ness declare, and bis disbelief will be governed by a sense of duty as much as every other attitude of his mind. There is great need in the present day for those who love the truth in sincerity to seek one another out, and to strengthen one another for the great conflict that has incessantly to be waged with the forces of error, of falsehood, and of moral indifference. What can separate any man, against his will, from the love of the truth? And what should separate from one another men who, though differing momentarily in opinion, love the truth with constant and equal devotion?
We find in the March number of the "Canada Educational Monthly," published at Toronto, the following remarks about Dr. Andrew D. White and "The Popular Science Monthly":
"The same number [of 'The Popular Science Monthly'] contains the concluding portion of Dr. Andrew White's article on 'Demoniacal Possession and Insanity.' Dr. Andrew White 'seemeth to be somewhat,' but, we think, many thoughtful readers will say, 'he addeth nothing to me.' Probably the best article in the number, for most of our readers, will be that on 'Natural Science in Elementary Schools.' Sometimes the 'Popular Science' is worth reading carefully, but at other times it is somewhat unsatisfactory, and many of its writers seem to have atheistical tendencies, so that its pages are occasionally disgraced by remarks about Christianity which are too spiteful to be scientific."
Dr. Andrew D. White is what he is, and whatever he "seemeth to be" to the editor of the "Canada Educational Monthly" will not alter the facts. The ex-President of Cornell and our late Minister to Germany does not need that we should sound his praises as a man of wide and accurate knowledge and of philosophic habit of mind. What must have struck every careful reader of his recent articles is, that he handled his subject with the utmost regard for the feelings of those to whom some of his conclusions might have been unwelcome; and it seems proper to remark that, if he "added" nothing else to the editor of the "Canada Educational Monthly," he might have added—had his example been sufficiently heeded—a tone of respect in dealing with the opinions of opponents. It is easier, however, to sneer than to argue, to insinuate than to prove or disprove. If Dr. White has presented his subject in a false light, let the "Canada Educational Monthly" demonstrate the fact. It i§ hard to "add" anything to people who do not want to have anything added to them except, perhaps, an extra layer of prejudice; but, in the way of adding information, that writer does his own full duty who states relevant facts in a lucid and candid manner. If Dr. White has not done this, let his critics show it. We are not responsible for our contributors' opinions; but, in the name of intellectual honesty and literary morality, we protest against such criticism as that quoted from our Toronto contemporary.
As to "The Popular Science Monthly," we have no doubt that our habit of letting the leading thinkers of the world express their opinions through our pages is very distasteful to many who still cling, more or less tenaciously, to the slowly decaying superstitions of the past. But the columns of the "Monthly" will bear witness that these discussions, though in the main outspoken, have always been dignified in tone, and as considerate of the feelings of others as the utmost courtesy can require.
"The Popular Science Monthly" endeavors to represent the scientific culture of the age in all its fullness and variety; and it is happy to know that, in doing so, it has the sympathy and support of a very wide circle of readers, including most of the prominent edu-