adapted, together with directions and diagrams for laying out ornamental grounds, kitchen-gardens, and orchards. The revision of the book comprised the modifying of the estimates of cost to agree with changed prices of labor and materials, the substitution of new lists of plants and trees for those formerly given, together with the additions of twelve new designs for buildings some further hints on gardens and grounds and remarks on the employment of architects and contractors.
Manual of Clinical Diagnosis. By Otto Seifert and Friedrich Müller. Translated from the third (revised) edition by William B. Canfield. With Sixty Illustrations. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 173. Price, $1.25.
This manual comprises concise directions for the various clinical examinations which yield the data for medical diagnosis. It contains, also, facts and figures which the physician should always have available, yet which are too numerous to be remembered correctly, and too widely scattered through books and periodicals to be readily referred to. The favor with which the book has been received in Germany has led to this translation.
An extended and richly illustrated work on "The Fishes of North America" is announced by Mr. William C. Harris, editor of the "American Angler," who has spent five years in collecting the material for it. Many months of this time were spent on selected fishing waters, with a skilled artist in company with the author, who, working upon the shore or in the stern of the boat, painted the portraits of the specimens immediately after they were caught, while the lively coloring and evanescent sheen were still upon them. The portraits are given in an upright position, as in the act of swimming, with all the markings, even to the exact number of spines in the fins, faithfully reproduced. The publication will be issued in monthly parts, with pages twelve by seventeen inches in size, which will contain each: Two portraits of fishes, colored as in life; scientific classification and description; local names and habitat; when and where caught; method of capture; tackle and lures used; and striking incidents of capture. The work will be issued in forty parts, containing the portraits, etc., of eighty fishes. Price, $1.50 a number.
Wilde, Oscar. Editor. The Woman's World. Monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. December, 1887. London and New York; Cassell & Co. Pp. 48. 85 cents, $3.50 a year.
Shufeldt, Dr. R. W.. U. S. A. On a Collection of Birds' Sterna and Skulls, by Dr. Thomas H. Streets, U. S. N. Pp. 12.
Greene, W. L. & Co., Boston. "The Congregationalist" Manual, for 1888. Pp. 40.
Mills, T. Wesley, Montreal. A Physiological Basis for an Improved Cardiac Pathology. Pp. 23.
United States Navy Department Hydrographic Office. Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. Monthly. December, 1887. Maritime Exchange, Hanover Street, New York.
Loisette, Professor A. New York. Loisettian School of Memory. Pp. 80.
Bradley, Elisabeth N. L'Iodisme (Iodism). Paris: G. Steinheil. Pp. 168.
Imperial University of Japan. Journal of the College of Science. Vol. I, Part IV. Tokyo, Japan. Pp. 48, with Plates.
Adams, Herbert B. Seminary Libraries and University Extension. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 33. 25 cents.
Le Baron, M. The Germinal Aureac Theory. Pp. 16.
Peierce, C. N., Philadelphia. The Deciduous Teeth; their Eruption and Removal. Pp. 12.
Nichols, Edward L., and Franklin, W. S. On the Destruction of the Passivity of Iron in Nitric Acid by Magnetization. Pp. 9.
The American Geologist. Vol. I, No. I. January, 1888. Minneapolis, Minn. Pp. 68. 35 cents, $3 a year.
Cattel, James McKeen, Leipsic, Germany. The Time taken up by Cerebral Operations. Pp. 22. The Inertia of the Eye and Brain. Pp. 20.
Foster, Michael and others, editors. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. VIII, No. 6, December, 1887. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company's Works. Pp. 100 + viii, with Plates. $5 a volume.
Pope Manufacturing Company. Boston, The Columbia Bicycling Calendar Pad for 18888.
Stark, E. D. Nature of Value, with Criticisms of Current Opinions on the Monty Question. Cleveland. Ohio. Pp. 12.
Tiliinghast, Isaac F. How to Grow Cabbage and Celery. Pp. 32. 20 cents.
Upham, Warren. The Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 84.
Averell, William D. . Editor. Philadelphia. The Conchologists' Exchange. Monthly. November, 1887. Pp. 16. 5 cents, 50 cents a year.
Lockyer, J. Norman. Outlines of Physiography. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 130. 60 cents.
Whitman, C. O. . and Allis, Edward Phelps, Jr. Journal of Morphology. Vol. I, No. I. September, 1887. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 226, with Plates.
Dolbear, Professor E. A. The Art of Projecting. A Manual of Experimentation in Physics, Chemistry, and Natural History, with the Porte Lumière and Magic Lantern. Boston: Lee & Shepard. New York: Charles T. Dillingham. Pp. 178.
Binet, Alfred and Féré, Charles. Animal Magnetism. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 378.