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Employer and Employé. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 460. $1.75.

Gould, George M., M.D. Concerning Reflex Neurosis due to Eye-Strain. Pp. 11.

Hazard, Rowland Gibson, LL.D. Works. Edited by his Granddaughter, Caroline Hazard. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 4 vols. Pp. 373, 400, 405, 468. $2 a volume.

Hitt, Robert R., M. C. Speech on Commercial Union with Canada. Pp. 8.

Janes, Lewis G. Evolution of the Earth. Boston: New Ideal Publishing Company. Pp. 82. 10 cents.

Letchworth, William P. The Insane in Foreign Countries. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 374. $3.

Lewis, T. H., Minnesota. Minor Antiquarian Articles. Pp. 7.

Lockhart, John Gibson. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 299.

Lloyd, J. Hendrie, Philadelphia. The Insanity of Oscar Hugo Webber. Pp. 5.

McLean, John. The Indians: Their Manners and Customs. Toronto: William Briggs. Pp. 351.—The Blackfoot Sun-Dance. Toronto: The Copp Clarke Company. Pp. 7.

Mallery, Garrick. Philosophy and Specialties. Washington: Philosophical Society. Pp. 39.

Mallet, Prof. J. W. Experiments upon Alum Baking-Powders. Pp. 15.

Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. Twenty-sixth Annual Report. Pp. 99.

Mixter, William G. An Elementary Text-Book of Chemistry. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 458.

National Educational Association, Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence, February, 1888. Pp. 105.

Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Second Annual Report. Lincoln, Neb. Pp. 43.

Newell, Jane H. Outlines of Lessons in Botany. Boston; Ginn & Co. Pp. 140.

New Jersey Industrial Education, Hoboken. Report of the Board of Trustees. Pp. 19.

New York College for the Training of Teachers. Circular of Information. 1889. Pp. 49.

O’Brine, David. A. Laboratory Guide in Chemical Analysis. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 237. $2.

Parrish, Joseph. M.D., The Legal Responsibility of the Insane; and Allen, Alfred H, The Unalterability of Strychnine in the Body after Death. Philadelphia: Medical Jurisprudence Society. Pp. 5.

Payne, F. F. Eskimo of Hudson's Strait. Toronto: The Copp Clarke Company. Pp. 18.

Richards, W. J. Indianapolis. Ind. The True Relation of the Advertising Agent to Publisher and Advertiser. Pp. 5.

Rochester. N.Y. Forty-first Annual Report of the Board of Education. Pp. 205.

Scudder, S. H. Mimicry and Protective Resemblance; or, Butterflies in Disguise. Pp. 12.

Society for the Prevention of Crime. Twelfth Annual Report. New York. Pp. 20.

Stetefeldt, Carl A. The Lixiviation of Silver Ores with Hyposulphite Solutions. New York: The Scientific Publishing Company. Pp. 234.

Stevens, W. Le Conte. The Sensitive Flame as a Means of Research. Pp. 4.

Stock, St. George. Deductive Logic. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 356. $1.25.

Super, O. B., editor. Confessions d'un Ouvrier. By Emile Souvestre. Boston; D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 127.

Taylor, Dr. J. E. The Playtime Naturalist. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 287.

Thomson, Sir William. Popular Lectures and Addresses. Vol. I, Constitution of Matter. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 460. $2.

Ward, John H., Louisville, Ky. Reform within the Party. Pp. 19.

Washington University, St. Louis. Manual Training School, Ninth Year. Pp. 66.

Winchell, Alexander. Shall We Teach Geology? Chicago: 8. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 217. $1.

Wright, Hon. W. W. The Utility of Experiment Stations. Geneva, N.Y.: New York Experiment Station. Pp. 14.

Wright, Julia McNair. Seaside and Wayside. No. 3. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 297. 55 cents.


Preserving Timber from Moisture.—The following recommendations are given by the Forestry Division of the Department of Agriculture in regard to the cheaper coatings for keeping moisture out of timber: Never apply paint or any other coating to green or unseasoned timber. If the wood was not well dried or seasoned, the coat will only hasten decay. Good coatings consist of oily or resinous substances which make a smooth coat capable of being uniformly applied. They must cover every part, must not crack, and possess a certain amount of plasticity after drying. Coal-tar, with or without sand or plaster, and pitch, especially if mixed with oil of turpentine and applied hot (thus penetrating more deeply), answer best. A mixture of three parts coal-tar and one part clean unsalted grease, to prevent the tar from drying until it has had time to fill the minute pores, is recommended. One barrel of coal-tar (three to four dollars per barrel) will cover three hundred posts. Wood-tar is not serviceable because it does not dry. Oil paints are next in value. Boiled linseed-oil, or any other drying vegetable oil, is used with lead or any other body, like powdered charcoal, which will give substance to it. Immersion in crude petroleum is also recommended. Charring of those parts which come in contact with the ground can be considered only as an imperfect preservative, and unless it is carefully done, and a considerable layer of charcoal is formed, the effect is often detrimental, as the process both weakens the timber and produces cracks, thus exposing the interior to ferments. Lastly, in communities where durable timber is scarce, it will pay to establish a plant for impregnating timber with antiseptics by the more costly processes described in "Forestry Bulletin" No. 1.

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