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chief of an expedition to determine whether Asia and America were connected by land. The expedition went overland through Siberia to Kamchatka, where ships were built and the explorations begun. Bering reached the strait that bears his name, and thus proved that Asia and America were separated by water. Soon after his return he proposed a second expedition to chart the northwestern coast of America, then an unknown land, and the northern coast of Siberia. This should lead to the establishment of trade with the American colonies, and also make known a way by water from Russia around to Japan. Bering reached the coast of Alaska in 1741, and died on the way back. For a long time jealousy discredited his results, and the chief object of the present volume is to establish the value of his discoveries. The book also tells the story of the obstacles which he overcame in his expeditions. It is accompanied by two folded maps, and has an introduction by Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka. The literature of cycling has been increased by a book bearing the title Cycling Art, Energy, and Locomotion, written by Robert P. Scott (J. B. Lippincott Company, $2). It is largely devoted to explaining the mechanical principles involved in the action of the cranks, wheels, springs, bearings, gears, etc. It includes also brief discussions of the injuries charged against cycling, the bicycle for ladies, English and American workmanship in cycles, aluminum in cycle construction, and the application of steam and electricity to cycles. A second part of the volume comprises extracts from the patent specifications of a large number of velocipedes, cycles, and nondescript vehicles, with the inventors' drawings of the machines and riders, and humorous comments by the author. Many of these machines are astonishing contrivances, and perhaps none more so than the flying-machine, patented March 5, 1889, which is introduced at the end.


Adams, Myron. The Continuous Creation. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 259. $1.50.

Barnard, Charles, and Woodhull, John F. Graphic Methods in Teaching. New York: College for the Training of Teachers (Educational Monographs). Pp. 82. $1 a year.

Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings, Vol. XXIV, May, 1888, to May, 1889. Pp. 256.

Barnes, A. S., & Co.: New York and Chicago. List of Standard Works on Botany and Catalogue of New and Revised Educational Works.

Becker, George F. Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 486, with Map, and with an Atlas of fourteen sheets.

Bonwill, W. G. A. The Philosophy of Eating and Drinking, from a Medical and Dental Standpoint. Philadelphia. Pp. 21.

Chadwick, John W. Evolution as related to Religious Thought. Boston: The New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 24. 10 cts.

Cornell University College of Agriculture; Experiment Station. Bulletin. Tomatoes. Pp. 16.

Dabney. W. D. The Public Regulation of Railways. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp 281. $1.25.

Darby, John. Man and his World; or, the Oneness of Now and Eternity. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 259. $1.

Davis. Nathaniel E. Foods for the Fat. American edition, edited by C W. Greene. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 138. 75 cents.

Davis, Walter G. Ligeros Apuntes sobre el Clima de la Republica Argentina (Notes on the Climate of the Argentine Republic). Buenos Ayres. Pp. 254, with Tables and Map.

Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individualism. A System of Politics. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 393. $4.

Dunton, Larkin. The World and its People (Young Folks' Library, Vols. V and VI). Boston, New York, and Chicago: Silver, Burdett & Co. Two volumes. Pp. 160 and 159. 36 cents each.

Fulton, A. R. American Political Parties. Des Moines, Iowa. Hedge and Keeler, Printers. Pp. 17.

"Geographic Magazine, The National." Vol. I, No. 4. Washington, D.C.: The National Geographic Society. Pp. 60, with Maps. 50 cents.

Harrison, John Thornhill. On the Creation and Physical Structure of the Earth. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 189.

Hubert, Philip G. Jr. Liberty and a Living. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 239.

Keyes, Charles R. Johns Hopkins University. Lower Carbonic Gasteropoda from Burlington, Iowa. The American Species of Polypbemopsis Sphærodoma; a Genus of Fossil Gasteropoda. Pp 24.

Laing, Samuel. Problems of the Future; and Essays. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 409.

McCarthy, Gerald. Botany as a Disciplinary Study. Pp. 6.

McKendrick, John Gray. A Text Book of Physiology. Vol.11. Special Physiology. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 803. $6.

Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 35. Meteorological Summary. Pp. 11.

Morgan, Thomas J. Studies in Pedagogy. Boston, New York, and Chicago: Silver, Burdett & Co. Pp. 355. $1.75.

Neal, J. C. The Root-Knot Disease of the Peach, Orange, and other Plants of Florida, due to the Work of Anguillula. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 30, with 21 Plates.

Newberry, John S. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 95, with 26 Plates.

Nichols, Starr Hoyt. The Philosophy of Evolution. Boston: The New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 24. 10 cents.

Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Bulletin, September, 1889. Five articles on Insects and Potato-rot. Pp. 28.

Oliver, Charles A., M.D., Philadelphia. Description of a Case of Embolism of the Left Central Retinal Artery. Pp. 5.

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