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ton: Ginn & Co.—Notes on Horned Mammals, etc. Pp. 8.

Sluys, A. Manual Training in Elementary Schools for Boys. New York: Industrial Education Association. Pp. 37. 20 cents.

Smith, D. T. The Philosophy of Memory Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton & Co. Pp. 89.

Smith, D. T., Editor. "The Educator." Monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 16. Buffalo, N.Y. $1 a year.

Spanhoofd, A. W., Editor. "Germania." A Fortnightly Journal for the Study of German. Manchester, N. H. Band I, Nummer 1. Pp. 16. 15 cents. $3 a year.

Stevens, C. A. Living Matter: Its Cycle of Growth and Decline in Animal Organism? Norway Lake, Me: The Laboratory Company. Pp. 107.

United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Report for 1887-'88. Pp. 123.—Regulations concerning Analysis of Foods and Drugs in the District of Columbia. Pp 31. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

Van der Smissen, W. H., and Fraser. W. H. The High-School German Grammar. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 453. $1.50.

White, Horatio Stevens. Lessing: Ausgewãhlte Prosa und Briefe (Selected Prose and Letters) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 236. $1.

Von Klein, C. H., Dayton, Ohio. Address on Rhinology. Pp. 12.

Williams, Albert. Useful Minerals of the United States. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 124.

Wood, Henry. The Relations of Corporate Shareholders to the Management, Legislation, and the Public. Boston: W. B. Clarke & Co. Pp. 10. 50 cents a dozen; $3.50 per 100.

Young, Charles A. A Text-Book of General Astronomy. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp 557. $2.40.

Calendars. Smith & Anthony Stone Company, Boston, Mass.—The "Don't Forget It" Calendar, Daily Record, and Blotter. New York: E. B. Treat. Price, 20 cents.—New York: Hanover Fire Insurance Co.—Gurney Hot Water Heater, Boston.


M. Chevreul's New-Year's-Day.—M. Chevreul, who was a hundred and two years old on the 31st of August last, had a happy New-Year. According to an authentic account of his present daily life, given in "La Nature," he awakes at five o'clock in the morning, and is served a few minutes afterward with a warm broth, which he takes with a relish. While resting in bed he reads the papers, and then receives a few visits, particularly one from his preparateur, M. Arnaud. At eleven o'clock, still in bed, he takes a plentiful breakfast of soup, meat, and café au lait, with much bread and butter. At one he rises, dresses, and is ready to take the air for two hours. Conducted by his faithful coachman, Joseph, who has been in his service for twenty years, he often drives to the Monceau Park; but his favorite excursion is to the Eiffel Tower. Returning at five o'clock, he takes a glass of milk and goes to bed. He dines in bed at seven o'clock, with a good appetite, drinking nothing but water. After dinner, he sleeps soundly; and when M. Arnaud asks him in the morning, as he always does, if he has enjoyed a good night's rest, he replies that he has never had any other kind. M. Chevreul is living with his son, and enjoys the devoted and intelligent care of his old servant Denise, who has been with him for fifty years.

The Australasian Association.—The first meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science was held at Sydney, beginning August 28th, under the presidency of Prof. Black. About eight hundred and fifty members were present, and one hundred and ten papers were sent in. One of the topics discussed in the presidential address was the place of chemistry in education. The accounts of the sectional meetings are scanty. We find mentioned in the Chemical Section, the papers of Mr. Dixon, on "The Formation of Coal," in which the different qualities of the mineral were ascribed to different kinds of vegetable matter of which it is composed; of Mr. Smith, on "Butterine," which was well spoken of; of Mr. Mingaye, on the "Discovery of Tellurium in Certain Bismuth Ores" in New South Wales; of Mr. Edgar Hall, on "Silver Smelting," etc., which was exceedingly well received; of Mr. W. Skey and Mr. Don on "Gold" in the Australian reefs; and of Mr. J. H. Maiden, on the "Chemistry of Indigenous Australian Products." The formation of this association was suggested in 1879, begun in 1884, and completed at this meeting, which was held in connection with the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the colony of New South Wales; and was most actively promoted by Prof. Liversidge. The scheme of its organization has been so arranged as to make it truly representative of all the Australian colonies. Each learned or scientific society may have one representative in the Council for every hundred of its members. The Presidents of the Royal Societies of the several colonies are among the vice-presidents. The presidents of sections were all selected from other colonies than New South Wales, while the secretaries were, of course, residents of the place of meeting, Sydney. It is understood that the meetings are to be held in rotation

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