Annual Report of the Postmaster-General. Government Printing-Office. Pp. 183. With Maps.
Bacteriological World. Paul Paquin and J. H. Kellogg, editors. Battle Creek, Mich. Monthly. Pp. 40. $2 a year, 25 cents a number.
Bolton, H. C. Scientific Correspondence of Joseph Priestley. Pp. 240. With Portrait.
Butler, Amos W. The Birds of Indiana. Pp. 135.
Calendar for 1892. Styles & Cash. New York.
Carus, Paul. Homilies of Science. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 317. $1.50.
Chaddock. C. G. Visual Imagery of Alcoholic Delirium. Pp. 5. Reprint.
Commissioner of Labor. Annual Report for 1890. Parts I, II, and III. Government Printing-office.
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 33. Wire-worms. Pp. 82.
Engineering and Mining Journal. Mineral Statistics for 1891. New York: Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 78.
Geikie, Archibald. Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 332. $1.50.
Green, C. H. Catalogue of a Unique Collection of Cliff-dweller Relics. Chicago. Pp. 35. 25 cents.
Hart, A. B. Epoch Maps illustrating American History. New York: Longmans, Green .k Co.
Humanity and Health. Monthly. New York: Humanity Publishing Co. Pp. 14. $1 a year, 10 cents a number.
Hunt, T. Sterry. Systematic Mineralogy based on a Natural Classification. New York: Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 391. $5.
Hutchinson. Rev H. N. The Story of the Hills. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 357. $1.50.
Keller, Helen. Souvenir of the First Summer Meeting of the American Association to promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Washington: Volta Bureau. Illustrated.
Langley. S. P. Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Government Printing-office. Pp. 63.
Lethaby, W. E. Architecture, Mysticism, and Myth. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 272. $1.75.
Martin. G. H. Antidotes to Superstition. London: Watts & Co. Pp. 154.
New York State Reformatory. Sixteenth Yearbook. Illustrated.
New York and the World's Fair. Pp. 59. Illustrated.
Peirce. Dr. C. N. Sanitary Disposal of the Dead. Philadelphia Cremation Society. Pp. 57.
Philosophical Review. Bimonthly. J. G. Schurman, Editor. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 128. 75 cents a number. $3 a year.
Porter, Robert P. The Eleventh Census. New York: Engraving & Printing Co. Pp. 64.
Powell, J. W. Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. 2 vols. Pp. 123 and 774. Government Printing-Office. Illustrated.
Report of Board of Engineer Officers, United States Navy, on Ward's Water-tube Marine Boiler, etc. Pp. 82. Illustrated.
Roads Improvement. Papers by Isaac B. Potter, Edward P. North, and Prof. Lewis M. Haupt. Pp. 30. Reprint.
School and College. Ray Greene Huling, Editor. Boston: Ginn & Co. Monthly. Pp. 64. 20 cents a number, $1.50 a year.
School of Applied Ethics. First Year's Work. Pp. 15.
Scott, Alexander. Introduction to Chemical Theory. London: Adam and Charles Black. Pp. 266. $1.25.
Shufeldt, R. W. Where Young Amateur Photographers can be of Assistance to Science. Pp. 5. Reprint. Illustrated.
Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Papers. Some Observations on the Hevasu Pai Indians and The Navajo Belt-weaver. By R. W. Shufeldt.—On the Characters of some Palæozoic Fishes. By E. D. Cope.—Condition and Progress of the United States National Museum. By G. Brown Goode.—The Genus Panopeus. By James A. Benedict and Mary J. Rathbun.—The Pito te henua, or Easter Island. By William J. Thompson.—Aboriginal Skin-dressing. By Otis T. Mason.—Animals recently Extinct, etc. By Frederic A. Lucas.—The Development of the American Rail and Track. By J. Elfreth Watkins.—Department of Geology, United States National Museum. By George P. Merrill. Government Printing-Office, 1891.
Statistics of Railways. Part of Third Annual Report to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Government Printing-Office, 1891. Pp. 99. Advance sheets.
Texas Sanitarian. T. J. Bennett, Editor Monthly. Austin, Texas: Sanitarian Publishing Co.. Pp. 72. $2 a year.
Thornton. C. S. Report on the Condition of the Cook County Normal School. Chicago. Pp. 27.
Trimble, Henry. The Tannins. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 168. $2.
United States (Geological Survey Bulletins No. 62. 65, 67 to 81, inclusive. Government Printing-office, 1890 and 1891.
Wright. G. Frederick. Theory of an Interglacial Submergence in England. Pp. 8. Reprint.
Wyatt, Francis. The Phosphates of America. New York: Scientific Publishing Co. Pp. 187. $4.
A Defense of Examinations.—Examinations are defended by W. H. Maxwell, in a paper which he read before the National Education Association at its meeting in 1890. To the question, "Is examination one of the means that occasion those mental activities which result in knowledge, power, and skill?" Mr. Maxwell gives an affirmative answer, saying: "Knowledge is not knowledge when it has been merely taken in. It is not knowledge until it has passed through the mind and come out again in words or actions of our own. Until this is done, we can not be sure even that we possess knowledge. Every thorough-going student has been at some time or other, when confronted with examination questions, amazed at his own ignorance of subjects with which he fondly imagined he was thoroughly familiar. There is probably no better test of a teacher's ability than his power to determine, during the giving of a lesson or after it has been given, whether it has been mastered by his pupils. And yet I have frequently seen teachers of great ability astonished at their pupils' ignorance of subjects which they (the teachers) thought had been completely