that something may be at hand to meet immediate calls upon the survey for information concerning the coal deposits of the State. It embodies part of the results of such observations in the coal-fields as the author was able personally to make in 1890 and 1891. While the descriptions of the details of sections, the correlation of the different coal beds, the definition of the individual areas of the coal-beds, and the adaptabilities of the coals for steaming purposes are reserved for future reports or only briefly touched upon, and the report is not exhaustive or elaborate, it is comprehensive. It aims to present, in general terms, an outline of the conditions of occurrence and distribution of coal in the entire State, and contains a descriptive reference to every county in which coal is known to exist. Special effort has been made to obtain and include all information and results particularly relating to coal that were not obtainable at the time the earlier surveys of the State were in operation. Of especial value are the records of the various deep shafts and drill-holes which are included in the report. The well executed sectional diagrams of the several coal mines described contribute much to the satisfactory impression made by the report.
The principles of sound physical development, graceful carriage, and easy posture are taught in the little manual on Delsarlean Physical Culture, which has been prepared for seminaries, classes, private teachers, and individuals by Carrica Le Favre, and is published by the Fowler & Wells Company. The rules and exercises prescribed are simple and plain, and such as, with patience and attention, are easily carried out.
In The Modern Cook-book (Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, Springfield, Ohio) an acceptable addition has been made to this class of books by Mrs. T. J. Kirkpatrick. The recipes are numerous, various, and simple, and are classified. The author has found that all the cook-books that have come under her observation lack something of completeness, and has endeavored to fill the want so far as she could by presenting a book containing a moderate number of recipes, all practical and working. The recipes are tabulated wherever it is possible; the bills of fare are not for state occasions, but for plain, every-day cooking; and the directions are full, minute, and systematic.
In the series of catalogues compiled by W. M. Griswold (Cambridge, Mass.), we notice the Descriptive List of Romantic Novels, the object of which is to direct readers, who would enjoy books of this kind, to a number of novels, easily obtainable, but which, in many cases, have been forgotten within a year or two after publication. The purpose has been to include only such works as are well written, interesting, and free from sensationalism, sentimentality, and pretense. The list is alphabetical, by titles, and is supplemented by an alphabetical index of authors.
A pamphlet on Roads Improvement, published by the League of American Wheelmen, contains three papers enforcing the importance of good roads, and showing by citations of what has been accomplished abroad what can be done toward making them. The papers are: The Common Roads of Europe and America, by Isaac B. Potter; Highways and National Prosperity, by Edward P. North; and The Importance of Good Wagonroads, by Prof. Lewis M. Haupt. The arguments of these papers are re-enforced in the most striking style by contrasted photographic views of scenes on the common roads of the United States, even near large cities, and the finished highways, even in rural districts, of England, Ireland, and Brittany.
A summary of Recent Advances in Electricity, Electric Lighting, Magnetism, Telegraphy, Telephony, etc., edited by Henry Greer and published at the New York Agent College of Electrical Engineering, contains articles on The Storage of Electricity; The Brush Storage System; other notices of storage batteries, accumulators, etc.; Telegraphing from a Moving Railway Train (Phelps's system); Navigable Trains of Air-ships (electricity being the motive power); and Edison's paper on his Pyromagnetic Dynamo, or machine for producing electricity directly from fuel, Price, $1.
A second series of Papers in Penology, compiled by the Editor of the Summary, and published at the New York State Reformatory at Elmira, contains papers on The Prisons of Great Britain, by Jay S. Butler; Modern Prison Science, by Prof. Charles A. Col-