those which the experience of mankind has found serviceable; nor are they such as a scientific man would have thought of devising."
Mr. Lodge pays reverent tribute to the genius of Sir Isaac Newton, and claims for him the palm-wreath among all other philosophere—ancient or modern. His treatment of the biographical sketch of Newton and of his discoveries and the preparation of his laws of gravitation, motion, etc., as contained in the Principia, are most interesting as well as valuable.
The second part of the work (eight lectures) is rather condensed. Laplace's mathematical genius is briefly described, while the birth of stellar astronomy and the works of Sir William and Caroline Herschel are excellently portrayed. The volume closes with chapters upon Comets and Meteors, and Tides and Planetary Evolution. It is profusely illustrated.
Hygienic Measures in Relation to Infectious Diseases. By George H. F. Nuttall, M. D., Ph. D. (Göttingen). New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Pp. 112. Price, 75 cents.
This is a very useful little work and should have a place in every home library. There seems to be an almost general ignorance of both the causes of infections diseases and how to prevent their spread; and Dr. Nuttall has produced this little handbook in a form that is so simple and instructive that even the least scientific reader can, without any difficulty, prepare and use ample means for the disinfection of persons, houses, furniture, etc.—no matter from what cause the infectious material may exist.
The author warns people against using "made and patent disinfectants"; for, as he says, "the term disinfection means the absolute destruction of infectious material," and "many preparations sold as disinfectants are nothing of the kind," but belong to the antiseptic and deodorant classes. He gives, as the best and most certain methods, those by fire, dry heat, steam, and chemicals, and in a foot-note to the paragraph "Disinfection by Boiling," he quotes Flügge most instructively: "The ordinary treatment to which soiled linen and clothes are subjected in the laundry (one half-hour's boiling) would be quite sufficient for their disinfection were it not for the fact that the process of boiling is preceded by the processes of sorting, soaking, and rinsing in cold water."
The volume contains practical directions for the treatment of infectious diseases in private houses and other places; and the second part is devoted to excellent "information as to the causes and mode of spreading of certain infectious diseases and the preventive measures that should be resorted to."
Rest and Pain. By the late John Hilton, F. R. S. London and New York: George Bell & Sons. Pp. 514. Price, $2.
Tins work, which its editor speaks of as "acknowledged to be one of our few surgical classics," has reached its fifth edition in England, and is now offered to medical students and practitioners in America. Its special claim to attention is that it presents certain facts in a different grouping from that of the usual treatises, thus throwing a new light upon the bearing of much that may seem useless or abstruse to the student. It has the two objects of preaching to physicians a letalone gospel, designed to secure greater reliance upon the work of Nature, and of pointing out how much can be learned in regard to various disorders from the pains that accompany them. The volume consists of a course of lectures delivered by the author as consulting surgeon to Guy's Hospital, under the title. The Therapeutic Influence of Rest and the Diagnostic Value of Pain in Accidents and Surgical Diseases. It deals with injuries and diseases of the brain, spinal column, the joints, the sacro-iliac region, with abscesses, and miscellaneous other disorders. A large number of cases are quoted in this treatise, and the text is illustrated with l(t5 cuts.
Domestic Science. By James E. Talmage. Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon & Sons. Pp. 589.
The field of this book embraces the applications of science to the affairs of domestic life—a field concerning which there has always been a great amount of ignorance. The dispelling of this ignorance was one of the tasks that enlisted the efforts of the founder of this magazine, who published his Handbook of Household Science over thirty