the last year's shoots of the Osage orange and the honey locust were destroyed, the thermometer being 14° below zero. The Elæagnus is a native of the Himalaya Mountains.
Technical Education.—Dr. Lyon Playfair, in his "Lecture on Technical Education," dwells upon the success which has attended the technical institutions of Switzerland and Holland. He says: "What has enabled this little nation (Switzerland), so remote from the pathways of commerce, and so poor in the mineral resources of industry, to carry on manufacturing production by the aid of a prosperous and contented people, while England, washed by the ocean and abounding in mineral wealth, is burdened with an ever-increasing proportion of the unproductive poor? There is only one answer: that Switzerland has a highly-educated people." And of Holland he adds: "Despite her natural poverty in the raw materials of industry, Holland sends to this country alone exports of food to the annual value of £5,000,000, and manufactured products worth £6,000,000 more. The law compels every town of 10,000 inhabitants to erect technical schools." Among Dr. Playfair's conclusions, he states that "a higher education, in relation to the industries of the country, is an essential condition for the continued prosperity of the people; for intelligence and skill—as factors in productive industry—are constantly becoming of greater value than the possession of native raw material or local advantages."—Iron.
Science and the Press.—Remarks of George Ripley at the laying of the cornerstone of the new Tribune building:
"Friends and Fellow-Laborers: We have assembled to-day in commemoration of the past, and for consecration of the future. The original foundation of the Tribune was laid in sentiment and ideas. Horace Greeley was a man of no less profound convictions than of lofty aspirations. The tenderness of his emotional nature was matched by the strength of his intellect. He was a believer in the progress of thought and the development of science, in the progress of society and the development of humanity. Under the influence of this inspiration, the Tribune was established more than thirty years ago. At that time its basis was spiritual, and not material, strong in ideas, but not powerful in brick and mortar, in granite or marble, in machinery or in money. We have come to-day, not to remove this foundation, but to combine it with other elements, and thus to give it renewed strength and consistency. It is our purpose to clothe the spiritual germ with a material body, to incorporate the invisible forces which inspired the heart of our founder in a visible form, in the shape of a goodly temple, massive in its foundation, fair in its proportions, and sacred in its purposes. The new Tribune of to-day, like the old Tribune of the past, is to be consecrated to the development of ideas, the exposition of principles, and the promulgation of truth. The ceremony which is now about to be performed typifies the union of spiritual agencies with material conditions, and thus possesses a significance and beauty which anticipate the character of the coming age. The future which lies before us, it is perhaps not presumptuous to affirm, will be marked by a magnificent synthesis of the forces of material Nature and the power of spiritual ideas.
"Allow me one word in illustration of this prophecy, and I will yield the place to the fair hands and the fair spirit whose presence on this occasion crowns the scene with a tender grace.
"About ten years before the establishment of the Tribune, dating from the death of Hegel, in 1831, and of Goethe in the following year, the tendency of thought on the continent of Europe, which had been of an intensely ideal, or spiritual character, began to assume an opposite direction. Physical researches rapidly took precedence of metaphysical speculation. Positive science was inaugurated in the place of abstract philosophy. The spiritual order was wellnigh eclipsed by the wonderful achievements of the material order. A new dynasty, arose which knew not Joseph, and, the ancient names of Plato, and Descartes, and Leibnitz, were dethroned by the stalwart host that took possession of the domain of physical science. I need not rehearse the splendid discoveries which have