diseases. W. R. Le Fami, in his Seventy Years of Irish Life, gives the following testimony of an invalid who had sought the benefits of Knock Chapel: "Indeed, sir, I took all the rounds and said all the prayers, but it was of no use; not but what it's a grand place. It would astonish you to see all the sticks and crutches hanging up there—left behind by poor cripples who went home cured. It's my opinion, sir, that for rheumatism, and the like of that, it's a grand place entirely; but as for the liver, it's not worth a d—n."
The third session of the School of Applied Ethics will be held at Plymouth, Mass., in July and August, 1894. Lectures will be given by leading scholars in three departments, namely: those of Ethics, under the direction of Prof. Felix Adler; Economics, Prof. H. C. Adams, director; and History of Religions, Prof. C. H. Toy, director. A complete programme of the lectures is to be issued. S. Burns Weston, Secretary, 118 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia.
Frank Bolles, Secretary of Harvard University and an esteemed contributor to The Popular Science Monthly, died at his home in Cambridge, Mass., of pneumonia, January 10th, in his thirty-eighth year. His father was the first editor of the Boston Journal, and was distinguished in public life; his mother was a sister of General John A. Dix. He was a graduate of the Columbia and the Harvard Law Schools; had considerable experience in journalistic work; contributed to literary periodicals under the signature of "Eugene Raleigh"; was a hard worker over books, and was enthusiastically fond of outdoor life and the study of Nature in all her aspects, making specialties of mountains and birds. A few years ago he bought an abandoned farm, on the edge of Chocorua Lake and at the foot of the mountain of that name, where, as he told a gentleman who called on him last summer, he spent "every minute" he could spare from his duties at Cambridge, and where he kept his pet owls and mice, etc., in summer, wintering them at Cambridge. He contributed to The Popular Science Monthly an article on Ways of the Owl, published in June, 1892, and other articles which will appear in time; published two books, describing his outdoor and mountain excursions and studies, entitled The Land of the Lingering Snow and To the North of Bear Camp Water, and was the author, besides, of some books of information concerning Harvard University, the Genealogy of the Family of Anthony Dix, Important English Statutes, and an essay on International Arbitration, which secured him the Bowdoin prize at Harvard. As Secretary of Harvard University he kept the interests of the students at heart, established an employment bureau for them, and was beloved by them.
The Rev. Samuel Lockwood, Ph. D., who died at Freehold, N. J., January 9th, aged seventy-five years, was well known by his popular articles on scientific subjects, which he invested with a rare charm of sympathetic interest. He was a close observer, particularly of animals in their various moods, and his descriptions were always picturesque, while accurate. He contributed sixteen articles to The Popular Science Monthly, beginning with the first volume. The subjects were: Crabs, Audubon's Lily, the Coatimondi. Cultivating Wild Flowers, The Enemies we Import, The Eucalyptus, Glass Sponges, The Great Cemetery in Colorado, A Mastodon, Musical Mice, The Oyster, American Owls, Scratching in the Animal Kingdom, and Sea Anemones.
Mr. Robert Bentlet, of Earl's Court, an eminent English botanist, died in December, 1893. Soon after becoming a member of the College of Surgeons, in 1847, he was appointed lecturer on botany in the Medical School of the London Hospital, and Professor of Botany in King's College. His subsequent life was entirely devoted to the advancement of botanical science, and he was the author of numerous books and papers bearing upon it, and upon the application of botanical knowledge to medicine and in the arts. One of the last of his works of this kind was the editing jointly with Profs. Redwood and Attfield of the British Pharmacopœia of 1885, which is still the official standard for all medicinal preparations required by the Medical Council.
T. W. Kennard, C. E., founder of the Monmouthshire Crumlin Works, Wales, and designer and constructor of the Crumlin Viaduct, who died in September, 1893, was the engineer-in-chief of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway in the United States.
Rear-Admiral Marin H. Jansen, of the Royal Netherlands Navy, died at the Hague, September 9, 1893, on the last day of his seventy-seventh year. He was largely engaged during his active life in geographical exploration and surveying; was a correspondent of Lieutenant M. F. Maury, of the United States, in his scientific work; contributed much information in aid of his researches, and published a translation of his Physical Geography of the Sea, with valuable appendices on land and sea breezes in the tropics and on ozone, which Maury incorporated into his own subsequent editions; published an important work, in 1864, on The Latest Discoveries in Maritime Affairs; was the chief promoter of the revival of arctic exploration in Holland; and contributed other valuable services to science. He was an honorary corresponding member of the British Royal Geographical Society.