Leffmann, Henry, and Beam, William. Analysis of Milk and Milk Products. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son, & Co. Pp. 93. $1.
Lord, John. Two German Giants—Frederick the Great and Bismarck. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 173. $1.
Macfarlane, Alexander, University of Texas. On Rainmaking. Pp. 10.
Mayer, I. H., M. D. Domestic Economy. Lancaster, Pa. Pp. 283.
Mendenhall, T. C., Superintendent. Fundamental Standards of Length and Mass. Washington: United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Pp. 5.
Philadelphia Record Almanac for 1894. Pp. 96.
Pickering, E. C, Director of Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Miscellaneous Researches during the Years 1883-1893. Pp. 227.—Comparison of Positions of Certain Stars, 1870 to 1884. By W. A. Rogers. Pp. 381.—Account of the Observatory. Pp. 4.—Investigations of the New England Meteorological Society for 1891. By W. M. Davis, J. W. Smith, and R. D. C. Ward. Pp. 284, with Plates.—Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory in 1892 under the Direction of J. Lawrence Rotch. Pp. 138.
Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Salishan Languages. Washington: United States Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. 86.
Plummer, Fred. G. Illustrated Guide-book to Mount Tacoma. Tacoma, Wash. Pp. 10, with Plates.
Pope Manufacturing Company, Boston, Mass. Columbia Desk Calendar for 1894. Pp. 365.
Powell, J. W., Director. Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1887-'88. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 617.
Pressinger, W. P. The Widening Use of Compressed Air. New York. Pp. 7.
Preston, E. D. Results of Observations for the Variations of Latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian Islands. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Pp. 20.
Putnam, George Haven. Authors and their Public in Ancient Times. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 309.
Pyle, J. S., Canton, Ohio. A Plea for appropriating Capital Criminals to the Experimental Physiologist. Pp. 8.
Richards, Ellen H. The Story of the New England Kitchen and Leaflets. Boston.
Ricks, George. Object Lessons and how to give them. First and Second Series. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 202 and 212. 90 cents each.
Ridgway, Robert. A Revision of the Genus Formicarius Boddaert. Pp. 20.—Description of some New Birds collected in Islands near Madagascar. Pp. 9.—Remarks on the Asian Genus Myiarchus. Pp. 4. Washington: United States National Museum.
Riley, C. V. Report on Insecta, Arachnida, and Myriapoda of the United States Eclipse Expedition of 1889-'90.
Rotch, J. Lawrence. The Meteorological Stations on Mont Blanc. Pp. 4. The Highest Meteorological Station in the World. Pp. 6, both with Plates.
Savage, M. J. Jesus and Modern Life. Boston: George H. Ellis. Pp. 229. $1.
Scott, Sir Waller. The Abbot. American Book Company. Pp. 536. 60 cents.
Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. Mechanics of the Upper Mandible in the Scolopacidæ. Pp. 3.
Smock, John C, Trenton, N. J. Annual Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for 1892. Pp. 367, with Map.
Stevenson, John J. Origin of the Pennsylvania Anthracite. Rochester, N. Y.: Geological Society of America. Pp. 70.
Simpson, Charles T. Fossil Unios and Fresh-water Shells from the Drift at Toronto, Can. Washington: United States National Museum. Pp. 6.
True, Frederick W. Notes on Mammals from Tana River, East Africa. Pp. 4.—Description of a New Species of Fruit Bat from Aldabra Island. Pp 2. Washington: United States National Museum.
Underwood, B. F. New Occasions. Monthly. Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co. Pp. 53. 10 cents; $1 a year.
Van der Heyden, W., M. D., Yokohama, Japan. Description of a newly devised Sanitary Building. Pp 2.
Weed, Clarence M. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Harvest Spiders of Ohio. Washington: United States National Museum. Pp. 24.
West, James H. Uplifts of Heart and Will Boston: George H. Ellis. 50 cents.
Wheatley, William A. The German Declensions Simplified and Symbolized. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 53. 25 cents.
Wilder (Burt Green), The, Quarter-century Book. By some of his Former Students. Ithaca, N. Y.: Comstock Publishing Company. Pp. 494, with Plates. $5.
Woolcomber, W. G. Practical Work in Heat. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 61.
Pestalozzianism in America.—An article under this title, by Mr. George W. Boutwell, in The Popular Science Monthly of November, 1893, undertakes to correct in one important point my article on the Oswego Normal School, in The Popular Science Monthly of the preceding May. I fully agree with Mr. Boutwell that Pestalozzian principles were known and discussed in this country long before the Oswego movement. This was implied in my article, if not distinctly stated. I did not state where, when, and by whom they were introduced, not because of a desire to detract from the honor due to Pestalozzian pioneers in Massachusetts or elsewhere in America, but because these matters were not directly within the scope of my article, and limitations of space did not permit excursions from the subject. It is claimed for Dr. Sheldon and his associates that they were the first to systematically apply Pestalozzian methods to a system of public schools in all its grades, and the first to give to teachers systematic training in these methods. This claim will, I believe, bear investigation, and will keep in honorable remembrance the work done at Oswego.—William M. Aber.
Prehistoric Trepanning.—A considerable number of examples of trepanning and of in-