Munro, J. Heroes of the Telegraph. New York and Chicago: Fleming H. Revell. Pp. 288. $1.40.
National Educational Association. Journal of Proceedings and Address. Session of 1891. Toronto. Pp. 892.
Netto, Ladislao. Le Muséum National de Rio de Janeiro. Son Influence sur les Sciences Naturelles au Brésil. Paris: Ch. Delagrave. Pp. 83.
Payne, W. W., Northfield, Minn., and Hale. George E., Editors. Astronomy and Astrophysics. Ten times a year. January, 1892. Pp. 96. $4 a year.
Pickering, Edward C. Cambridge, Mass. Forty-sixth Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Pp. 11.
Robinson, John. Our Trees. Salem, Mass.: Essex Institute. Pp. 120.
Sheldon, W. L., St. Louis. The Meaning of the Ethical Movement. Pp. 41.
Shepard, Charles H., M. D., Brooklyn, N. T. Rheumatism and its Treatment by Turkish Baths.
Shufeldt, R. W., Tacoma. Wash. Taxonomy of the North American Pygopodes. Pp. 6.
Stallcrop, John C. Of Matter, the Laws and the Life thereof. Pp. 50.
Thorne, R. Thome. Diphtheria. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 266. $2.
Thomas, Cyrus. Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains Washington: American Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. 246. with Maps.
Turner, Frederick J. The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 94. 50 cents.
Tyndall, John. New Fragments. D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 500. $2.
United States National Museum, Washington: Explorations in Newfoundland and Labrador. By F. A. Lucas. Pp. 20.—On a Bronze Buddha in the United States National Museum. By Charles DeKay. Pp. 8.—The Puma, or American Lion. By F. W. True. Pp. 20.—The Museums of the Future. By G. Brown Goode. Pp. 20.
University of the State of New York, Albany. University Extension Bulletin, No. 1. Pp. 50. 10 cents.
University of Pennsylvania. Courses in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering for 1891-'92. Pp. 38.
Ward, Lester F. Principles and Methods of Geologic Correlation by Means of Fossil Plants. Pp. 8.—The Plant-bearing Deposits of the American Lias. Pp. 7.
Winslow, Arthur. Preliminary Report on the Coal Deposits of Missouri. Jefferson City. Pp. 226, with Map.
Wolff, Alfred R. The Ventilation of Buildings. New York. Pp. 32. 25 cents.
The Peabody Museum of Archæology.—The Peabody Museum of American Archæology has received for current expenses since 1881, when the first gift was made to it, $27,801. The gifts amounted to an average of $3,089 a year. The permanent fund for the support of the museum gives an income of $2,376 a year. At no time has so much interest been taken in the work of the museum or in aid of its explorations as during the past two years. Important additions have been made to the building, and improvements in the arrangement of the collections. Among the results of the various works arc additional discoveries of palæolithic implements in the Trenton gravel by Dr. Abbott, and of others from the older or Columbian gravel by Dr. Cresson; discoveries by Mr. Ernest Volk in relation to the early people of the Delaware Valley; explorations by the curator of burial places of Massachusetts Indians at Winthrop; of Seneca Indians in the Genesee Valley; and of village sites of Indians in the Potomac Valley, with recovery of chipped stones and implements in various stages of manufacture from an ancient workshop. The Serpent Mound Park has been completed, and the hay crop and the discriminate cutting of timber from parts of the land will help bear the expense of maintaining it. A collection and several important objects have been received from Mexico, Yucatan, and Santo Domingo; crania of Zuñi and of a Tierra del Fuegian; the sacred pole of the Omaha Indians, with the scalps of noted enemies of the tribe, the sacred pipe, arrows, etc.; Peruvian pottery and pottery vessels, stone implements, and carved stones from Chiriqui; implements, weapons, masks, etc., from New Guinea and several islands of the Pacific; casts of M. Desiré Charnay's collections of the Lorillard Expedition to Yucatan and Mexico; and copper implements from the province of Tobasco, Mexico, which will form an important link in the chain of evidence upon the working of stone in Mexico and Central America. Continued explorations in the Little Miami Valley have resulted in the discovery of some ancient hearths half a mile below the Turner earthworks, which furnish evidence of the occupation of the bottom lands at different intervals during the formation of the deposit that fills the valley. The Turner earthwork has now been thoroughly explored; more so, perhaps, than any earthwork in the country. In the last mound examined, large flint points of peculiar shape, handles made of antlers, and specimens of the objects called gorgets made from a stalagmitic or fibrous gypsum, were found—all unique. Another curious work has been examined at Foster's, about twenty miles above the Turner group. It is a circumvallation more than half a mile in extent, made up of a carefully laid wall of flat stones, loose