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ble. Her clothes were loosened and artificial respiration was begun, and the first sign of life appeared about three minutes afterward. Breathing was greatly impeded, when respiration was first resumed, by accumulations of saliva, which were removed. Consciousness began to return and the muscles of the arm to regain strength in between half and three quarters of an hour. Sight was restored to the right eye, but it could not be moved. Though the subject could not speak, the paralysis passed away slowly, so that in about two weeks solid food could be swallowed. Twelve or fourteen hours after the accident, intense pain set in about the head, neck, arms, and chest, which did not pass away from the head for seven days, and occurred occasionally after that. At the end of four weeks the patient was able to return to her home. In six months complete recovery had taken place, except in the left eye. To the question whether the patient could have recovered without the assistance rendered just after the accident, Prof. Mills replies that "considering that respiration was suspended, that the circulation, even with artificial respiration, was so feeble that the temperature fell, that consciousness did not return for so long, it does not seem reasonable to believe in the possibility of spontaneous recovery. But the case does seem to teach, in the clearest way, the importance of using such means as those employed in this instance promptly and perseveringly."

Natural Guides to Land Values.—The chief of the Agricultural College at Downton, England, has given in a recently published article some of the indications by which the fertility of soils may be judged. The following colors indicate barrenness in soils: 1. Black, as being in most cases caused by an excess of vegetable matter or peat. 2. White, as indicating a thin, chalky soil, or the presence of white sand close to the surface. 3. Yellow, whether dark or light. 4. Light gray. 5. Blue. 6. A piebald or variegated color. A good soil ought to be from twelve to eighteen inches deep. Alluvial soils owe their fertility in a great measure to their depth. Tenacity does much to determine the productive power of soil. Tenacity is seen in the clearly cut furrow, and the impression left by the foot when the soil is moist. In tenacious soil the footprint is clear and sharp at the edges, and every nail-mark shows; whereas, in loamy soil the tread is indistinct and the edges of the footprint crumble away. In dry weather, a cracked surface and hard yellow clods are the marks of a stiff soil. The skillful judge of land will not rely too much upon the physical character of the soil alone. Land always covers itself with herbage of some sort, from the quality and quantity of which the best possible indication of the soil's yielding power may be obtained. Plenty of timber is a favorable augury. Who can not recall some beautiful valley where the well-grown trees seem almost to meet their branches over green meadows and patches of grain and other crops? On the other hand, inclement and thin soils carry a stunted and forlorn timbering. Turning to the sort of tree, we may mention large, spreading oaks as signs of good land. The elm is found to perfection on village greens and near to homesteads where the ground has become, or always was, rich, and in other favored situations. The mulberry and the walnut, the apple and the quince, are never found vigorous on other than good land; and the ash, the sycamore, and the chestnut are also indications of fertility. Certain other trees indicate the reverse. We see plantations of larch on barren uplands and soils difficult to put to other uses. Scotch fir, spruce, yew, and other cone-bearing trees are often found on poor land. Beeches thrive on the thinnest of limestone, and the birch will grow in the most unpromising places. Coming down to the plants, none is a more unfailing guide to fertility than chick weed. Nettles never grow on bad land, and dandelions and buttercups are not seen on poor pastures. Thistles also show a good soil. The state of growing crops and the appearance of stubbles should also be noted, although such indications may show rather the character of the farming. Certain wild grasses show barrenness, while grass-land which seems covered with dead, unkempt stuff, like badly made hay, is always barren.

Gardening Classes of the Missouri Botanical Garden.—The Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden, carrying on the in-

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