We have received in pamphlet form Prof. Lester F. Ward's article on Genius and Woman's Intuition, published in the Forum. It is a reply to an article on Woman's Intuition, by Mr. Grant Allen, who, Prof. Ward says, entirely mistakes the nature of this faculty. It is defined by Prof. Ward as a power of instantaneous accurate judgment in matters that affect the safety of the woman or her children. Out of its own field this instantaneous judgment fails to be accurate, which is the reason why men are unwilling to trust the conclusions of women on the broader questions of society and the state. Prof. Ward maintains, also, that Mr. Allen errs in identifying genius with the intuition of woman, and speaks of the former as essentially a creative faculty, which man as a rule possesses to a greater degree than woman.
The Journal of Morphology (Ginn) opens its fourth volume with a number containing five papers. These are The Origin of the Cerebral Cortex and the Homologies of the Optic Lobe Layers in the Lower Vertebrates, by Isaac Nakagawa; The Skeletal Anatomy of Amphiuma during its Earlier Stages, by 0. P. Hay; The Segmentation of the Primitive Vertebrate Brain, by Charles F. W. McClure; and two by Mr. W. H. Howell, one being on The Life History of the Formed Elements of the Blood, especially the Red Blood Corpuscles, the other being occupied with Observations upon the Occurrence, Structure, and Function of the Giant Cells of the Marrow. Three folded plates accompany the issue.
Bulletin No. 63 of The Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station is a pamphlet on Greenhouse Building and Heating, by L. R. Taft. "The greatest defects in the ordinary forcing house," Mr. Taft says, "are, that there is generally too much wood in the roof in the shape of rafters and sashbars, and that sufficient care is not taken to so erect them that they will not rot down, or the walls, if of brick or of masonry, be broken apart or thrown down by frost." He discusses the material for walls, the arrangement of sash bars and supports, methods of glazing, ventilating apparatus, steam and hot-water heating, etc.
The Second Annual Report of the Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station, at Storrs, Conn., contains the following papers: The Acquisition of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Plants, by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods; Bacteria in Milk, Cream, and Butter, by H. W. Conn; Stubble and Roots of Plants as Manure, by Charles D. Woods; Meteorological Observations, by C. S. Phelps; Co-operative Field Experiments with Fertilizers, by C. S. Phelps; and Effects of Different Fertilizers upon the Composition of Corn, by Charles D. Woods.
The papers contributed to the Second Annual Report of the Experiment Station, at the Kansas Agricultural College, by the Botanical Department of the station, comprise a Report on the Loose Smuts of Cereals; an account of Experiments in Crossing Varieties of Corn; Observations on Crossed Corn the Second Year; and Brief Notes of a Preliminary Study of the Receptivity of Corn Silk. Nine plates illustrate the smuts and their natural enemies, and two are devoted to the crossed corn.
A Chart Relative to the Composition, Digestibility, and Nutritive Value of Food has been prepared by Prof. Henry A. Mott (Wiley, $1.25). It contains a large number of tables of the nature indicated by the title, the authority for each and the name of the publication from which the table is taken being given. A few general comments on the digestibility of foods are given in a foot-note.
The first number of a magazine whose purpose is indicated by its name—Physical Culture—has been issued in New York. Its editor is Archibald Cuthbertson, who says that his magazine will endeavor to avoid publishing articles simply because subscribed by a prominent name. "Physical Culture will stand or fall, not by or for lack of certain names appended to its articles, but by the quality of these attributed to them by intelligent people." Accordingly, except the opening article, "by the editor," none of the papers in this issue are signed at all, and certain marks indicate that they are mostly the product of one pen, The number contains a biographical sketch of James Douglas Andrews, illustrated with a full-page portrait of Prof. Andrews, and a view of the interior of the Brooklyn Young Men's Christian Association Gymnasium. Other articles take up The Checkley Sys-