approval of all Latinists of authority in Europe and America, as giving substantially the pronunciation employed by educated Romans of the Augustan age, and has been formally adopted at our leading universities. After presenting the authorities upon which it has been established, Prof. Peck concludes that "it is not too much to claim that the system of pronunciation upon which scholars are now agreed differs less from that of the Romans of the Augustan age than does our modern pronunciation of English differ from that of Shakespeare and his contemporaries." Published by Henry Holt & Co. (sixty cents).
Much pains is taken in the Natural Speller and Word Book (American Book Company) to teach, with the spelling of the words, the proper use of them. The dictation exercises are intended to serve to teach composition and punctuation in addition to spelling. Homonyms are made to serve for memory exercises as well as for spelling, while by introducing the best thoughts of the best authors they become really elementary lessons in literature. Synonyms are introduced to teach discrimination in the use of words, and lessons in etymology to teach the meaning of the common stem in words of like derivation. Important points to be noted in pronunciation are indicated by typographical devices.
Abbott, Charles C. Outings at Odd Times. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 282. $1.50.
Agriculture, United States Department of North American Fauna, No. 3. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 136, with Plates and Maps.
American Chemical Society. Journal. Monthly. September, 1890. $5 a year.
Badt, Lieutenant F. B., and Carhart, Prof. H. S. Derivation of Practical Electrical Units. Chicago: Electrician Publishing Company. Pp. 56.
Ball, William Piatt. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse inherited? London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 156. $1.
Biblia. Monthly. Vol. Ill, No. 8. November, 1890. New York: B. Westermann & Co. Pp. 10. $1 a year.
Blakiston, P., Son & Co., Philadelphia. The Physician's Visiting List for 1891.
Blanford, Henry F. India, Burmah, and Ceylon. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 191. 70 cents.
Blyth, A. Winter. A Manual of Public Health. London and New York: Macmillan &Co. Pp. 653. $5 25.
Bodington. Alice. Studies in Evolution and Biology. London: Eliot Stock. Pp. 220. 50 cents.
Brooklyn Ethical Association. Sociology; Popular Lectures and Discussions. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 403.
Brugière, Sara Van Buren. Good Living. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 580.
Business Men's Association of Niagara Falls. The Water-power of the Falls of Niagara. Pp. 46, with Plates.
Caverns, the, of Luray, Virginia. Valley Land and Improvement Company. Pp. 48.
Census Bulletin. No. 6. Financial Condition of Counties. Washington, D. C.: Census Office. Pp. 26, with Charts.
Cope. Rufus. The Distribution of Wealth. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 364. $2.
Davis, Gualterio G. Climas (Climates) de Villa Formosa, Chubut, y Ciudad de San Juan, Argentine Republic. Buenos Ayres. Pp. 596.
District of Columbia Public Schools. Teachers' Manual of Manual Training. Washington. Pp. 84, and Plates.
Durham, William. Astronomy (Science in Plain Language Series). Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. Pp. 133. 50 cents.
Elderton, William A. Maps and Map-drawing. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 130. 35 cents.
Ely, Talfourd. Manual of Archæology. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 278. $2.
Georgia Department of Agriculture. Crop Report for October, 1890. Pp. 8.
Gribayédoff, Valerian. The French Invasion of Ireland in '98. New York: Charles P. Somerby. Pp. 192.
Hale. E. E., D. D. Sermon on Strength. Boston: George U. Ellis. Pp. 11. 5 cents.
Hug, Lina, and Stead, Richard. Switzerland (Story of the Nations Series). New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 430. $1.50.
International American Conference, Washington, 1890. Minutes. Washington, D C.: William E. Curtis, Executive Office. Pp. 905.
Interstate Commerce Commission. Second Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 566.
Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames. Bulletin No. 10. Pp. 160.
Iowa State University. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History. Iowa City. Pp. 98.
Jacobs, Joseph, Collector. English Fairy Tales. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 253.
Jastrow, Joseph. The Time Relations of Mental Phenomena. New York: N. D. C. Hodges. Pp. 60.
Jones, Hon. John P. Shall the Republic do its own Work? Speech in the United States Senate. Washington, D. C. Pp. 155.
Martin, H. Newell, and Brooks, W. K., Editors. Studies in the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Vol. IV, No. 7. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 514, with Plates. $1. $5 a volume.
Musick, Thomas H. The Genesis of Nature. New York: John B. Alden. Pp. 377.
Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Bulletin, August, 1890. Strawberries and Raspberries. Pp. 16.
Oliver, Charles A., M. D., Philadelphia. Observations on the Ocular Apparatus of the Imbecile, Epileptic, and Insane. Pp. 5.
Osborne, Henry L., Hamline, Minn. Invertebrate Dissections. Pp. 36.
Porter, Charlotte, and Clarke, Helen A., Editors. Poet Lore. Monthly. Vol. II, No. 11. Poet Lore Co., Philadelphia. Pp. 64. 25 cents. $2.50 a year.
Prosser, Charles S. The Devonian and Silurian Rocks of Western Central New York. Pp. 12.
Shepherd. Henry A. The Antiquities of the State of Ohio. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Pp. 139, with Plates. $2.
Tuckerman, Alfred. Ph. D. Index to the Literature of Thermodynamics. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 239.
Tuckerman, Frederick. On the Gustatory Or-