MacDonald, missionary at Havannah Harbor, New Hebrides, presents a study of Polynesian languages and mythology. Though such studies must be for the present chiefly tentative, it is hardly possible to speak too highly of their value as aids in the investigation of the origins and migrations of the human races. The author of this study makes a critical and comparative analysis of a number of Oceanic dialects, and deduces the conclusion, from certain identities among them, that they all sprang from one inflectional mother-tongue, and this was a branch of the Shemitic family.
Barnes, Mary Sheldon. General History in the High School. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 6.
Branner, John C., Ph. D. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas, for 1888. Vol. II. The Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas, etc. Pp. 319, with Map.—Vol. III. The Geology of the Coal Regions. Pp. 122, with Map.
Brown, Harold P. Electrical Distribution of Heat, Light, and Power; and Mitchell, J. M. Legislative Control of Dangerous Electrical Currents. New York: J. W. Pratt & Son. Pp. 48.
Burgess, J. B., Newport, R. I. A Method of teaching College Preparatory History. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp 15.
Cope, E. D. The Batrachia of North America. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 525.
Colman, Norman J. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for 1888. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 708.
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 98. Home mixed Fertilizers. Pp. 7.—No. 99, Fertilizer Analysis. Pp. 5.
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. On the Influence of Certain Conditions on the Sprouting of Seeds. By L. H. Bailey. Pp. 10.—Effect of Different Rations on fattening Lambs. By J. P. Rogers and Henry H. Wing. Pp. 12.
Flagg, Isaac, Editor. Euripides. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 197. $1.50.
Foster, Michael, and Others. The "Journal of Physiology." Vol. X, No. 5. (July, 1889) Cambridge (England) Scientific Instrument Company. Pp. 102. $5 a volume.
Ginn & Co., Boston. How shall I teach History? Pp. 60.
Gould, George M., M. D. The Modern Frankenstein. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 25.
Great Words from Great Americans. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 207. 75 cents.
Hill, Robert T. Paleontology of the Cretaceous Formations of Texas. Part I. Austin. Three Plates, with Text. 25 cents.
Hogue, Addison. The Irregular Verbs of Attic Prose, etc. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 268. $1.60.
Hollander, Bernard, London. A Demonstration of Centers of Ideation in the Brain from Observation and Experiment. Pp. 26.
Kent, Charles W., Editor. Cynewulf's Elene. An Old English Poem, with Notes, etc. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 149. 65 cents.
McGill University, Montreal. Faculty of Medicine. Annual Calendar, 1889–'90. Pp. 92.
McLaury, William M., M. D. The Senses, Five or Seven. Pp. 12.
Mahaffy. John P., and Bernard, John H. Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers. Vol. II. The Prolegomena, Translated, with Notes, etc. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 232. $1.50.
Minor, Francis, St. Louis. The Law of Federal Suffrage. Pp. 8.
Moses, Bernard. The Federal Government of Switzerland, Oakland, Cal.: Pacific Press Publishing Company. New York: 43 Bond Street. Pp. 256. $1.50.
Müller, F. Max. Natural Religion. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 608. $5.
New England Meteorological Society. Bulletin. July, 1889. Pp. 8.
Ott, Isaac's, Private Laboratory, Easton, Pa. Contributions to the Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous System. Pp. about 40.
Peck, John Lord. The Kingdom of the Unselfish, or the Empire of the Wise. New York: Empire Book Bureau. Pp. 486. $1.50.
Pennsylvania, University of. Handbook of Information concerning the School of Biology. Pp. 125, with Plates.
Phyffe, W. H. P. Seven Thousand Words often mispronounced. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 491. $1.25.
Poor, H. V. and H. W. Introduction to Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States, 1889. Pp. 38.
Richards, John. Manual of Machine Construction for Engineers, Draughtsmen, and Mechanics. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 154. $5.
Ripley, Chauncey B. Biographical Sketch of. New York: Tiffany & Co. Pp. 4, with Portrait.
Sampson, J. Sidney. Evolution of Theology. Boston: New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 22. 10 cents.
Shufeldt, Dr. R. W. Observations upon the Osteology of Tubinaries and Steganopodes. Washington. Pp. 63.—Osteologlcal Studies of the Subfamily Ardeinæ. Part I. Pp. 26.—Osteology of Arctic and Sub-arctic Water-Birds. Pp. 22.
Skilton, James A. Evolution of Society. Boston: New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 30. 10 cents.
Steinitz, W. The Modern Chess Instructor. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 193. $1.50.
Storrs School Experiment Station Bulletin, July, 1889. Bacteria in Milk and its Products. By H. W. Conn. Pp. 12.
Stowell, T. B., Cortland, N. Y. The Soft Palate in the Domestic Cat. Pp. 19.—The Glosso-Pharyngeal, the Accessory, and Hypoglossal Nerves in the Domestic Cat. Pp. 14, with Plates.
Symonds, Brandreth. M. D. A Manual of Chemistry for the Use of Medical Students. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 154. $2.
Tillman, S. E. Elementary Lessons in Heat. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 160. $1.80.
True, Frederick W. Contributions to the Natural History of the Cetaceans. A Review of the Family Delphinidæ. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 190, with Plates.
Verrazzano's Voyage (1524). Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. (Old South Leaflets.) Pp. 16. 5 cents.
Ward, Lester F. The Sociological Position of Protection and Free Trade. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 10.
Yale University. Report of the Observatory for 1888–'89, Pp. 18.