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hopes may be more acceptable and easier of credit to those who doubt concerning the present accepted view. Not "Calvary"—the crucifixion—according to this view, was the culmination of Christ's life work, and marked the accomplishment of his mission, but the temptation in the wilderness, in which "our Lord literally bought back the spiritual freedom of mankind through the spiritual danger that he, guarded with the weakness of the flesh, was presumed to encounter when he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness."

The Elements of Economics of Industry, by Alfred Marshall, is an abridgment of the first volume of the author's Principles of Economics, noticed in our June number. The reduction of the larger work has been effected by the omission of many discussions on points of minor importance and of some difficult theoretical investigations, thus allowing arguments that are retained to be given in full. A chapter on trade-unions is included in the present volume, although in the larger work this subject is postponed to a later stage. (Macmillan, $1.)

The results of extended study are embodied in The English Language and English Grammar, by Samuel Ramsey. The former part of the book is a general account of the origin and present condition of our mother-tongue, considerable attention being devoted to pronunciation and spelling. The latter part is a treatise on the nature and uses of the parts of speech, closing with some suggestions to young writers. Throughout the volume the author gives his personal impressions freely on controverted matters, though acknowledging, as for example in his analysis of the sounds in English speech, that others see these things differently. (Putnam, $3.)


Abbe, Cleveland . Memoirs of Jonathan Homer Lane and William Ferrell. Washington. Pp. 48.

Abbott, W. L. Catalogue of Collection of Ethnological Objects from Kilimanjaro, East Africa. United States National Museum. Pp. 50.

Agius, J. Jimeno. La Reforma de la Ortografia Qastellana. Imprenta de La Patria, Balparaiso. 32 p. Prezio, zinqo zentabos.

Ashley, Hon. J. M. The Impending Political Epoch. New York: Evening Post Printing House. Pp. 88. 20 cents.

Bailey, L. H. Cross-breeding and Hybridizing. New York: Rural Publishing Company. 40 cents.

Barnes, Almont. Agriculture of South America. Washington: Department of Agriculture.

Barter, S. Wood-work: the English Sloyd. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 341. $2.

Beddard, Frank E. Animal Coloration. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 288, with Plates. $3.50.

Campbell, John P. Biological Teaching in the Colleges of the United States. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 183.

Churchill, Lord Randolph S. Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 337, with Map and Plates. $5.

Ciaffi, Francesco. II Baratto dei Biglietti di Bianca (Exchange of Bank Notes among Banks of Circulation and Forced Currency in Italy). Subiaco.

Dawson, George M., and Sutherland, Alexander. Geography of the British Colonies. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 330. 80 cents.

Dolbear, A. E. Matter, Ether, and Motion. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Pp. 334.

Fernow, B. E. Timber Physics. Preliminary Report. Washington: Department of Agriculture. Pp. 63, with 6 Plates.

Fessenden, C. Elements of Physics. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 229. 80 cents.

Foster, Michael, and others, Editors. The Journal of Physiology, Vol. XIII, Nos. 3 and 4. Cambridge, England. Pp. 344, with Plates. Nine shillings.

Gomme, George Lawrence. Ethnology in Folk Lore. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 203. $1.

Gould, George M., M. D., Philadelphia. The Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Prevalent Epidemic of Quackery. Pp. 24.

Griffith, William. Anthracite Coal Production of Pennsylvania. Chart. P. 1.

Hale, George E. Solar Photography at the Kenwood Astro-physical Observatory. Pp. 11, with 2 Plates.

Hale, Horatio. Language as a Test of Mental Capacity. Pp. 46.

Hatch, F. H. Mineralogy. New York: Macmillan & Co.

Homan, George. The Relation of Land Monopoly to Population Health. Pp. 9.—Land Liberation as a Public Health Measure. Pp. 7. Concord, N. H.

James, George Francis. Proceedings of the First National Conference on University Extension. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 292. $1.50.

Japan. Journal of the College of Sciences of the Imperial University, Tokyo. Vol. V. Part I. Pp. 147, with 14 Plates.

Knight, George W. The History of Higher Education in Ohio. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 258.

List, N. A. The American Charts. Investigations in Literary Archaeology. Omaha, Neb.

Lydekker, R. Phases of Animal Life, Past and Present. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 248. $1.50.

McDonald, Marshall, Commissioner. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 497.

Maginnis, Arthur. The Atlantic Ferry; its Ships, Men, and Working. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 304. $2.

Maxwell, James Clerk. A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. New York: Macmillan & Co. 2 vols. Pp. 506 and 500, with Plates. $8.

Missouri Botanical Garden. Third Annual Report. St. Louis. Pp. 170, with Plates.

New York Academy of Sciences. Annals. Vol. VI, Nos. 5 and 6. Pp. 116. Transactions, December, 1891, January and February, 1892. Pp. 64, with Plates.

Not on Calvary. New York: Charles T. Dillingham & Co. Pp. 46.

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