real: Dawson Brothers. Pp. 283, with Plates and Maps.
Eccles, Robert G., M.D. Evolution of the Mind. Boston: New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 24. 10 cents.
Greely, A. W., Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, 1888. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 418.
Grimes, J. Stanley. Geonomy: Creation of the Continents by the Ocean Currents;—and Kosmonomia: The Growth of Worlds and the Causes of Gravitation. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 139. 50 cents.
Grote, George, and Ségur. Count. The Two Great Retreats of History (of the Ten Thousand; and Napoleon's from Moscow). With Introduction and Notes by D. H. M. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 318. 60 cents.
Grove, Sir George. A Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Appendix. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 315. $2.25.
Haferkorn, H. E., and Heise, Paul. Handy Lists of Technical Literature. Part I. Pp. 99. $1. With Key. Pp. 12. 25 cents.
Henderson, J. T., Commissioner of Agriculture. Crop Report, Georgia, June. Atlanta. Pp. 16.
Hill R. T., Austin. A Portion of the Geological Story of the Colorado River of Texas. Pp. 13.
Holt, Henry, & Co. Supplementary Educational Catalogue. New York. Pp. 22.
Home Rule and Federation. London: E. Truelove. Pp. 54. 2d.
Illinois. University of. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 5. Pp. 24.
Indiana University, Bloomington. David Starr Jordan, President. Annual Catalogue for the Seventy-fifth College Year. 1889. Pp. 95.
Iowa Agricultural College. Experiment Station. Bulletin Nos. 3, 4, and 5. Pp. 150.
Jacksonville, Fla., Sanitary Association Report of the Epidemic of 1888. Pp. 350.
James. Uriah Pierson, Cincinnati. Biography. Pp. 7, with Portrait.
Kansas State Agricultural College, E. M. Shelton. Report of Experiment in Pig-Feeding. Pp. 19.
Livermore, W. R., U.S.A. Classification of the Atomic Weights in Two Ascending Series. Pp. 12.
Loewy, Benjamin. A Graduated Course of Natural Science. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 151. 60 cents.
Macloskie, Prof G., Princeton College. The Poison Apparatus of the Mosquito. Pp. 5.—Arrangement of Analytical Keys. Pp. 3.—Concessions to Science. Pp. 9.
Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 34. Pp. 16.
Merriam, Florence. Birds through an Opera-Glass. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 223. 75 cents.
Mills, T. Wesley, M. D., Montreal. The Influence of the Nervous System on Cell Life. Pp. 10.—Physiological and Pathological Reversions. Pp. 15.
Mooney, James, Washington, D. C. Folk-Lore of the Carolina Mountains. Pp. 10.—The Holiday Customs of Ireland. Pp. 50.
New Jersey Geological Survey, Annual Report of the State Geologist, 1888. G. H. Cook. Camden; Linnickson Chew. Pp. 87.
New York State Board of Charities. Thirty-second Annual Report, 1888. Pp. 608, with Plates.
Nunes, Dr. Silva. De la Lobéline dans la therapeutique de l'Asthme. (On Lobeline in the Therapeutics of Asthma.) Rio de Janeiro. Pp. 36.
Paige. J. B., V. S., Montreal. A Case of Lightning-Shock with Recovery, with Remarks by F. Buller and T. Wesley Mills. Pp. 16.
Pickering, Edward C., Cambridge, Mass. The Bruce Photographic Telescope. P. 1.—Meridian-Circle Observations of Close Solar Stars. Pp. 26.
Philadelphia, Zoölogical Society of. Annual Report of the Board of Directors, 1889. Pp. 23.
Putnam, Samuel P. The Glory of Infidelity. San Francisco: Putnam and MacDonald. Pp. 22.
Quarantine Conference, Montgomery, Ala., March, 1889. Proceedings. Pp. 144.
Sawyer, Rev. L. A., Whitesboro, N.Y. Introduction to a New Edition of the Bible. Pp. 56.
Shufeldt, R. W. Development of the Skull in Neotoma Fuscipes. Pp. 28, with Plates.
See, T. J. J., University of Missouri. Origin of Binary Stars. Pp. 73.
Smith, Eugene A., University of Alabama. On the Tertiary and Cretaceous Strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alabama Rivers. Pp. 187.
Stevens, W. Le Conte, Brooklyn, N.Y. The Diffraction of Sound. Pp. 12.
Theosophical Book Company, Boston. Light on the Path. Written down by M. C. Pp. 68. 30 cents.
Thomas, Cyrus. The Problem of the Ohio Mounds. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 54.
Thorne, Juan M.. Director, Cordoba. Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino. Vol. X, 1877. Pp. 263.
Todd, J. S., M.D. Atlanta, Ga. Medicine and Longevity. Pp. 15.
Utah, Admission of. Report of the Committee on Territories, H. R. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 12.
Wachsmuth. Charles, and Springer, Frank. Papers on Crinoids. Pp. 54, with Plates.
Wallace, Alfred Russel. Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection, with some of its Applications. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 494. $1.75.
Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History Bulletin. Topeka, Kansas: F. W. Cragin, Editor. Pp. 32.
White, C. D. Carboniferous Glaciation in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres, etc. Pp. 32.
Waterman, A. A., & Co. "Waterman's Journal." Current Events and Books. Semi-monthly. Pp. 12. Each number, 10 cents; $2 a year.
Woodward, C. M. The Intellectual Value of Manual Training. New York: Simpson & Co. Pp. 19.
Wright, G. Frederick. The Ice Age in North America, and its Bearings on the Antiquity of Man. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 622, with Plates. $5.
Science-Teaching in Schools.—The report of the Committee of American Naturalists, on a scheme of instruction in natural science to be recommended to the schools, advises that instruction should begin in the lowest grades of the primary schools, and continue through the whole course. It should be chiefly by object-lessons in the lowest grades, but should be more systematic in the high schools; and an elementary, but genuine and practical, acquaintance with one or more departments of natural science should be required for admission to college. The main part of the scientific work should be given in the lower schools to the study of