has published, as especially pertinent to the times, an address by the late Stephen A. Douglas on An American Continental Commercial Union or Alliance. It is, he says, the last paper written by the distinguished statesman, and has not been published before. It was prepared after seven of the Southern States had gone through the form of seceding, and was intended to serve as one of Mr. Douglas's immediate plans to promote the future welfare of the country in case a reconciliation and restoration were effected. Besides its interest as the last thought of one of the most distinguished statesmen of the period before the war, the address is pertinent on account of its direct bearing on a scheme of national policy which is now under discussion.
In an essay on God and the Universe, Mr. James W. Stillman proposes to consider "the alleged existence of a Supreme Being and the theistic hypothesis of creation." He is brought to the conclusion that "the whole problem of the existence of God and the origin of the universe is entirely beyond and above the scope of the human intellect"; and there he is content to leave the matter.
In a pamphlet on The Disposal of the Dead, Dr. John M. Peacocke, of Brooklyn, after considering other methods, suggests desiccation, which was practiced by the ancient Peruvians, as in many respects the preferable one.
Questions for Debate in politics and economics is the latest publication (No. XXVIII) of the Society for Political Education, 330 Pearl Street, New York. A perusal of its pages shows its compilers to have seized upon every living issue affecting American citizenship. In addition to the questions, subjects for essays are given, as well as terms for definition. Brief and pithy hints to debaters and essay-writers are included, as also a form of constitution and by-laws for debating-clubs. Pages 40. Price, 25 cents.
Anthropology, Miscellaneous Papers on. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 124.
Atkinson, Edward. The Industrial Progress of the Nation. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 395.
Barker, George F. An Account of the Progress of Physics in the Year 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 60.
Bell, Alexander Melville. Popular Manual of Vocal Physiology and Visible Speech. New York: E. S. Werner, 28 West Twenty-third Street. Pp. 59. 50 cents.
Benson, Lawrence Sinter, 25 Bond Street, New York. Tract on Mensuration. Pp.16.
Boehmer, George H. Report on Smithsonian Exchanges. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 24.
Bolton, H. Carrington. Account of the Progress of Chemistry in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 52.
Breneman, A. A., Editor. "Journal of the American Chemical Society." Vol. XI. Nos. 7 and 8. September and October, 1889. Pp. 16 each. $5 a year.
Broadhead, Prof. G. C, University of Missouri. Mitchell County, Texas. Pp. 4.—Missouri: its Mineral Resources. Pp. 8.—The Missouri River. Pp. 8.—The Geological History of the Ozark Uplift. Pp. 8.
Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution. Popular Lectures and Discussions. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 400.
Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Opening Exercises, October 2, 1889. Pp. 44.
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 100. Analyses of Fertilizers. Pp. 28.
Cope, E. D., Philadelphia. The Horned Dinosauria of the Laramie. Pp. 3. with Two Plates. An Outline of the Philosophy of Evolution. Pp. 10.
Cornell University College of Agriculture; Experiment Station. On a Sand-Fly Borer in Wheat. Pp. 16, with Plate,
Cosmic Law, The, of Thermal Repulsion. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. CO. 75 cents.
Crooker, Joseph Henry. Problems in American Society. Boston: George II. Ellis. Pp. 293.
Dana, Edward S. Account of the Progress of Mineralogy in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 28.
Dana, James D. Biographical Memoir of Prof. Arnold Guyot. Washington: Government Printing-office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 30.
Darton, Nelson H. Account of the Progress of North American Geology in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 40.
Davidson, J. F., & Co., New York. Inventor's Manual. By an Experienced and Successful Inventor. Pp. 96. $1.
Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individualism. A System of Politics. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. vii-393. $4.
Drey, Sylvan. The Moral and Religious Aspects of Herbert Spencer's Philosophy. Boston: James H. West. Pp. 14. 10 cts.
Ferree, Barr, New York. The Element of Terror in Primitive Art. Pp. 20.
Flower, B. O., Editor. "The Arena." Monthly. January, 1889. Vol.1. No. 2. Boston: The Arena Publishing Company. Pp. 128. 50 cents. $5 a year.
Franklin, Christine Ladd. On some Characteristics of Symbolic Logic. Pp. 25.
Gibbons, Cardinal; Bishop Kane, Edwin D. Mead, Ph. D., and Hon. John Jay. Denominational Schools. A Discussion. Syracuse, N.Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 71.
Gill, Theodore. Account of Progress in Zoology in 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office (Smithsonian Institution). Pp. 44.
Gouvy, M. A., Jr.; W. F. Durfee, translator. An Investigation of the Construction of the Various Kinds of Cupolas that have been used for the melting of Pig-iron. Philadelphia: The Franklin Institute. Pp. 53.
Hall, G. Stanley. "The American Journal of Psychology." Vol II. No. 4. Quarterly. Worcester, Mass.: E. C. Sandford. Pp. 168. $1.50; $5 a year.