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Musical Reader, which is designed for "high and normal schools, academies, and seminaries." It is compiled and edited by Charles E. Whiting, and is really a most useful addition to the repertoire of school music books. The first forty-eight pages are devoted to musical notation, embracing exercises and solfeggios of a very educational type. The collection of two, three, and four part songs is excellent; but in the two latter sections some of the selections are rather difficult for beginners. Among the three-part songs is a novel arrangement of a solo with voice (duet) accompaniment—a style of voice culture that will probably become more general. The hymn tunes are easy, and will be found useful by teachers in connection with the rudimentary exercises and solfeggios. It contains 224 pages, and is published at 85 cents.

Recognizing the great agricultural depression existing in England and the apparent impossibility of farmers being able to prosper from the cultivation of grain crops, J. Cheal, F. R. H. S., suggests that cultivators of the land should consider what other means might be adopted in the way of yielding crops that would give more satisfactory returns. In his book entitled Practical Fruit Culture, which is published by George Bell and Sons, London, 1892, he advocates that, taking into consideration the "enormous quantities of fruit" imported into England for consumption there, fruit culture would be one of the best if not the most important means toward a renewed agricultural prosperity. The volume contains some excellent information upon the fruits most adaptable to the climate of Great Britain, and instructive hints as to their planting, cultivation, etc. (194 pages; price, 75 cents).

In a volume of 241 pages, C. W. Bardeen, of Syracuse, N. Y., has published three series of songs "for schools," which contain over three hundred selections. The first series is entitled The Song Budget, and is devoted to nursery rhymes and songs for young children; the second is called The Song Century, embracing some of the most popular standard songs; and the third, The Song Patriot, gives examples of patriotic songs, war songs, and national hymns. It is a useful cheap edition of song music, but the compiler has made some rather unfortunate omissions in neglecting to give the composers' names, while in at least one important instance wrong authorship is claimed. This, however, does not affect the arrangement of the music, which is excellent (price, 50 cents).


Abbe, Cleveland, The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 324.

Abbott, Samuel W., M. D. On the Geographical Distribution of Certain Causes of Death in Massachusetts. Boston. Pp. 116.

American Young People. Monthly. Volume I, No. 1. Pp. 52. 10 cents. $1 a year.

Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. An Atlas of Astronomy. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 57. With 72 Plates. $4.

Baumgarten, G., M. D. The St. Louis Medical College. An Historical Address. St. Louis. Pp. 19.

Bedell, Frederick, and Crehore, Albert Gushing. Alternating Currents. New York: The W. J. Johnston Co., Limited. Pp. 325.

Bidgood, John. A Course of Practical Biology. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 353. $1.50.

Bishop, Louis F. A New Measurement in the Study of Fever. Pp. 5.

Boland, Mary A. A Handbook of Invalid Cooking. New York: The Century Co. Pp. 323. $2.

Bolles, Frank. Students' Expenses. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University. Pp. 45.

Booth, Charles. Life and Labor of the Poor in London. Volume IV. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 354. $1.50.

Bradford, E. F., M. D., and Lewis, Louis, M. D. Handbook of Emergencies and Common Ailments. Boston: B. B. Russell. Pp. 448.

Bradstreet Company, New York. A Record, not a Prospectus. Pp. 16.—Its Work in Relation to Mercantile Credit. Pp. 4.

Brinton, D. G., Philadelphia. The Anthropological Sciences. Proposed Classification and Nomenclature. Pp. 2.—Reminiscences of Pennsylvania Folk Lore. Pp. 10.—Columbus Day Address, 1892. Pp. 8.—Books on American Languages. Pp. 4.—"Further Notes" on Fuegian Languages (pp. 5) and on the Betoya Dialects. Pp. 8.—The Etrusco-Libyan Elements in the Song of the Arval Brethren. Pp. 8.—Analytical Catalogue of Works and Scientific Articles. Pp. 16.

Calderwood, Henry. Evolution and Man's Place in Nature. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 349. $1.

College Association of the Middle States and Maryland. Fourth Annual Convention. New York: Educational Review. Pp. 86.

Colas, Jules A. Poole Brothers' Celestial Handbook. Chicago: Poole Brothers. Pp. 110. With Plates. Poole Brothers' Celestial Planisphere (Revolving Card).

Comstock, Theo. B. Utilization of the Sulphide Ores of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Pp. 20.

Current Topics. Monthly. February, 1893. Chicago. Pp. 80. With Portrait. 15 cents. $1 a year.

Duluth, Minn. Annual Report of the Board of Education, 1892. Pp. 113.

Egbert, Seneca. The Bicycle in its Relation to the Physician. Boston: A. A. Pope. Pp. 11.

Farquhar, Henry. Competition and Combination in Nature. Pp. 3.

Fassig, Oliver L. Report of Bibliographer and Librarian of the U. S. Signal Office. Pp. 22.

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