Structures; and two chapters on Hydraulics constitute Part III. A list of examples follows each chapter, the total number being over 250, and there are 377 diagrams in the text.
Under the title Cotton Facts, a compilation of statistics is published by Alfred B. Shepperson (New York), relating to the crops, receipts, exports, stocks, home and foreign consumption, visible supply, prices and acreage of cotton for a series of years, and other related matters. The present edition of the book continues to the close of the cotton season of 1889-'90 the statistics contained in previous issues. Besides the tables, there are several special articles in the volume, one being on Cotton Culture in Central Asia, by Henry G. Kittredge, editor of the Journal of Commerce, Boston, and others on the Cotton Caterpillar, and the Cotton Season of 1889-'90.
The purpose carried out in Christ and Our Country, by Rev. John B. Robins (Farnesworth Bros., Dalton, Ga., 75 cents), is to combat some of the apprehensions expressed in Our Country, by Dr. Josiah Strong, and Modern Cities, by Samuel L. Loomis. The author has strong hope that Christianity will counteract the dangers that these authors discern in immigration, increasing wealth, Romanism, Mormonism, socialism, city life, etc.
A volume of satire in verse, entitled The Devil's Visit, has just appeared, without the author's name (Excelsior Publishing House, $1). A marvelous variety of topics is touched upon in this book, ranging from practical politics to the teaching of Greek, and from communism to the deceptions of a woman's toilet. Every reader will find the faults and follies of many people he knows sharply touched up, and, if he only succeeds in skipping the part where his own weaknesses are similarly treated, will doubtless get much enjoyment from the volume.
The American Patent System, by D. Walter Brown (the author, New York), is a manual of direction and advice for inventors in regard to obtaining patents, and in correcting and transferring them.
We have received from Brentano's a fancifully got up volume entitled Gentlemen, and divided into two parts, treating respectively of dress and "essential customs" for gentlemen. From the former part we learn that the monocle "is worn any time of day," and in the latter we are informed that no gentleman should ask for a lady's picture "without first having met her at least seven times." These quotations sufficiently indicate the nature of the book. (Price $1.50.)
With its first number for the current year, The Teacher began a new series, and added several elements of strength to its already high character. Mrs. Mary Hargrove Simpson remains the general editor, and now has as associates the following well-known educators: Louisa P. Hopkins, of Boston; Ellen E. Kenyon and Caroline B. Le Row, of Brooklyn; W. N. Hailmann, of La Porte, Ind.; B. A. Hinsdale, of Ann Arbor; H. M. Leipziger, of New York; and C. M. Woodward, of St. Louis. This journal has been from the start an exponent of advanced modern thought in the domain of education. Its special purpose is to set forth the scientific principles on which the art of teaching is coming more and more to depend, and the working out of which every teacher and school officer must keep track of, if he wishes to keep up with the progress of the time in his profession. The departments of The Teacher are Editorial and Miscellaneous, Theory and Practice of Teaching, Correspondence, Reviews, and Notes. Its articles have the character expected in magazine articles, and it may be questioned whether the nature of the journal would not be better indicated if it should adopt the magazine form. (The Teacher Co., New York. $1 a year.)
Abbott, Francis A. The Scientific Method. Appletons. Pp. 27. 10 cents.
Adler, Mrs. Helen. Scientific Observation and Study of Children. New York: The Teacher Co. Pp. 15.
Agricultural Experiment Stations: Connecticut. Bulletins on Cedar Apples. Pp. 6.—Cornell University. Egg Plants. Pp. 26.—Iowa Bulletin No. 12. Various Papers. Pp. 56.—Massachusetts. Annual Report. Pp. 324.—Mississippi. Injurious Insects. Pp. 41.—Nebraska Sugar-Beet Series, No. II. Pp. 98.—New York. Laying Hens. Pp. 16; Coarse Foods. Pp. 10.—Storrs, Conn. Third Annual Report. Pp. 200.
American Chemical Society Journal. March. Pp. 24. $5 a year.
Aveling, Edward. Introduction to the Study of Botany. Macmillan. Pp. 363. $1.10.
Blaikie, James, and Thomson, W. A Text-book