alludes to the various attempts which have been made to produce photographs in natural colors, and then states the essential features of his own method. He says in conclusion that there is much yet to be done in perfecting the print-making part of the process, and that for the present he is satisfied to obtain perfect heliochromic prints on glass, so that the result may be shown with the optical lantern. He appends a reply, which he made in the "Journal of the Franklin Institute," to a criticism on his claims by Mr. C. H. Bothamley. The brochure has a photo-engraved portrait of Mr. Ives as frontispiece.
A lecture entitled Outlines of a New Science, by E. J. Donnell, has been published in the "Questions of the Day Series" (Putnam, $1). The author maintains that exchangeability is the source of economic value, that all wealth is the fruit of commercial exchange, and that, when this is going on actively, all departments of productive industry have health and vigor. Further, that the recent enormous increase in the productive powers of labor has created a problem which demands an immediate solution; that the problem is especially pressing in this country because our productive powers are greater and the restrictions on our commercial exchanges more oppressive than in any other of the advanced industrial nations; and that our tariff system taxes the many for the benefit of the few.
The Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology have begun to issue from time to time such special papers as have heretofore been published in connection with the annual reports, in a separate form, but of uniform octavo size with the reports. Each number will be sold separately at a specified price, which will vary according to the number of pages and illustrations. The papers will be omitted from the annual reports. The first of these papers published is an interesting essay by Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, on a "Relic of Ancient Mexico—Standard or Head-dress?"—with three colored plates, to which is appended a note "On the Complementary Signs of the Mexican Graphic System."
The Plans for furnishing an Abundant Supply of Water to the City of New York from a Source independent of the Croton Water-shed, proposed by John R. Bartlett and Associates, contemplate the utilization of the Passaic water-shed in New Jersey; the reservoirs to be located about fifteen miles from the city, and the water to be brought in by a tunnel under the Hudson River, The supply of all the New Jersey towns suburban to New York, and of Brooklyn, is declared to be practicable by the same system, and it is claimed that the quantity of water available for this purpose is sufficient to furnish them all abundantly. The water privileges of the region in question are owned by private corporations, from which the author has obtained concessions of the right to construct reservoirs and collect and use the surplus waters. In behalf of this scheme, it is claimed that the Passaic watershed has three times the area of the Croton water-shed, and is therefore capable of affording a much larger supply of water than can ever be derived thence; that it is much nearer to the city; that the water can be brought direct to the lower part of the city, where it is most needed; that it will be pure and wholesome, and, being delivered under a head-pressure of three hundred feet, will go of its own force to the tops of the highest houses, and with sufficient energy to be instantly available in extinguishing fires; and that it possesses other somewhat less important but obviously convenient advantages. The book in which the scheme is developed and explained contains several addresses and memoirs, legal opinions, and opinions of experts on the various questions brought out in the discussions of it, with maps, plans, profiles, and views.
Mr. Charles W. Darling, Corresponding Secretary of the Oneida Historical Society, has published privately, in a pamphlet of 43 pages, some Historical Notes concerning the City of New York as it appeared in its earliest days. They have been gathered from the writings of the chief historians, earlier and later, of the city, and from manuscript folio volumes of public records. They contain matter that is omitted by one or other, or more, of the writers quoted from, and form a picture as a whole which it will be hard to find in its fullness anywhere else. The notes date back to the period when trading and fishing huts were first erected upon Manhattan Island, and embrace the years between