non-partisan and largely professional, were in control throughout our first year. But the rebels were enfranchised, and reaction at once set in. The State Board was abolished, and a local board created, by its very constitution hostile to ideas.
Naturally, personal and sectarian interests would find expression. Members of the local board could see no reason for holding the office, when their functions were restricted to paying over money into the hands of Yankees, to be largely spent in the East during vacation.
Of the special influences that finally brought our experiments to a close it is unnecessary to speak in detail. Suffice it to say that our chief opponent stood before the people as a representative of wealth, and as the most prominent supporter of all religious enterprises. But below the sanctimonious exterior were the predatory instincts of the barbarian. His betrayal of trusts, his flight from outraged justice, his disappearance in the wilds of the Far West, his discovery at a lonely wayside inn, on a road leading to a mining-camp, prostrated by illness, without help, and hunted to the grave by detectives, afford a spectacle so gloomy that even retributive justice is shocked at the recital.
Recent experiments, introducing as we did the constructive arts as a means of expression, have again demonstrated their educational value; and I am persuaded that some time in the future the scientific method, with its freedom from arbitrary restraints, its ethical aims and accomplishment, will in its completeness take control of our leading educational institutions.
By Prof. G. A. DAUBRÉE.
EVIDENTLY different actions from those which engendered the metalliferous deposits have propagated themselves through considerable masses, and have impressed a peculiar stamp upon them. The rocks that have been marked by such actions exhibit at once the characteristics of the sedimentary rocks and some of those of the eruptive rocks. While retaining the stratified disposition which they owe to their sedimentary origin, they are often studded with crystalline and anhydrous silicates, which they would not have contained if they had continued in their normal state. These rocks, of a somewhat mixed nature, are called metamorphic, a term given in allusion to the changes which they have undergone since they were deposited, and to which they owe their present appearance.