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tions. A large increase is shown in manufactures of tobacco and collections therefrom, while the manufacture of spirits decreased during the year by 7,552,193 gallons, the decrease being wholly in whiskies and high-wines. A large and valuable portion of the report deals with butter substitutes, and the laws and regulations of different countries respecting them and adulterations. The commissioner also publishes, as a separate document, the Regulations for the Analysis of Foods and Drugs in the District of Columbia; to which is appended a list of substances that are dangerous or that are harmless when present in foods. Bibliographies accompany both pamphlets.

With the new year several new periodicals have come into being and invite attention. The Cumberland Presbyterian Review is a quarterly publication, devoted to theology and the discussion of current religious, literary, and scientific topics, and questions connected with church work and moral reform. It is edited by J. M. Howard, D. D., and published at Nashville, Tenn., by the Board of Publication of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Among the articles we note those of President A. B. Miller, on the "Physical Basis of Moral Reform"; Prof. Hinds, on "Charles Darwin"; Prof. Tigert, on "Our Senses, how we use them, and what they tell us"; and T. M. Hurst, on the "Decay of Christian Citizenship," as probably most likely to interest our readers. The Collegian is a monthly, devoted to the interests of undergraduates, edited by Samuel Abbott, and published at Boston under the auspices of the Intercollegiate Press Association. It aims to be the central organ of our four hundred and fifty or more colleges, with their more than one hundred and eight thousand students; and is to be, except for the "special paper," the work of undergraduates. The paper, "A Worker in Stone," in the first number, is a truly scientific study of Indian relics. Another paper claiming attention is a symposium, or collection of letters on "The Influence of Athletics upon the Curriculum." Germania is a fortnightly journal for the study of the German language and literature, edited and published by A. W. Spanhoofd, at Manchester, N. H. It will attempt to teach the language and to acquaint its readers with the best of German literature by publishing graded reading exercises and selections from the representative authors. The Educator, W. H. Smith, editor, Buffalo, monthly, September to June, will undertake to give to persons in schools knowledge of what is going on in the world; of affairs of the State and nation, scientific adventures and discoveries, and the good in literature. Pp. 16, $1 a year. Electric Power, R. W. Pope and G. H. Stockbridge, editors (Electric Power Publishing Company, New York), is devoted to the interests of the electric railway, and of the transmission of power by electricity for industrial purposes. Monthly. Pp. 24, $3 a year. The Business Woman's Journal, Mary F. Seymour, editor and publisher. New York, is a monthly devoted to the interests of all women, especially of those engaged in active pursuits. It believes that women may succeed in every sphere of life, and will advocate the recognition of their right to have their success acknowledged; "will be the organ of no special reform, but of all," and "will look at the woman's side of every question." Pp. 24, $1 a year.

President G. Stanley Hall's American Journal of Psychology, now in its second volume, well carries out the high purpose with which it started. In the latest number, Prof. Sanford gives a study of the "Personal Equation," including the history of the observations and the results of the investigations that have been made on the subject; Dr. W. H. Burnham considers the "Memory" from the historical and experimental points of view; and Mrs. Putnam-Jacobi discusses "The Place for the Study of Language in a Curriculum of Education." In the notices in "Psychological Literature," which include many titles, works and papers on the nervous system are reviewed by Prof. Donaldson, and those in the experimental field by Prof. Jastrow. $5 a year.

The Harvard Law Review, monthly, is published by students of the Harvard Law School, with George R. Nutter as chief of the editorial board. The numbers for October and November, 1888, contain an essay by Mr. Samuel Williston on the "History of the Law of Business Corporations before 1800," which received the prize offered by the Harvard Law School Association—a prize which has the promise of becoming an an-

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