Kunz, George F. Precious Stones. Pp. 34.
Lindsay, Thomas B., Editor. The Satires of Juvenal. New York, etc.: The American Book Company. Pp. 226.
Macdonald, Carlos F., M. D. Report on the Execution by Electricity of William Kemmler. Albany: The Argus Company. Pp. 20.
McLennan, Evan. Cosmical Evolution. Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & Co. Pp. 399.
Mallery, Garrick. Customs of Courtesy. Washington, D. C.: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 16.
Mason, Edward Campbell. The Veto Power. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 232. $1.10.
Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 33 (Milch-Cows). Pp. 16.
Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand. The Tempting of Pescara. New York: W. S. Gottsberger & Co. Pp. 184.
Michigan Mining School, Houghton. Catalogue, 1889-'90. Pp. 72.
Monist, The. Quarterly, Vol. I, No. 1. October, 1890. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 161. 50 cents. $2 a year.
New England Meteorological Society. Investigations for 1889. Cambridge, Mass.: Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Pp. 162, with Plates.
Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Bulletin on Wheat. Pp. 36.
Peck, H. T. Latin Pronunciation. New York: Henry Holt &, Co. Pp. 33. 60 cents.
Peet, Stephen D. Emblematic Mounds and Animal Effigies. Chicago: American Antiquarian Office. Pp. 357.
Physical Culture. Monthly. Archibald Cuthbertson, Editor. Vol. I, No. 1 . October, 1890. New York: 85 Nassau Street. 20 cents. $2 a year.
Putnam, G. P., and Jones, Lynds E. Tabular Views of Universal History. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 211.
Savage, Minot J. A Unitarian Spirit Dorothey Dix. Pp. 16.—Old World Religion. Pp. 15. Boston: George H. Ellis. 5 cents each.
Shufeldt, R. W. Contributions to the Study of Heloderma Suspectum. Pp. 96, with Plates.—The Myology of the Raven. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 343. $4.
Swedenborg, Emanuel. Descriptions of the Spiritual World, for Use with Children. New York: The New Church Board of Publication. Pp. 283. 50 cents.
Tillman, Prof. Samuel E. Organic Evolution. West Point, N. Y. Pp. 36.
Tulare County, Cal. Reports on the Projected Works of the Tulare Irrigation District. Pp. 47, with Map.
United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. Description of New Forms of Cambrian Fossils. By Charles D. Waleott. Pp. 16, with Plate.—Birds observed during the Cruise of the Grampus in 1837. By William Palmer. Pp. 18.—Characteristics of the Dactylopteroidea. Pp. 6. with Plate; Osteological Characteristics of the Family Simenchelydæ. Pp. 4; The Family Ranicipitidæ. Pp. 4, with Plate—the three by Theodore Gill.
University Magazine, New York. October, 1890. Pp. 54. 20 cents. $2 a year.
Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia. Transactions. Vol. III. Pp. 200.
Ward, Lester F. Genius and Woman's Intuition. Pp. 8.—Origin of the Plane Trees. Pp. 12, with Plate.
Watts, Charles A., Editor. The Agnostic Annual, 1891. New York: 23 Lafayette Place.
Welsh, Alfred H. A Digest of English and American Literature. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 378. $1.50.
Whitman, C. O., and Allis, Edward Phelps. Journal of Morphology. Quarterly. June. 1890. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 130, with Plates. $3.50. $9 a volume, of three numbers.
Philosophy at Harvard.—The courses of study in philosophy that are offered to students by Harvard University for the year 1890-'91 number seventeen. In the elementary courses, students attend one, two, or three lectures or recitations a week, as the case may be. Advanced students carry on their studies mostly by themselves, meeting for a conference with the professor once a week. The facilities for philosophical study at Harvard have about doubled within the last ten years. In 1880-'81 there were ten courses in philosophy for undergraduates and graduates, two of which were given only in alternate years, the instructors being Prof. Bowen, and Asst. Profs. Palmer and James. These dealt with logic, psychology, ethics, contemporary philosophy, earlier English, French, and German philosophy, German philosophy of the present day, and the history of philosophy. Courses covering substantially the same ground are given now, besides which four courses given in the Divinity School, on the philosophy of religion, are open to general students of philosophy, and there have been added a course on Greek philosophy and three which deal with modern thought and modern problems. One of these last is called Cosmology: a Discussion of the Principal Problems of the Philosophy of Nature, with Special Reference to the Doctrine of Evolution, and embraces lectures by the professor and the writing of theses by the students. For the current year three theses upon assigned topics will be required, and are to be based upon the private reading of Herbert Spencer's First Principles, and of Le Conte's Evolution in its Relations to Religious Thought, and other reading to be announced. Another of the newer courses deals with the ethics of the social questions—charity, divorce, the Indians, temperance, and the various phases of the labor question. The mode of study includes lectures, essays, and practical observations. There are also three "seminaries" for advanced students—a psychological, a metaphysical, and an ethical—and guidance will be furnished to students who wish to take up individual investigations of questions in ethics. In the psychological seminary the subject for the current year is Pleas-