Pope Manufacturing Company. Desk Calendar for 1891.
Remsen, Ira, Editor. American Chemical Journal. Vol. XII, No. 8, Pp. 75. 50 cents. $4 a volume.
Reynolds, John P., M. D.. Boston. The Limiting of Child-hearing among the Married. Pp. 24.
Riley, C. V., and Howard, L. O., Editors. Insect Life. Vol. Ill, No. 4. Washington: Division of Entomology, Department of Agriculture. Pp. 48.
Rotch, A. Lawrence. Observations at Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Mass., in 1889. Pp. 76.
Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. Osteology of Arctic and Subarctic Water-Birds. Part VIII. Pp. 18.
Sime, James. Geography of Europe. Pp. 341. 80 cents.
Skidmore, Sidney T., Philadelphia. University Extension. Pp. 12.
Smith, John B. Mouth Parts of the Diptera. Pp. 20.
Specialties. Monthly. London. Pp. 12.
Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf. The Philosophy of Fiction in Literature. Longmans. Pp. 226.
Tillier, Claude. My Uncle Benjamin. Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 312.
Tingle, J. Bishop. Hjelt's Principles of General Inorganic Chemistry (translated). Longmans. Pp. 220.
United States National Museum, Washington. The Coast Indians of Southern Alaska and Southern British Columbia. Pp. 130, with Plates—Fire-making Apparatus. By Walter Hough. Pp. 57.—Handbook of Prehistoric Archæology. By Thomas Wilson. Pp. 72.—Corean Mortuary Pottery. By Pierre Louis Jouy. Pp. 8.—Osteological Characteristics of the Family Amphipnoidæ. By Theodore Gill. Pp. 4.—Inquiry respecting Palæolithic Man in North America. By Thomas Wilson. Pp. 36.—Expedition to Funk Island and the Great Auk. By Frederic A. Lucas. Pp. 36, with Plate.—Hippisley Collection of Chinese Porcelains. By Alfred E. Hippisley. Pp. 104.—Report of Section on Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. Pp. 5.—Report on Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. Pp. 12.—Report on Condition and Progress. By G. Brown Goode. Pp. 84.
Werge, John. The Evolution of Photography London: Piper &, Carter, and the author. Pp. 812, with Plates.
Willoughby, Westel W. The Supreme Court of the United States. Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 124.
Winchell, Alexander, Ann Arbor, Mich. Recent Observations on some Canadian Rocks. Pp. 12.
Wardel, Robert B. Recent Theories of Geometrical Isomerism. Salem, Mass.: Salem Press.
Tale University Observatory. Report for 1889-'90. Pp. 18.
Pasteur Institute, New York.—From the opening of the New York Pasteur Institute, February 18, 1890, till October 15th, 610 persons that had been bitten by dogs or cats presented themselves to be treated. For 480 of these patients it was demonstrated that the animals which attacked them were not mad. Consequently, they were sent back, after having had their wounds attended during the proper length of time when it was necessary; 400 patients of this series were consulted or treated gratis. In 130 cases the antihydrophobic treatment was applied, hydrophobia having been demonstrated by veterinary examination of the animals which inflicted bites, or by the inoculation in the laboratory, and in many cases by the death of some other persons or animals bitten by the same dogs. All these persons were, on the day of the report, enjoying good health. In eighty cases the patients received the treatment free of charge. The persons treated were—sixty-four from New York; twelve from New Jersey; twelve from Massachusetts; eight from Connecticut; nine from Illinois; three from Missouri; three from North Carolina; three from Pennsylvania; two from New Hampshire; two from Georgia; two from Texas; one from Maryland; one from Maine; one from Kentucky; one from Ohio; one from Arizona; one from Iowa; one from Nebraska; one from Arkansas; one from Louisiana; and one from Ontario, Canada.
The Tuscarora Deep.—Rear-Admiral Belknap, of the United States Navy, read a paper before the Asiatic Society of Japan in Yokohama, in October, describing the deep soundings made by his survey vessel, the Tuscarora, in the Euro Siwo, last summer, and comparing them with deep soundings in other seas and parts of the ocean. The main object of the Tuscarora expedition was to determine the feasibility of a cable route across the mid-North-Pacific from California to Yokohoma, by way of Honolulu and the Bonin Islands, and on the homeward run to survey a second route from a point on the east coast of Japan, on a great circle running through the Aleutian chain of islands, and ending at Cape Flattery at the entrance of Puget Sound. The mid-Pacific survey had been successfully run, without finding any unusually remarkable depths, and the party anticipated that the return survey would be correspondingly easy. But, putting to sea on the 10th of June, the Tuscarora had hardly got a hundred miles from the coast, when a sounding was made of 3,427 fathoms, the waters having deepened more than 1,800 fathoms in a run of thirty miles. The next cast was still more startling, for, when 4,643 fathoms of wire had run out, it broke without bottom having been reached. Corresponding depths to these were found in all the sound-