Dionæa muscipula (Ellis), by J. M. MacFarlane; An Abnormal Development of Inflorescence of Dionæa, by John W. Harshberger; Mangrove Tannin, by H. Trimble; Epigæa repens, by W. P. Wilson; A Nascent Variety of Brunella vulgaris, by J. T. Rothrock; and Movements of the Leaves of Melilotus alba and other Plants, by W. P. Wilson.
The History of the Higher Education in Ohio is published by the United States Bureau of Education as a number of Herbert B. Adams's series of contributions to American educational history. The preparation of the work was undertaken by Prof. George W. Knight, and, he falling ill, has been continued and completed by Mr. John R. Commons. The history of college education in Ohio is of peculiar interest, on account of the relatively large number of colleges that have been organized within the State, and the variety of the experiments that have been tried in connection with them. The success and failure alike of these institutions afford lessons valuable to men interested in education.
The Lake Magazine is a new monthly periodical, devoted to politics, science, and general literature, published at Toronto, Ont., and intended to represent Canadian thought, discuss Canadian questions, and promote Canadian interests. The first number contains articles on Canada and Imperial Federation, The Franchise, A Canadian Literature, Art in Canada, etc. For succeeding numbers, articles are promised from leading politicians, divines, and literary men, on topics of current interest.
The report of the Public Industrial and Art School, Philadelphia, gives an account of the objects of the school, its methods, rules, regulations, and course of instruction. The directors claim that this school was the first practical and successful attempt ever made in Philadelphia or elsewhere to incorporate manual training as an integral branch of common-school education. It was started in 1880, largely through the efforts of Mr. Charles G. Leland. It has grown rapidly, and its facilities have been enlarged till now nearly seventeen hundred pupils, from every grade of the public schools and the teachers' classes, are taught in it weekly.
A Sketch of the Life of Joseph Leidy, prepared by Dr. W. S. W. Ruschenberger for the American Philosophical Society, is published by MacAlla & Co., Philadelphia. It contains in an appendix a list of Dr. Leidy's publications, society papers, and verbal reports to scientific societies, occupying twenty closely printed pages, together with a list of learned societies at home and abroad of which he was a member.
The National Popular Review' is a new illustrated journal of preventive medicine and applied sociology, edited by P. C. Remondino, M. D., and published by J. Harrison White, at San Diego, California. It proposes in all matters to occupy a middle ground whereon the profession and the laity may meet to discuss matters of common interest.
Department M of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, includes the branches of Ethnology, Archæology, History, Cartography, Latin-American Bureau, Collective and Isolated Exhibits. It will have forty acres of floor space in the building, and a strip of land nearly a thousand feet long in addition. The plan and classification of the exhibit are published in detail by Prof. F. W. Putnam, chief of department, and provide for a very full showing, particularly in the North American and Latin-American departments.
Of the fifth volume of the Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan, Part I contains Studies on Reproductive Elements; on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Chelonia; on the Development of Limulus longispius; on the Lateral Eyes of the Spider; on a Collection of Birds from Tsushima; and on the Formation of Germinal Layers in Petromyzon—all by Japanese authors. Part II is mainly devoted to a Study of the Disturbance of Isomagnetics attending the Mino-Owari Earthquake of 1891, by Profs. A. Tanakadate and H. Nagaoka, with an Optical Note by K. Takizawa.
We have received Part III of Vol. I of Iconographia Floræ Japonicæ—descriptions, with figures, of plants indigenous to Japan, which has been prepared by Mr. Ryōkichi Yatabe, and is published in Tokio. Plants belonging to seventeen orders are described and illustrated, with Japanese and English text and full-page engravings.
A lecture on The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, which was delivered before the Young Men's Hebrew Association, in Wilkesbarre, Pa., in December,