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hood and womanhood without other moral instruction than what they may have inhaled with the air, and possessing such notions of rectitude that they might be put to the blush by a barbarian.

The handy little volume that suggests right and wrong as worthy subjects for study is founded upon the Rollo Code of Morals, by Jacob Abbott. This has been abridged and altered to suit present needs. The contents include a score of lessons upon fundamental duties. A principle is stated in concise form at the beginning of each lesson; stories illustrating it, or any deviation from it, follow; and, in conclusion, questions are given, not only upon the subject-matter furnished, but upon other cases not mentioned in the text, thus stimulating the pupil to think for himself. The arrangement is admirable, the language simple and direct, and the stories such as to interest children. Now that the book is written giving primary ethical truths without religious doctrine, it is to be hoped that it will be put into immediate use. It may possibly be objected by school committees that, although containing no more theology than simple theism, it has a pronounced political bias. It undoubtedly tends to discourage party rings and truckling to power, and may thus be construed to openly aid and abet civil-service reform. Yet, as no code of morality can be drawn up of sufficient latitude for political use, it can be explained to the pupil that electioneering and lobbying form exceptions to ethical rules.


Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletins and Reports. Delaware College. Leaf-blight. Pp. 10.—University of Illinois. Experiments in Pig-feeding. Pp. 30.—Iowa. Various Subjects. Pp. 120.

Allen. J. A. New Species of Mice from Costa Rica and Mexico. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 4.

Bolles, Frank. Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers and their Uninvited Guests. Pp. 12.

Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings. May to December, 1890. Pp. 182.

Coinage of Gold and Silver. Report of Congressional Committee. Pp. 156.

Dall, William H, New or Interesting West American Shells. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 20, with Plates.

Evermann, Barton W., and Jenkins, Oliver P. Report upon a Collection of Fishes made at Guaymas, Mexico. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 45, with Plates.

Fernow, B. E. What is Forestry? United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 52.

Foster, Michael, and others. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. XIII, No. 3. Cambridge, England Pp. 108, with Plates. $5 a volume.

Frazer, Dr. Persifor, Philadelphia. The Progress of Chemical Theory. Pp. 37.—The Warrior Coal-field of North Alabama. Pp. 16.

Funk & Wagnalls, New York. The New Standard Dictionary. Prospectus.

Ghisleri, Prof. A., Editor. Geographia per Tutti (Geography for all). Fortnightly. Vol. I, No. 1. Bergamo. Italy: Cattaneo Brothers. Pp. 16. 7 lire a year.

Gibbins. H. De B. The History of Commerce in Europe. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 233. 90 cents.

Hambleton, G. W. Physical Development. Pp. 4.

Harris, George H. Root-foods of the Seneca Indians. Rochester, N. Y.: Academy of Science. Pp. 12.

Heinzen, Carl. The Rights of Women and the Sexual Relations. Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 173.

Herrick, C. L., Editor. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Quarterly. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Pp. 100, with Plates. $3 a year.

Huxley, T. H. Les Sciences Naturelles et l'Éducation. Édition Française. Paris: J. B. Baillière et fils. Pp. 360. 3 fr. 50.

Ives, J. E. Echinoderms and Arthropods from Japan. Pp. 24, with Plates.

James, Joseph F. Paleontology of the Cincinnati Group. Pp. 28.

Keen, William W., Philadelphia. Laparotomy in Appendicitis. Pp. 9.—Linear Craniotomy in Microcephalus. Pp. 7.

King, A. F. A. Hysteria. New York: William Wood & Co. Pp. 22.

Kirtland, The C. B., Publishing Co., Salina, Kansas. The Agora. A Quarterly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 60. 25 cents; $1 a year.

Lanin, E B. Russian Traits and Terrors. Boston: B. R Tucker. Pp. 288. 35 cents.

Lucas, Frederic A. On the Structure of the Tongue in Humming-birds. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 3, with Plates.

McAdie, Alexander. Mean Temperatures and their Corrections in the United States. United States Signal-Office (War Department). Pp. 45.

McGee, W J. Account of the Progress of Geology for the Years 1887-'88. Pp. 42.—The Appomattox Formation in the Mississippi Embayment. Pp 6—The Southern Extension of the Appomattox Formation. (Abstract, pp. 3; paper, pp. 17.)—The Field of Geology and its Promise for the Future. Pp. 16.—Encroachments by the Sea. Pp. 12.—The Flood-plains of Rivers. Pp. 12.

Marshall, Alfred. The Principles of Economics. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 770. $3.

Maynard, Charles J. Manual of North American Butterflies. Boston: De Wolfe, Fiske & Co. Pp. 226, with Hand-colored Plates.

Merrill, F J. H. Post-Glacial History of the Hudson River Valley. Pp. 7.

Olmsted, Denison. Introduction to Natural Philosophy. Fourth revised edition. By Dr. Samuel Sheldon. New York: Charles Collins, and Baker & Taylor Co. Pp. 465. $2.50.

Pellegrini. Pietro. Dritto Sociale (Social Right). Mozzano, Italy Pp. 360.

Peterman, Alexander L. Elements of Civil Government. American Book Company. Pp. 224. 60 cents.

Ridgway, Robert. Directions for collecting Birds. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 26.

Ross, Irving C. The Neuroses from a Demographic Point of View. Pp. 14.

Russell, Israel C. An Expedition to Mount St. Elias. Alaska. Washington: National Geographic Society. Pp. 150. with Plates.

Sheldon, Samuel. Chapters on Electricity. New

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