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gust 29, 1886, made by Prof. W. H. Pickering, with the aid of volunteer assistants, on the island of Grenada, in the West Indies. The account is accompanied by four plates. No. VII of the same volume is a record of A Photographic Determination of the Brightness of the Stars, all of the measures involved in this work, the identification of the stars, and the numerical computations having been made, with few exceptions, by Mrs. M. Fleming. The paper contains a catalogue of 1,009 close polar stars, one of 420 stars in the Pleiades, and one of 1,131 equatorial stars. Part I of Vol. XX is a record of Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory in the Year 1887, and is introduced by a description of the observatory and its work, by A. Lawrence Rotch, S. B., its proprietor and director. Mr. H. Helm Clayton is the observer. The Observatory of Harvard College now co-operates with the Blue Hill Observatory by publishing the observations of the latter, and a consolidation of the two institutions is contemplated. The present record comprises tables of hourly values of atmospheric pressure, air temperatures, wind azimuths and movements, precipitation, bright sunshine, cloud observations, etc., etc. There are six plates showing tracings by self-registering instruments, and a view of the observatory. The Third Annual Report of the Photographic Study of Stellar Spectra, conducted at the Harvard College Observatory, and constituting the Henry Draper Memorial, sketches briefly the progress of the work during 1888.

The fourth number of the Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research (Damrell & Upham, $1) is a pamphlet of about three hundred pages, nearly a third of which is devoted to the report of the committee on phantasms and presentiments, by Prof. J. Royce. The report contains accounts of a large number of cases, with corroborative evidence, and an estimate of their value. A record of experiments in thought transference is contributed by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown, and a report upon "the diagram tests," by Prof. C. S. Minot. The theory of telepathy is discussed by Mr. Hodgson and Prof. Minot. The report of the committee on mediumistic phenomena is instructive, in spite of its brevity, for it mentions as an obstacle to this work that mediums which have been recommended to the attention of the committee are constantly being shown up as impostors. Still, the committee has made some investigations, which it is not ready to report, and hopes to make more.


Abbott, Charles C. Days out of Doors. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 323. $1.50.

Allen, Alfred H. Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. Ill, Part I. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 431. $4 50.

Allen, William F., and Spencer. David E. Higher Education in Wisconsin. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 68.

Atwater, W. O. The What and Why of Agricultural Experiment Stations. Washington; Government Printing-office. Pp. 16.

Austin, Peter T.. New Brunswick, N. J. Address on Scientific Agriculture. Pp. 16.—Chemical Lecture Notes: Specimen pages.—Hypochlorous Acid in Alkaline Solution. Pp. 4.—Lecture Experiments with Nitrous Acid. Pp. 6.—Lecture Experiments. Pp. 4.—Dark Rooms and Developers Pp. 8.—The Relation of Fertilizers to Fruits. Pp. 8.—A Vexatious Mixture for Qualitative Analysis. Pp. 3.—English Examinations. Pp. b.—A Handy Record-Book. P. 1.—Petroleum as an Explosive. P. 1.

Barrows, W. B. The English Sparrow in North America. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 405, with Map.

Boïelle, B. A. Daudet's "La Belle-Nivernaise," with Introduction and Notes. Boston and New York and Chicago: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 101.

Branner. J. C. and Brackett, R. N., Little Rock. The Peridotite of Pike County, Ark. Pp. 10, with Plates.

Bush, George Gary. History of Education in Florida. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp 54.

Butler, A. O. What Moses Saw and Heard Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons. Pp, 434.

Collar. William C. Practical Latin Composition. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 268.

Commonwealth Publishing Company, Denver, Col "The Commonwealth." June, 1889. Monthly. Pp. 142. 85 cents; $4 a year.

Day, David T Mineral Resources of the United States, 1887. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 832.

Dubois, Prof. A. J. Science and Miracle. Pp. 32.

Ellwanger. George H. The Garden's Story. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 345. $1.25.

Failyer. G. H.. and Millard, J. T. Report of the Chemical Department of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station for 1888. Manhattan. Pp. 49.

Garnett, James M Elene; Judith; Athelstan; Byrhtnoth. Translations of Anglo-Saxon Poems. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 70.

Ginn &. Co., Boston. Catalogue and Announcements for 1889. Pp. 152.

Griswold. W. M.. Bangor, Maine. Annual Index to Periodicals for 1888. Pp. 47.

Howard. George E. Introduction to the Local Constitutional History of the United States. Baltimore: Publication Agency of Johns Hopkins University. Pp. 526.

Johnston. H. H. The History of a Slave. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 168. 50 cents.

Jones, Charles Edgeworth Education in Georgia. Washington; Government Printing-Office. Pp. 164.

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