ocean. By Dr. W. L. Abbott. Pp. 6.—The Proper Generic name of the Tunnies. By Theodore Gill. Pp. 2.—New Species of Mouse from Central America. Pp. 2. The Relationship of Taylor's Mouse. Pp. 2. By Frederick W. True.—New Geothlypis from Brownsville, Texas. By Robert Ridgway. Pp. 2.

Vickerman, Charles. Woolen Spinning. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 352. $1.75.

Walnut Lodge Hospital, Hartford, Conn. Annual Report. T. D. Crothers, M. D., President. Pp. 14.

Ward, Lester F., Washington. D. C. Status of the Mind Problem. Pp. 181.—Political Ethics of Herbert Spencer. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. Pp. 40.

Weisbach, Dr. Julius, and Hermann, Prof. Gustav. The Mechanics of Hoisting Machinery. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 332. $3.75.

White, Emerson E. School Management. American Book Company. Pp. 320. $1.

White's New Course in Art Instruction. Manual for the Fifth Year. American Book Company. Pp. 112. 50 cents.

Wiley, Harvey W. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis. Monthly. No. 1. Easton. Pa.: Chemical Publishing Company. Pp. 48, with Plates. 25 cents.

Williams, George H. The Distribution of Ancient Volcanic Rocks along the Eastern Border of North America. Chicago: University Press. Pp. 31.

Wood, Henry. The Political Economy of Natural Law. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Pp. 305. $1.25.

Woodhull, John L. First Course in Science. Vol. I. Book of Experiments. Pp. 78. 50 cents. Vol. II. Text-book. Pp. 133. 65 cents.

Wright, General Marcus J. Great Commanders. General Scott. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 319. $1.50.


Spencer-smashing at Washington.—At a meeting of the Washington Society for Philosophical Inquiry held January 23, 1894, the Rev. Dr. Momerie, of London, read a paper on Agnosticism, consisting chiefly of a criticism of Mr. Herbert Spencer and a defense of the current dualistic conception of the soul as the thinking personality or ego considered as distinct from and independent of the body. The paper was discussed by Dr. W. T. Harris and Mr. Lester F. Ward. Mr. Ward's remarks were as follows: While Dr. Momerie was reading his able paper I could not help thinking to what a remarkable degree the views of Herbert Spencer have become the object of philosophical discussion and public attack. To judge from the opposition to him in all directions one would suppose that his entire system of philosophy was unsound and worthless. No book, no philosophic essay, no form of discussion of any question is complete that does not score him at some point. This society since its organization a year ago has been engaged in an almost uninterrupted onslaught upon his doctrines. Dr. E. L. Youmans, who, when living, was the great American disciple of Spencer, used to characterize those who even at that date had begun to inveigh against him by the name of 'Spencer-smashers,' and since his death the business of Spencer-smashing has continued to increase; but, strange as it may seem, notwithstanding all this opposition the great philosopher will not down. I am not myself innocent of the charge of Spencer-smashing, and I thought these remarks

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