interest, is followed by a chapter of Personal Recollections by the author, who was one of Pestalozzi's pupils at Iverdun; and by accounts of his Religion, his Philosophy, and his Elementary Method, and of Niederer's Collaboration.
Report of the Royal Commission on the Mineral Resources of Ontario and Measures for their Development. Toronto: Warnick & Sons. Pp. 566.
The plan of the commission in outlining its work included inquiry into the geology of the province, with special reference to its economic minerals; description and maps of the working mines and important undeveloped mineral resources; trade in mineral products; information and suggestions on the subject of mining laws and regulations; and inquiry into the best means of promoting metallurgical industry. Its methods included examination of witnesses and personal visitation of important districts and places. A section of the report on the geology of the province includes a systematic account of each of its rock formations, with such a sketch of the general geological features of North America beyond Ontario as was necessary to make the description more complete and intelligible. In it the entire results of the geological surveys, otherwise scattered through many volumes of reports, are summarized and made accessible. The evidence that Ontario possesses great mineral wealth is abundant and is constantly accumulating. There are iron ores, gold, galena, arsenic, mica, fibrous serpentine, apatite, granite, and plumbago in the central and eastern counties; copper and nickel mines in the Sudbury district; gold-bearing quartz, copper, and nickel in the township of Denison; gold and silver bearing veins, iron, copper, galena, and "immense quarries of marble" along the north shore of Lake Huron; gold, silver, copper, iron, galena, plumbago, zinc, granite, marble, serpentine, and sandstone north of Lake Superior; a rich silver district west of Port Arthur, and beyond this district gold-bearing quartz, magnetic iron ore, and what is believed to be a continuation of the Vermilion iron range of Minnesota; and gold-bearing veins in the islands of the Lake of the Woods. A practical business basis has been reached in the development of a number of the minerals, as, for example, in the production of salt, petroleum, phosphate, mica, cement, gypsum, and building stones, and in the manufacture of brick, terra-cotta, tile, and sewer-pipe. Silver, copper, and nickel mines are worked with much skill and energy; iron-mining has been intermittent, but has good prospects; and it is confidently hoped that gold-mining will become one of the established industries of the country.
Glimpses of Fifty Years: The Autobiography of an American Woman. By Frances E. Willard. Introduction by Hannah Whitall Smith. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association. Pp. 700.
The journals in this voluminous record are psychologically a contrast to the diary of Marie Bashkirtseff. "I have the desire of living upon this earth by any means in my power," wrote the young Russian artist, consumed by feverish thirst for fame. Twenty years earlier, a girl upon the Wisconsin prairie, struggling with aspiration, cried out, "What is it—what is it that I am to be, O God?" In this effort to be—not merely to be celebrated at any cost—there are no morbid yearnings for sensation, but a healthful striving for extended usefulness.
Miss Willard views her life in six phases: The welcome child, the happy student, the roving teacher, the tireless traveler, the temperance organizer, and the woman in politics. Three chapters descriptive of her girlhood, passed on a farm in Rock County, Wisconsin, give attractive sketches of pioneer life happily conditioned. There were no schools in this district, nevertheless the family was well educated. The mother had been a school-teacher, and was well read; the father was a student of Nature, and trained the children to observe the ways of birds and butterflies, the habits of gophers, squirrels, and ants; to know the various herbs, and what their uses were; to notice different grasses, and learn their names; to tell the names of curious wild flowers. Very naturally the daughter became in later years "Preceptress in Natural Sciences." Her girlish habits show an early distaste for ordinary feminine occupations. Her life, as a student at Milwaukee College and the Northwestern Female College, is de-