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Buller, Sir Walter L. Catalogue of the Collection of New Zealand Birds. London: E. A. Petherick & Co. Pp. 96.

Carrington, Henry B., U. S. A. Patriotic Reader. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 595. $120.

Cams, Paul. The Idea of God. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 26. 15 cts.

Compayré, Gabriel. Lectures on Pedagogy. Translated by W. H. Payne. Boston: D.C. Heath & Co. Pp. 491.

Cook, George II.. State Geologist. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Final Report. Vol. I. Trenton. Pp. 439.

Crothers, T. H., M.D. , Hartford. Conn. Inebriate Asylums and their Work. Pp. 16.

Darling, Charles W., Utica, N. T. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York, with Chronological Data. Privately printed. Pp. 4:3.

Day, David T. Mineral Resources of the United States. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 832.

Dewey, Melvil. Columbia College Library. Annual Report of the Librarian, etc. Pp. 31.

A Dreamer. The Dream of Love and Fire. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. Pp. 42, with Plates.

Dryer, Lieutenant G. L. Annual Report of the Hydrographer of the Navy Department. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 59.

Foster, Michael, and others. "The Journal of Physiology." Vol. IX, No. 4. Cambridge, England. Pp. 112. $5 a volume.

Grossmann, Rabbi Louis. Some Chapters on Judaism and the Science of Religion. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 190.

Hall. Thomas Wright. A Correlation Theory of Chemical Action and Affinity. London: Remington & Co. Pp. 360.

Hanis, H. R. Report of the Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 115.

Harvard College Observatory Annals. Detection of New Nebulæ by Photography. Pp. 5.

Hydrographic Office, Navy Department. Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, December, 1888, and January, 1889.

Julien, Alexis A. The Dunyte Beds of North Carolina. Pp. 10. Genesis of the Crystalline Iron-Ores. Pp. 10. Volcanic Tuffs of Challis, Idaho, etc. Pp. 10. Glaciation of Shawangunk Mountain, N. T. Pp. 8. Geology of Great Barrington, Mass. Pp. 20. Microscopical Structure of Iron Pyrites. Pp. 12. The Sealed Flasks of Crystal. Pp. 14. Decay of the Building-Stones of New York City. Pp. 32. Variation of Decomposition of Iron Pyrites. Pp. 140, with Plates.

Keen, W. W., M.D., Philadelphia. Explanatory Trephining and Puncture of the Brain.

Konsuetzoff's Patent Naphtha Gas. St. Petersburg.

Le Conte, John. Vital Statistics and the True Coefficient of Mortality illustrated by Cancer. Pp. 19. Lindley. Walter, M. D. Extremes in Altitude in Southern California. Pp. 12.

Lintner. J. A., State Entomologist. Cutworms. Pp. 36. The White Grub of the May Beetle. Pp. 31. McNutt, W. F., M. D. Mineral and Thermal Springs of California. San Francisco. Pp. 10.

Mantegazza, Paolo. Testa: A Book for Boys. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 258. $1.25.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Twenty-fourth Annual Catalogue. Boston. Pp. 184.

Mayo, Rev. A. D. Industrial Education in the South. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 86.

Molloy, Gerald. Gleanings in Science. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 352. $2.25.

Moss, Oscar B. Beauty, Health, and Strength for Every Woman. Ann Arbor, Mich. Pp. 3*6.

Montelius, Oscar, Ph.D. The Civilization of Sweden in Heathen Times London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 214. $4.

Museum. U. S. National. Proceedings, 1887. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 771, with Plates.

Nason, Frank L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen & Sons. Pp. 24.

New Hampshire Medical Society. Transactions, Session of 1888. Concord. Pp. 182.

New York Agricultural Experiment Station-Chemical Composition of some Feeding-Stuffs. Pp. 32.

Nuttall, Zelia. A Historical Essay on a Relic of Ancient Mexico. Pp. 52, with Three Colored Plates, Oliver, Charles A.. Philadelphia. Double Chorio-retinitis, etc. Pp. 6, with Two Colored Plates.

Pickering. Edward C. Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 11.

Pinkham, Henry M. The Lake Superior Copper Properties. Boston. Pp. 102, with Map.

Pope Manufacturing Company, Boston. Columbia Bicycle Calendar for 1889.

Ruskin, John. Sesame and Lilies. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 305, with Portrait. $1.

Sanders. P. Patent System for cleansing Towns by Hydraulic Pressure. St. Petersburg, Russia. Pp. 11, with Plates.

Searle, Arthur. Atmospheric Economy of Solar Radiation. Pp. 4.

Smith, Charles Sprague. The American University. Pp. 31.

Strauss, Charles T. Translator. Spelin, a Universal Language. By Prof George Bauer, of Agram, Austria. New York. Pp. 28.

Sunderland, Rev. J. T. A Ministry in a College Town. Ann Arbor, Mich. Pp. 16.

Swift, Morrison I. What shall be done with Trusts? Pp. 13.

Talmage, James E. First Book of Nature. Salt Lake City: The Contributor Company. Pp. 265.

Thomas, Cyrus. Burial Mounds of the Northern Section of the United States. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 120.

Todd, David P. Instructions for Observing the Total Eclipse of the Sun, January 1, 1889. Amherst, Mass., Observatory. Pp. 14, with Plate.

"Truth-Seeker Annual and Freethinker's Almanac for 1889." New York: Truth-Seeker Office. Pp. 124. 25 cents.

Washburn, L. K. Was Jesus insane? New York: Truth-Seeker Company. Pp. 20. 10 cents.

Whitman. C. O., and Allis, E. P. "Journal of Morphology," Vol. II, No. 2. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 150, with Plates.


Faults of City Schools.—In his recent annual report on the public instruction of the State of New York, Superintendent Draper, after mentioning the first-class appliances for education employed in the cities and larger villages of the State, the systematic arrangements and competent superintendence found there, goes on to show the deficiencies of the city schools as follows: "Yet school-work in great cities is encompassed with innumerable perplexities. The conditions of life among the people are

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