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of the entomologist occupies the greater part of the volume, and contains more or less extended notes on a large number of insects of economic importance. The report of the geologist is brief. It is accompanied by an account of the finding of the bones of mastodon associated with charcoal and pottery at Attica, and by descriptions of new species of Fenestellidæ of the lower Helderberg, with Plates VIII to XV.

Part II of the Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1887 (War Department) consists of a "Treatise on Meteorological Apparatus and Methods," by Prof. Cleveland Abbe. The subdivisions of the subject are: the measurement of atmospheric temperature, of atmospheric pressure, of the motion of the air, of aqueous vapor, and of precipitation, all of which are treated with great fullness. Plates containing ninety-eight illustrations are appended to the volume.

A Star Atlas, with explanatory text by Dr. Hermann J. Klein (E. and J. B. Young & Co.), has been issued, containing maps of all the stars from 1 to 6·5 magnitude between the north pole and 34° south declination, and of all nebulae and star-clusters in the same region which arc visible in telescopes of moderate powers. The volume contains a little preliminary text, followed by descriptions of the more interesting fixed stars, star-clusters, and nebulæ contained in the maps, arranged in order of right ascension. Of the eighteen double-page maps, twelve are devoted to stars and six to the other objects. The atlas is finely printed on heavy paper.

A little volume of Chemical Lecture Notes has been published by Prof. Peter T. Austen (Wiley, $1), which the author says is "simply a collection of notes and observations on certain topics which experience as a teacher has shown me often give the student more or less trouble." Explanations are given of most of the principles of chemical philosophy, and about one fourth of the volume is devoted to an essay on "The Chemical Factor in Human Progress."

A former zealous propagator of Volapük, Prof. George Bauer, has invented what he deems a still better universal language, which he calls Spelin. A pamphlet giving a sketch of this language, translated and abridged from an exposition of the system by the author, has been issued by Charles T. Strauss, 424 Broadway, New York. The principal advantages claimed for Spelin over Volapük are that it contains no sound not occurring in all three languages, English, German, and French; it has no declension, no subjunctive mode, only five tenses, nearly twice as many monosyllabic words in flowing sentences as Volapük, fewer letters for expressing the same thoughts by seventeen per cent, more frequent vowel termination, and no words of five, six, or more syllables. The brief summary of its grammar in this pamphlet shows that Spelin is well worth examination by any one who is in search of the best universal language.

The Patriotic Reader, compiled by Henry B. Carrington (Lippincott, $1.20), is a large collection of "utterances that inspire good citizenship," in prose and verse. The selections are classified in sixteen parts, the first referring to the Hebrew and related nations, the second to the Greeks and Romans, and most of the others to different periods in American history. One division is composed of national hymns, songs, and odes, both of America and other countries. None of the grand and eloquent utterances in behalf of freedom for the slaves and the preservation of the Union, spoken before and during our civil war, are included. A biographical index of authors and persons whose deeds are celebrated is appended. The mechanical features of the volume are substantial and tasteful.

A book which is being very widely read is Max O'Rell's latest production, Jonathan and his Continent (Cassell, $1.50). The author gives hurried glimpses at a multitude of subjects, as if himself entered on the frantic race which he accuses Jonathan of running. His comments are light and entertaining, though many of his impressions have evidently been gathered from the funny columns of American newspapers,

Lessing: Ausgevalte Prosa und Briefe ("Selected Prose and Letters"), edited, with notes, by Horatio Stevens White, is the sixth of Dr. J. M. Hart's series of "German Classics for American Students" (G. P. Putnam's Sons). It presents typical specimens of the works of one of the most catholic and versatile of German authors—the one, perhaps,

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